Women with a positive history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) face a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome later in life. The higher risk of these metabolic complications is closely associated with adipose tissue. In this review, the importance of adipose tissue is discussed in relation to GDM, focusing on both the quantity of fat deposits and the metabolic activity of adipose tissue in particular periods of life: neonatal age, childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy followed by nursing. Preventive measures based on body composition and lifestyle habits with special attention to the beneficial effects of breastfeeding are also discussed., D. Vejrazkova, M. Vankova, P. Lukasova, J. Vcelak, V. Cirmanova, M. Haluzik, B. Bendlova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The text is focused primarily on the concept of informed consumers in the Czech law. We do not aim to cover exhaustively the whole field. The main target of the article is to introduce specific questions which are connected to such a topic. In the beginning we primarily introduce general characteristics of the informed consumer, then we analyse pre-contractual information obligation and the demands focused on the transparency. As the position of the consumer is weaker than the position of the entrepreneur, misleading commercial practices and unfair contract terms are examined as well. The text is then focused on sector specific rules, such as in the area of financial services and on the aspects of the digital consumer. Throughout the text, some problematic aspects of Czech regulation or inappropriate implementation of European legislation are mentioned as well. The aim of the article is to introduce national specifics within abovementioned areas and to analyse relevant questions of consumer protection connected with information duty of the entrepreneurs., Markéta Selucká, Iva Šťavíková Řezníčková, Pavel Loutocký., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Diabetes mellitus postihuje přibližně 4 % žen, u kterých v průběhu života dochází k interakci diabetu, jeho léčby a přirozených změn pohlavních hormonů (dětství, puberta, reprodukční období, gravidita, klimakterium). Přehledový článek shrnuje dosud publikovanou literaturu ke vzájemnému vztahu diabetu a pohlavního vývoje u žen., Approximately 4 % of female population suffers from diabetes. A permanent interaction between diabetes, its treatment and sex hormonal changes (childhood, puberty, reproduction, pregnancy, menopause) occurs in those women. This review article summarizes up to date published studies concerning reciprocal relationship between diabetes and sexual development in women., and Ludmila Brunerová, Jan Brož
Diabetes mellitus postihuje přibližně 4 % žen, u kterých v průběhu života dochází k interakci diabetu, jeho léčby a přirozených změn pohlavních hormonů (dětství, puberta, reprodukční období, gravidita, klimakterium). Přehledový článek shrnuje dosud publikovanou literaturu ke vzájemnému vztahu diabetu a pohlavního vývoje u žen. Klíčová slova: diabetes mellitus – gestace – hormonální kontracepce – hyperandrogenizmus – menopauza – pohlavní hormony – puberta, Approximately 4 % of female population suffers from diabetes. A permanent interaction between diabetes, its treatment and sex hormonal changes (childhood, puberty, reproduction, pregnancy, menopause) occurs in those women. This review article summarizes up to date published studies concerning reciprocal relationship between diabetes and sexual development in women. Key words: diabetes mellitus – gestation – hormonal contraceptive – hyperandrogenism – menopause – puberty – sex hormones, and Ludmila Brunerová, Jan Brož
Syndrom HELLP velmi závažná a život ohrožující komplikace, která je přímo vázána na těhotenství. Projevuje se nejčastěji bolestmi v pravém podžebří, bolestmi hlavy, neklidem ženy, nauzeou a typickými laboratorními nálezy. Práce popisuje případ rodičky po císařském řezu ve 38. týdnu gravidity pro HELLP-syndrom z pohledu ošetřovatelské péče. Klíčová slova: bolest – HELLP-syndrom – ošetřovatelská intenzivní péče, HELLP-syndrome is a serious and life-threatening complication during pregnancy and postpartum. It manifests itself most often pain in the right upper quadrant tenderness, headache, restlessness women, nausea and typical laboratory findings. The work describes the case of mothers after caesarean section at 38 weeks gestation for HELLP-syndrome and nursing care. Key words: HELLP-syndrome – nursing intensive care – pain, and Jana Šálková, Yvetta Vrublová
Artériová hypertenzia je chronické ochorenie, ktoré predstavuje významný rizikový faktor pre ďalšie poškodenie kardiovaskulárneho systému. Nedostatočná kontrola vysokého krvného tlaku je spojená s rozvojom orgánového poškodenia a nárastom kardiovaskulárnej mortality a morbidity s nepriaznivou prognózou. Využitím ambulantného monitorovania krvného tlaku (AMTK) možno optimalizovať celkový manažment pacientov i staršieho veku, v ktorom prevalencia artériovej hypertenzie je obzvlášť vysoká. Kľúčové slová: ambulantné monitorovanie krvného tlaku (AMTK) – diurnálny index – chronofarmakologické aspekty – kardiometabolické rizikové faktory – manažment artériovej hypertenzie, Arterial hypertension is a chronic disease which represents a major risk factor for damage of cardiovascular system. Insufficient control of elevated blood pressure is associated with the development of target organ damage, increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality with a adverse prognostic value. Using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) we can improve the overall management of elderly patients at which the prevalence of arterial hypertension is particularly high. Key words: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) – cardiometabolic risk factors – diurnal index – chronopharmacological aspects – management of arterial hypertension, and Ľudovít Gašpar, Ivan Balažovjech, Boris Krahulec
Let G be a graph of order n and λ(G) the spectral radius of its adjacency matrix. We extend some recent results on sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian paths and cycles in G. One of the main results of the paper is the following theorem Let k \geqslant 2,
n \geqslant k^{3} + k + 4, and let G be a graph of order n, with minimum degree δ(G) \geqslant k. If \lambda \left( G \right) \geqslant n - k - 1, then G has a Hamiltonian cycle, unless G=K_{1}\vee (K_{n-k-1}+K_{k}) or G=K_{k}\vee
(K_{n-2k}+\bar{K}_{k})., Vladimir Nikiforov., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Tématem článku je experimentální výzkum spektrálních vlastností turbulence ve slunečním větru v oblasti přechodu mezi magnetohydrodynamickým (MHD) a kinetickým režimem magnetizovaného plazmatu. Výzkum je založen na měření parametrů plazmatu s vysokým časovým rozlišením, kterého bylo dosaženo přístrojem BMSW (Bright Monitor of Solar Wind) navrženým a vyvinutým na Katedře fyziky povrchů a plazmatu MFF UK v posledních letech. Získané výsledky jsou aplikovatelné nejen na variace meziplanetárního nebo mezihvězdného plazmatu, ale i na plazma ve fúzních systémech., This paper deals with experimental investigations of the spectral properties of solar wind turbulence during transition from magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) to kinetic regimes of a magnetized plasma. The study is based on the measurements of solar wind parameters with very high time resolution, which was achieved using the BMSW instrument designed and developed at the Department of Surface and Plasma Sciences of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague. The results of these investigations can be applied not only for astrophysical plasmas but also for plasmas in fusion systems., Jana Šafránková, Zdeněk Němeček, František Němec, Lubomír Přech., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Předkládáme stručnou informaci o využití polarizačních vlastností světla ve spektroskopické elipsometrii. Ukazujeme příklady aparatur a diskutujeme ilustrativní spektra. Vybíráme několik ukázek aplikací a současných trendů., We provide brief information on the use of light polarisation in spectroscopic ellipsometry. Examples of experimental setups are presented and illustrative spectra are discussed. We also select a few topics in applications and current trends., Josef Humlíček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Spermatozoa of the monogenean Heterocotyle capricornensis Chisholm et Whittington, 1996 are long and filiform, comprising an elongate nucelus, probably a single elongate mitochondrion and two incorporated axonemes, one of which is shifted with respect to the other. The shift results in a region at each end of the sperm where only one axoncmc is present, accompanied by the nucleus and mitochondrion at one end and the nucleus and/or mitochondrion at the other. By taking note of the direction of dyncin arms on the axonemal doublet microtubules, each axoneme is identified and followed from beginning to end. No basal bodies remain in mature sperm but the main nuclear end is interpreted as proximal/anterior based on the final stages of spermiogenesis. A group of four or five cortical microtubules from the spermatid zone of differentiation persists in mature sperm, but is not closely associated with a region of extracellular matrix, as it is in other monocotylids. The sperm structure is compared with that of other monocotylids and the phylogenetic implications are discussed. Aberrant sperms in one individual were folded and fused along much of their length.