"Sotva existuje ve fyzice jednodušší zákon než ten, dle něhož se šíří světlo v prázdném prostoru. Každý školák ví nebo věří, že ví, že toto šíření se děje přímočaře rychlostí c = 300 000 km.s-1. Víme rozhodně s velkou exaktností, že tato rychlost jest pro všechny barvy stejná; neboť kdyby tomu tak nebylo, tu by při zakrytí nějaké stálice její temnou oběžnicí nebylo pro různé barvy emisní minimum současně pozorováno. Podobnou úvahou, vztahující se na dvojhvězdy, mohl hollandský astronom de Sitter ukázati, že rychlost šíření se světla nemůže záviseti na rychlosti tělesa světlo vysílajícího. Domněnka, že tato rychlost závisí na směru "v prostoru", jest sama o sobě málo pravděpodobná." (Albert Einstein [1])
"Světlo si myslí, že dokáže cestovat rychleji než cokoliv jiného, ale to se mýlí. I kdyby dokázalo cestovat seberychleji, kamkoliv dorazí, všude najde tmu, která tam byla dřív a už na něj čeká." (Terry Pratchett [2]), This article describes some important measurements of the speed of light from the days of Galileo to the determination of its value by definiton in 1983. We discuss the position of this fundamental constant of nature as the speed limit for information and energy within the framework of the special theory of relativity., Lukáš Richterek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Úvod: Popis a hodnocení úrovně a struktury individuální schopnosti vědomě monitorovat své vnitřní stavy a verbálně/kognitivně strukturovat svou emoční zkušenost představují jednu z klíčových oblastí neuropsychiatrické a neuropsychologické diagnostiky ať už v běžné klinické praxi nebo i v oblasti neurovědeckého výzkumu. Škála úrovně emočního uvědomění (Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale; LEAS) představuje jedinečný diagnostický a výzkumný nástroj, který svou formou přesahuje možnosti běžně používaných dotazníkových metod v této oblasti. Cíl: Cílem článku je referovat o prvních zkušenostech s překladem této škály v našich podmínkách, popsat psychologickou teorii, která stojí v pozadí tohoto nástroje, a prezentovat výsledky psychometrických vlastností tohoto diagnostického a výzkumného nástroje. Soubor a metodika: Škála byla přeložena metodou „forward‑backward translation“. Výběrový soubor sestával z 207 žen, které aktuálně studují na vysoké škole anebo v nedávné době toto studium dokončily (průměrný věk 22,4 ? 2,4). Výsledky: Analýza doložila velmi dobrou intratestovou homogenitu škály LEAS (Celková α = 0,87; Vlastní α = 0,76; Druzí α = 0,78) a její reliabilitu (reliabilita paralelních forem LEAS A a B: Celková 0,82; Vlastní 0,77; Druzí 0,78).Průměrné výsledné hodnoty jednotlivých subškál LEAS: Celková 61,4 ? 8,5; Vlastní 51,7 ? 9,2; Druzí 44,4 ? 10,6. Závěr: Česká verze škály měřící úroveň a strukturu emočního uvědomění LEAS představuje jedinečnou a originální metodu s velmi dobrými psychometrickými vlastnostmi, srovnatelnými s výsledky jiných autorů v této oblasti. Metoda je tedy připravená pro použití v běžné klinické praxi a stejně tak pro výzkum v oblasti afektivních neurověd., Introduction: Measurement of emotional awareness structure and its developmental level represents one of the key areas of neuropsychiatry and neuropsychology diagnostics in routine clinical practice or in affective neuroscience research. Level of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS) is a unique psychodiagnostic and research tool that is beyond the capabilities of commonly used questionnaires in this area. Aim: The aim of the present paper is to report the first experience with the Czech translation of the scale, to describe the psychological theory behind this tool and to present psychometric properties of the Czech LEAS adaptation. Methods: The LEAS was translated into Czech using the forward-backward translation method. Complete data were obtained from 207 Masaryk university women students (age: 22.4 ? 2.4). Results: Internal consistency analyses of the LEAS showed high intra-test homogeneity (Total α = 0.87; Self α = 0.76; Others α = 0.78). Reliability analysis of the LEAS parallel forms A and B has also shown good stability of the measure across time (Total 0.80; Self 0.77; Others 0.78). The mean values for the LEAS subscales were: Total 61.4 ? 8.5; Self 51.7 ? 9.2; Others 44.4 ? 10.6. Conclusions: The Czech adaptation of the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale shows very good psychometric properties that support its use in clinical and scientific practice. Implications for clinical and research contexts are discussed. Key words: emotional awareness – Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale – emotion dysregulation psychosomatic disorders – functional disorders The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and M. Světlák, T. Bernátová, E. Pavlíková, L. Winklerová
Saul Perlmutter ; přeložil Ivan Gregora.., V názvu v Alephu uvedena chyba - ve slově zrychlování - v Alephu chybně "zrychlení", and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The aim of this paper is to show time-de pendent baseline variation between GPS stations situated in South-East Poland. This study was based on daily data analysis of selected GPS stations: WROC, GOPE, MOPI, KRAW and KATO. The start date o f the analysis is linked at every station with the beginning of its operation and the closing date of the operation is in 2006. The multiresolution signal decomposition method has been used to analyze the periodic terms of the time series of the above. The estimated trends enable further coordinate analysis as well as determination of site displacements at the study area., Mariusz Figurski, Krzysztof Kroszczyński, Paweł Kamiński and Marcin Gałuszkiewicz., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Although the mutations in MC4R gene became known as the most common genetic cause of human obesity, the effect of rs12970134 A/G near MC4R gene on insulin resistance has been described. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of rs12970134 on obesity, hormone levels, and glucose metabolism in a cohort of women varying in glucose tolerance: 850 normoglycemic women, 423 diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 402 gestational diabetics (GDM), and 250 type 2 diabetic (T2D) women. We did not confirm the explicit effect of rs12970134 on obesity. However, the influence of the A-allele on body adiposity index was observed in a cohort of women diagnosed with PCOS. In normoglycemic women, the A-allele carriership was associated with lower fasting levels of glucose, insulin, C-peptide, and index of insulin resistance. Furthermore, higher levels of growth hormone, leptin and SHBG, and lower levels of fT3, testosterone, and androstenedione were recorded in normoglycemic A-allele carriers. In conclusion, the study presents the evidence of the impact of rs12970134 on complex hypothalamic regulations., O. Bradnová, D. Vejražková, M. Vaňková, P. Lukášová, J. Včelák, S. stanická, K. Dvořáková, B. Bendlová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Lipid and glycogen reserves were found to decrease when the adult Trichuris globulosa was to starve by incubation in vitro. Changes in acylglycerols (AG), non-csterified fatty acids (ΝΕΡΆ), cholesterol (Choi), phospholipids (PL) and glycogen were observed. Λ marginal depletion in phospholipids was observed while NEFA, AG, Choi and glycogen were rapidly depleted. Neutral glycolipids (cerebrosidcs) showed no significant change. The adult Trichuris globulosa was able to oxidize absorbed U- C-glucose, (Na)-l-t4C-acetate and (Na)-l-l4C-palmitate to CO2.
This review article summarizes the problems of metabolic disorders and nutrition imbalances that often occur in chronic kidney failure (CKF) or following regular dialysis treatment. In this survey, we cover the pathogenesis of these disorders, their clinical consequences, and their association with the most severe complications of chronic kidney failure and dialysis treatment. These complications are primarily at herosclerosis, malnutrition, anemia, hyperparathyroidism, and other serious problems that markedly and negatively affect prognosis and the quality of life of uremic patients. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease are discussed in-depth because cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in patients with chronic kidney failure. It is important to pay attention to the development of these complications because early diagnosis and therapy can improve the prognosis for these patients and reduce treatment costs., R. Cibulka, J. Racek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
b1_Rats with diabetes induced by streptozotocin (STZ) and nicotinamide (NA) are often used in animal studies concerning various aspects of diabetes. In this experimental model, the severity of diabetes is different depending on doses of STZ and NA. Moreover, diabetic changes in rats with STZ-NA-induced diabetes are not fully characte rized. In our present study, metabolic changes and insulin secretion were investigated in rats with diabetes induced by administration of 60 mg of STZ and 90 mg of NA per kg body weight. Four to six weeks after diabetes induction, insulin, glucagon and some metabolic parameters were determined to evaluate the severity of diabetes. Moreover, insulin secretory capacity of pancreatic islets isolated from control and diabetic rats was compared. It was demonstrated that admi nistration of 60 mg of STZ and 90 mg of NA per kg body weight induced relatively mild diabetes, since insulin, glucagon an d other analyzed parameters were only slightly affected in diabetic rats compared with control animals. In vitro studies revealed that insulin secretory response was preserved in pancreatic islets of diabetic rats, however, was lower than in islets of control animals. This effect was observed in the presence of different stimuli. Insulin secretion induced by 6.7 and 16.7 mmol/l glucose was moderately reduced in islets of diabetic rats compared with control islets. In the presence of leucine with glutamine, insulin secretion appeared to be also decreased in islets of rats with STZ-NA-induced diabetes. Insulinotropic action of 6.7 mmol/l glucose with forskolin was also deteriorated in diabetic islets. Moreover, it was demonstrated that at a non-stimulatory glucose, pharmacological depolarization of plasma membrane with a concomit ant activation of protein kinase C evoked significant rise in insulin release in islets of control and diabetic rats., b2_However, in diabetic islets, this effect was attenuated. These results indicate that impairment in insulin secretion in pancreatic islets of rats with mild diabetes induced by STZ and NA result s from both metabolic and nonmetabolic disturbances in these islets., T. Szkudelski, A. Zywert, K. Szkudelska., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
In view of the extremely high metabolic rates involved, insect flight offers a fascinating model system for studying metabolism during exercise, including its regulation by metabolic neurohormones. In our laboratory the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, well-known for its long-distance flights, is used as an internationally recognized model insect. The insect is mass-reared under controlled conditions; its size permits convenient handling in vivo and in vitro, while flight activity can be easily evoked. In addition, research on this pest insect may be of economical importance.
A survey of the energy metabolism during locust flight is presented in Fig. 1. Flight activity stimulates the neurosecretory adipokinetic cells in the glandular lobes of the corpus cardiacum, a neuroendocrine gland connected with the insect brain, to release peptide neurohormones, the adipokinetic hormones (AKHs). The target for these hormones is the fat body. Via signal transduction processes, the action of the hormones ultimately results in the mobilization of both carbohydrate and lipid reserves as fuels for flight. Carbohydrate (trehalose) is mobilized from glycogen reserves, implying hormonal activation of the key enzyme, fat body glycogen phosphorylase, by phosphorylation. Similarly, on the lipid side, sn-1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) is mobilized from stored triacylglycerol (TAG), by hormonal activation of the fat body TAG lipase. The carbohydrate and lipid substrates are transported in the hemolymph to the contracting flight muscles. Carbohydrate provides most of the energy for the initial period of flight, whereas at a later stage, lipid substrate in the blood is increased and gradually takes over. The transport of DAG requires specific lipoprotein carriers (lipophorins) which differ in several respects from the lipoproteins in mammals, and act as a lipid shuttle.
This review is focused on three interrelated topics, covering recent data on the biosynthesis and release of the AKHs, their signal transduction mechanisms in the fat body cells, and the changes in the lipophorin system induced by the AKHs during flight., Dick J. Van Der Horst, Wil J.A. Van Marrewijk, Henk G.B. Vullings, Jacques H.B. Diederen, and Lit
n our study, 213 healthy Czech women aged 20 to 65 years were examined and divided into fully reproductive, premenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal groups. In all subjects body composition was determined by classical anthropometry and metabolic profile was assessed. A total of 146 subjects completed 3-year longitudinal study. Total and LDL cholesterol increased and ratio HDL/total cholesterol decreased with age (p<0.001), most significantly in menopause. Triacylglycerols increased only up to menopause. HDL had a very slight trend to decrease in menopause and postmenopause. Fasting blood glucose level increased progressively (p<0.001), in postmenopause frequently exceeded normal range. Higher BMI, total fat mass and central fat indices were associated with higher total and LDL cholesterol, triacylglycerols, C-peptide, insulin and fasting blood glucose level (p<0.001; fasting blood glucose level to waist-to-hip ratio: p<0.01) and lower HDL cholesterol (p<0.001). Higher C-peptide and insulin were associated with lower HDL cholesterol and higher triacylglycerols (p<0.001). Fasting glucose correlated with LD L cholesterol (p<0.01). Higher SHBG was associated with higher HDL and lower LDL cholesterol (p<0.001). Hormone replacement treatment was related to lower fasting blood glucose level in postmenopausal women (p<0.01). Oral contraception is suggestive of a positive influence on lipid spectrum by increasing the ratio HDL/total cholesterol. Markers of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism are not only age-related, but they are also related to BMI, total fat mass and central fat indices. Therefore, preventive programs should be focused above all on menopausal women., I. Kosková, R. Petrásek, K. Vondra, M. Dušková, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii