Karcinom prostaty je nejčastějším solidním zhoubným nádorem u mužů v řadě vyspělých zemí světa. V naší studii jsme hodnotili schopnost detekovat pravděpodobnost přítomnosti karcinomu prostaty (KP) ve vzorcích lidské moči čichem speciálně trénovaného psa. Definitivní potvrzení KP je vždy nutné ověřit histologicky. Jedním z alternativních biomarkerů, které pes v moči cítí, jsou pak VOC (volatile organic compounds). Předmětem našeho dalšího výzkumu bude zjišťování, na jakou látku v moči pes vlastně reaguje a díky tomu je schopen označit pozitivní vzorek., Prostate cancer is the most common solid malign tumour in men in many developed countries of the world. Our study evaluates the ability to detect the presence of prostate cancer in human urine samples using olfactory cells of specifically trained dog. The definitive confirmation of prostate cancer should be verified histologically. One of the alternative biomarkers that can be detected by the dog are so called volatile organic compounds. In our research we are trying to identify the specific agent in urine, which is detected by the dog and thereby a positive sample is marked, and Vyhnánková V., Pacík D., Urbanová L., Nečas A., Tučková M.
Úvod: Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovať výsledky činnosti transplantačného centra v Košiciach. Metódy: Do transplantačného programu boli zaradení pacienti v kritickom štádiu obličkového zlyhávania. Na transplantáciu obličky bolo indikovaných 457 pacientov. Z metodík bola použitá plastika tepny, našitie tepny samostatne a našitie na spoločnom terčíku. Transplantácia (Tx) obličky vyžaduje predovšetkým techniku cievnej anastomózy - chirurgického spojenia ciev. Výsledky: Transplantácie obličiek sa v Transplantačnom centre Košice realizujú od roku 1988. Plastiku tepny sme vykonali u 22,3 % (102) pacientov. Z toho tepny našité samostatne boli u 5,5 % (25). Na spoločnom terčíku ich bolo 9,4 % (43). V 7,4 % (34) bola plastika realizovaná ako implantácia pólových renálnych artérií do hlavného kmeňa. Záver: Transplantácia obličiek je život zachraňujúca metóda., Introduction: The aim of the study was to analyze own results from Transplant Center Kosice, Slovak Republic. Methods: In total 457 patients in the end-stage renal failure were included to the kidney transplant program. Following techniques were used: arterioplasty, individual renal artery anastomosis and multiple renal arteries anastomosed on a common patch. The kidney transplant (Tx) especially requires surgical technique of a vascular anastomosis. Results: Renal transplantation has been established in Transplant Center Kosice since 1988. The arterioplasty of renal artery was performed in 102 (22.3%) and individual artery anastomosis in 25 (5.5%) patients. Multiple artery anastomosis on the patch was done in 43 (9.4%) and implantation of pole renal arteries to the main trunk performed in 34 (7.4%) cases. Conclusion: Renal transplantation is a lifesaving method in end stage renal failure., and P. Zavacký, Ľ. Beňa, M. Zavacká, M. Frankovičová
Physiologically, leptin concentration is controlled by circadian rhythm. However, in critically ill patients, circadian rhythm is disrupted. Thus we hypothesized that circadian leptin concentration changes are not preserved in critically ill patients. Ten consecutive critically ill heart failure patients with the clinical indication for mechanical ventilation and sedation were included into our study. Plasma leptin concentration was measured every 4 h during the first day (0-24 h) and during the third day (48-72 h) after admission. During the first day, there were significant leptin concentration changes (ANOVA, p<0.05), characterized by an increase in concentration by 44 % (16-58 %); p=0.02 around noon (10 am-2 pm) and then a decrease in concentration by 7 % (1-27 %); p=0.04 in the morning (2 am-6 am). In contrast, there was no significant change in leptin concentration during the third day after admission (ANOVA, p=0.79). Based on our preliminary results, we concluded that in critically ill heart failure patients, the circadian rhythm of plasma leptin concentration seems to be preserved during the first but not during the third day after admission., I. Cundrle Jr., P. Suk, V. Sramek, Z. Lacinova, M. Haluzik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The circadian system controls the timing of behavioral and physiological functions in most organisms studied. The review addresses the question of when and how the molecular clockwork underlying circadian oscillations within the central circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN) and the peripheral circadian clocks develops during ontogenesis. The current model of the molecular clockwork is summarized. The central SCN clock is viewed as a complex structure composed of a web of mutually synchronized individual oscillators. The importance of development of both the intracellular molecular clockwork as well as intercellular coupling for development of the formal properties of the circadian SCN clock is also highlighted. Recently, data has accumulated to demonstrate that synchronized molecular oscillations in the central and peripheral clocks develop gradually during ontogenesis and development extends into postnatal period. Synchronized molecular oscillations develop earlier in the SCN than in the peripheral clocks. A hypothesis is suggested that the immature clocks might be first driven by external entraining cues, and therefore, serve as “slave” oscillators. During ontogenesis, the clocks may gradually develop a complete set of molecular interlocked oscillations, i.e., the molecular clockwork, and become self-sustained clocks., A. Sumová, Z. Bendová, M. Sládek, R. El-Hennamy, K. Matějů, L. Polidarová, S. Sosniyenko, H. Illnerová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Circulating lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), a metabolic endotoxemia marker, was identified as an independent predictor of atherosclerosis. Although increases in carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) were repeatedly reported in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), neither the role of OSA in metabolic endotoxemia nor of LBP in early atherosclerosis were explored in patients with OSA. At a tertiary university hospital we investigated the relationships between OSA, LBP and CIMT in 117 men who underwent full polysomnography and CIMT assessment by B-mode ultrasound. Circulating LBP concentrations and average CIMT increased from patients without OSA to those with mild-moderate and severe OSA (from 32.1±10.3 to 32.3±10.9 to 38.1±10.3 μg.ml-1, p=0.015; from 0.52±0.09 to 0.58±0.06 to 0.62±0.10 mm, p=0.004, respectively). Oxygen desaturation index (ODI) was a predictor of serum LBP levels independent of age, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), smoking, hypertension, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and fasting glucose [p (ANOVA)=0.002, r 2=0.154], with no independent effect of the ODI*WHR interaction term on LBP. Furthermore, serum LBP predicted CIMT independently of known risk factors of atherosclerosis including obesity (p<0.001, r 2=0.321). Our results suggest that OSA severity contributes to metabolic endotoxemia in patients with OSA independently of obesity, and that LBP might represent a contributing factor promoting early atherosclerosis in such patients., I. Trojová, M. Kozarová, D. Petrasová, Z. Malachovská, I. Paranicová, P. Joppa, R. Tkacová., and Seznam literatury
Malé regulační molekuly, tzv. mikroRNA, se podílejí na regulaci všech základních životních procesů v buňkách. Jsou regulátory exprese genů na posttranskripční úrovni. Ovlivňují tuto expresi vazbou na cílové mRNA, která vede k blokaci translace a štěpení mRNA. Nejnovější výzkumy ukázaly, že jejich výskyt není omezen jen na buňky, ale mikroRNA se vyskytují také v tělních tekutinách. Vzhledem k tomu, že diferenciální exprese určitých mikroRNA je často asociovaná s mnoha patologickými procesy, detekce deregulovaných mikroRNA v diagnosticky relevantních vzorcích (např. krvi, plazmě/séru, moči) se může stát základem nových diagnostických postupů. U gynekologických nádorových onemocnění je nalezení nových diagnostických biomarkerů důležitým cílem současných výzkumů. V tomto článku naleznete přehled cirkulujících a extracelulárních mikroRNA, které byly nejnověji nalezeny deregulovány u karcinomu ovaria, endometria a cervixu, především ve vzorcích krve, séra/plazmy a moči., Small, non-coding molecules of RNA, microRNAs, have been shown to participate in regulation of key biological processes in the cells. They regulate the expression at post-transcriptional level by binding to target mRNA, resulting in mRNA degradation or translation inhibition. The most recent investigations revealed that microRNAs may occur not only in the cells, but also in many body fluids. Differential expression of particular microRNAs is often associated with many pathological states. Therefore, the detection of deregulated microRNAs in diagnostically relevant samples such as blood, plasma/serum, or urine may become the basis for the establishment of novel diagnostic procedures. Finding alternative diagnostic biomarkers for gynecological cancers is the goal of many recent investigations. We present here the survey of novel circulating and extracellular microRNAs which have been found deregulated in ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and cervical cancer, particularly in blood, plasma/serum and urine samples., and Luděk Záveský, Eva Jandáková, Radovan Turyna, Lucie Langmeierová, Vít Weinberger, Luboš Minář
Selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are believed to be less dangerous in the treatment of depressive disorder in comparison with tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) due to their relative lack of cardiotoxicity. Thus, we investigated the effect of citalopram (SSRI) on membrane electrophysiology in rat cardiomyocytes in tissue culture. The results were compared with those from amitriptyline (TCA). The whole-cell configuration patch-clamp technique was used. Both citalopram and amitriptyline exhibited the concentration-dependent inhibition of the L-type calcium channel current (ICa). Citalopram in concentrations of 3 mM and 10 mM inhibited peak calcium current by 2.7 % and 8 %, respectively. We demonstrated the same potency of citalopram and amitriptyline to inhibit ICa. These observations led us to conclude that citalopram and amitriptyline are drugs, which exhibit a similar potency for causing concentration-dependent inhibition of ICa., J. Hamplová-Peichlová, J. Krůšek, I. Paclt, J. Slavíček, V. Lisá, F. Vyskočil., and Obsahuje bibliografii
During the reign of the empress Maria Theresa and in particular of her successor Joseph II, the Habsburg monarchy went through substantial changes. The state took control of parts of public life which had until then been independent. Besides arts, which started to be controlled through the state academy, architecture became the centre of attention. Architecture regulated by state was supposed to observe the so called architectura civilis (Bürgerliche Baukunst) the principles of which had been formulated by German and Austrian theoreticians and mathematicians in the second half of the 18 century. The main features typical for the architectura civilis were simplicity, practicality and economy, which suited the enlightened state. Architects and engineers with profound theoretical knowledge who were able to respond to a wide spectrum of assignments became important for the intentions of the state. Designers who did not make part of the guild structure and who had such wide competences that they could design architecture normally designed by engineers - fortifications, roads, and bridges were considered as ideal. This study focuses on the professional bibliography of two significant engineers working in the service of the estates and the state in Moravia at the last years of 18 century Johann Anton Krzoupal von Grünnenberg, and first Director of the Provincial Building Directorates in Brno Karl Jacobi von Eckholm., Michal Konečný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Let D be a Cd q-convex intersection, d > 2, 0 6 q 6 n − 1, in a complex manifold X of complex dimension n, n > 2, and let E be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank N over X. In this paper, Ck-estimates, k = 2, 3, . . . ,1, for solutions to the -equation with small loss of smoothness are obtained for E-valued (0, s)-forms on D when n − q 6 s 6 n. In addition, we solve the -equation with a support condition in Ck-spaces. More precisely, we prove that for a -closed form f in Ck 0,q(X \ D,E), 1 6 q 6 n − 2, n > 3, with compact support and for " with 0 < " < 1 there exists a form u in Ck−ε 0,q−1(X \ D,E) with compact support such that u = f in X \ D. Applications are given for a separation theorem of Andreotti-Vesentini type in Ck-setting and for the solvability of the -equation for currents., Shaban Khidr, Osama Abdelkader., and Seznam literatury
The effect of β3-adrenoceptor (β3-AR) agonists on adipocytes treated or not tr eated with signaling modulators has not been sufficiently elucidated. Using rat epididymal adipocytes (adipocytes) labeled with [ 32 P]orthophosphate, we found that treatment with the selective β3-AR agonist CL316243 (CL; 1 μ M) induces phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3,4,5-triphosphate (PI[3,4,5]P3) production and that this response is inhibited by adenosine deaminase (ADA, an adenosine -degrading enzyme; 2 U/ml), pertussis toxin (PTX, an inactivator of inhibitory guanine-nucleotide-binding protein; 1 μ g/ml), or wortmannin (WT, a PI -kinase inhibitor; 3 μ M). The results showed that CL induced PI(3,4,5)P 3 production in intact adipocytes and that this production was affected by signaling modulators. Taken together, our findings indicate that CL produces PI(3,4,5)P3 in an ADA-sensitive, PTX-sensitive, or WT-sensitive manner and will advance understanding of the effect of β3-AR agonists on adipocytes., Y. Ohsaka, Y. Nomura., and Obsahuje bibliografii