The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) coordinates time series are still used as a source for determining the velocities of GNSS permanent stations. These coordinates, apart from the geodynamical signals, also contain an interference signal. This paper shows the results of the comparative analysis of the GNSS coordinates time series with a deformation of the Earth's crust obtained from loading models. In the analysis, coordinates time series are used (CODE Repro2013) without loading models (Atmospheric Pressure Loading, Hydrology, Non-Tidal Ocean Loading) at the stage of the reprocessing of GNSS archival data. The analyses showed that in the case of the Up component there is a high correlation between the GNSS coordinates changes and deformations of the Earth's crust from the loading models (coefficient 0.5-0.8). Additionally, we noticed that for horizontal components (North, East) changes occur in the phase shift between coordinates, and the Earth’s crust deformations signals are accelerated or delayed each other (-150 to 200 days). This article shows new methods of iLSE (iteration Least Square Estimation) to determine periodic signals in the time series. Additionally, we compared the values of estimated amplitudes for GNSS and deformation time series. and Kaczmarek Adrian, Kontny Bernard.
Medicína je specifickým oborem, který čerpá nejen z empirických poznatků přírodních věd, ale též z principů věd humanitních, i skutečnosti, že zdraví a nemoc nejsou jen kategorie výlučně přírodovědné, ale i hodnotové a proto je nutno zachovávat proporcionalitu mezi oprávněnými požadavky biomedicínského výzkumu a etickými nároky na něj a mezi morálními imperativy lékařské praxe. To je právě prostor pro etiku a etický přístup k řešení nejasných nebo sporných otázek našeho konání, otázek veřejností dnes velmi citlivě vnímaných, často vedoucích ke ztrátě důvěry nejen ve zdravotníky a zdravotnictví, ale i v celý společenský systém. Principy etického rozhodování v medicíně, hygienu a epidemiologii nevyjímaje, spočívají na dvou základních předpokladech: prvým je profesionální etika odpovědnosti, která zajišťuje kvalitu péče s vysokým stupněm odbornosti lékaře při poskytování pomoci a zábraně možných škod (primum non nocere) a druhým je právo na sebeurčení (autonomie jedince) s právem na informovanost - to je souhlas jedince informovaného pro něj srozumitelným způsobem nejen o plánovaném diagnostickém, léčebném a příslušném preventivním opatření, ale i v případě epidemiologických studií vztahu prostředí a zdraví jeho informovaného souhlasu k jeho účasti ve studii, jejíž by měl být subjektem. Článek se zabývá metodickými otázkami etických přístupů ke zdravotním problémům s důrazem na hromadně se vyskytující infekční a chronické nesdělné nemoci z hlediska šancí jejich prevence., Medicine is a specific area that draws not only on empirical knowledge of sciences but also on principles from the humanities, and the fact that health and disease are not only exclusively categorised as natural science but as value based entities where it is necessary to maintain proportionality between the legitimate requirements of biomedical research and ethical requirements and the moral imperatives of medical practice. It is here that we find the niche for ethics and ethical approaches to solving unclear or disputed issues of our actions; questions that are very sensitively perceived by the public, often leading to a loss of confidence in both health care professionals and the health system but also in the whole social system as such. Ethical principles in medicine, including hygiene and epidemiology are based on two basic assumptions: the first is the professional ethic of responsibility, which ensures quality of care with a high degree of expertise from assisting physicians and prevention of possible harm (primum non nocere) and the second is the right to self-determination (individual autonomy) with the right to be informed. It likewise comprises informed consent based on clear information regarding planned diagnostic procedures, therapeutic and preventive measure and informed consent regarding epidemiological studies in which patient's cooperation is requested. The paper deals with methodological questions of ethical approaches to health related problems, stressing problems related to infections and chronic noncommunicable diseases of high incidence with a view to preventive measures., Vladimír Bencko, and Literatura
The well-known book by Peter Singer The Liberation of Animals has not only inspired a series of texts defending the rights and interests of animals, but has also provoked a discussion about what humanity is, what meaning can our belonging to the human kind have for us, and whether Singer’ critique of the “human prejudice” is justified. The paper considers two important defenders of “human prejudice”, B. A. O. Williams and C. Diamond, who both claim the concept of human being to be a basic ethical concept. In the first part, we will present Williams’s argument that solidarity and identity with one’s species doesn’t have the structure of a blameworthy privilege similar to sexism and racism. In the second part, we will proceed to Diamond’s conception of human being that is founded in relations and responses towards the other. Just as our treatment of a human being depends on whether we see this person as our fellow, so our treatment of an animal depends on how we see it. In the last part, we will consider Diamond’s illustration of how it is possible to change our perception of an animal and thus to change our treatment of it., Kamila Pacovská., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
The paper deals with the ethics of biotechnological enhancement of human qualities such as intelligence, health and lifespan. In contemporary bioethics three views have emerged concerning the moral permissibility of such a biotechnological enhancement of humans. While bioconservatives reject it as morally impermissible and dangerous, bioradicals welcome it as permissible and desirable. Between these two extremes we find bioliberals who admit some types of enhancement, under certain conditions. These debates are still overshadowed by fear of bioethics, but this discredited term needs to be rehabilitated because it turns out that there are both desirable and undesirable forms of eugenics., Tomáš Hříbek., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
A workshop on Ethics of Science in Czech Republic - the present state and its historical roots was organised by the Institute of Philosophy of the ASCR on February 9, 2010. The aim of the course was to discuss important topics, such as ethical aspects of managing and financing science in the Czech Republic, questions of bioethics and the ethics of science in the context of Czech thinking in the 20th century. and Wendy Drozenová.
Zdeněk Mařatka byl prvním lékařem, který podrobně seznámil českou odbornou veřejnost s problematikou idiopatických střevních zánětů, kterým se celý život systematicky věnoval. Vytvořil vlastní originální hypotézu – dvousložkovou teorii vzniku ulcerózní kolitidy, kterou po celý život rozvíjel a zdokonaloval. Jeho význam a přínos pro poznání ulcerózní kolitidy a Crohnovy nemoci je naprosto výjimečný, a to i z hlediska mezinárodního. Ačkoli prvotní příčina vzniku idiopatických střevních zánětů zůstává navzdory téměř stoleté historii neznámá, základní a klinický výzkum přináší množství nových poznatků o jejich etiologii a patogenezi. Je zřejmé, že pro vznik střevních zánětů je nezbytná vzájemná interakce vnitřních a zevních faktorů, které se uplatňují u konkrétních jedinců v různé míře. Mezi vnitřními faktory zaujímá klíčový vliv dědičnost, která formuje reaktivitu imunitního systému. Ze zevních faktorů je významné složení mikrobiální flóry střeva, kouření a psychický stres., Zdenek Mařatka has been the first physician, who had brought a new information for the Czech medical community with topic of inflammatory bowel diseases, which had been systematic studied for him. He had prepared an original theory – two component hypothesis about origin of ulcerative colitis, which had been developed and innovated by him for long time. From the international point of view, Mařatka has had an extraordinary impact and significant contribution for recognition of ulcerative colitis and Crohn´s disease. Despite the fact that the true origin of ulcerative colitis and Crohn´s disease (UC) still remain elusive, basic as well as clinical research bring many new data on etiology and pathogenesis of this inflammatory condition. It seems clear that IBD originate from interaction of several intrinsic and extrinsic factors that contribute individually in a particular patient. Among internal factors the genes play an important role, because its influence on the mucosal immunity system and immunological response. Among the external factors importance are recognized the gut microbiota content, cigarette smoking and psychological stress., and Milan Lukáš
The Moravian-Silesian Prehistoric Branch of the Archaeological Institute AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i. has a long-term research interest in lithic chipped industries of the Late Stone Age and the Early Bronze Age in Moravia and Czech Silesia. Presently, a very important research focus is a lithic collection from the fortified Eneolithic hillfort Starý Zámek near Jevišovice. There are 474 knapped artifacts in the collection, including pieces collected from the surface and from excavations by J. Palliardi. One third of the artifacts are linked to cultural layers C, C2, C1 and B. Seventy pieces were published by Anna Medunová. At least 74 of the artifacts excavated by J. Palliardi have been recently identified in the collection deposited at the Moravian Museum. The assemblage includes a variety of endscrapers, blades, and borers as well as some cores. Tools of the Krummesser type from layer B and a bifacially retouched artifact (dagger or sickle fragment) from Bavarian tabular chert (Plattensilex) are of particular interest. Most artifacts were produced from local rocks (cherts of the Krumlovský les type and weathering products of serpentinite), although silicites from glacial sediments and chert of the Stránská skála type have also been identified. The presence of Bavarian Plattensilex (at least two artifacts) and rocks sourced from Poland (silicites from Cracow-Częstochowa Jurassic Upland and the spotted chert of the Świeciechów type). Two Palaeolithic artifacts are a surprising discovery. We cannot exclude the possibility that these pieces originate from an earlier period and were reused later., Lubomír Šebela, Antonín Přichystal, Alena Humpolová, Lubomír Prokeš., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The project ETHNOFOLK, fuded by the UE Structural Funds through the Central Europe Programme, integrates central Europe countries (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary) and aims to present the Central European folk culture heritage and potential of its actual and future preservation and presentation. The project planned outcome will be an extensive web portal presenting samples of folk architecture, costumes, music, songs, customs, devotion, etc. in visual, audio as well as video form. As another important goal, the Portal will offer numerous results of an ethnographic nature focusing on the essetial scietific background of cultural and visual anthropology theory. The project extends from May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2014 when the Portal is to be launched in a multilingual format. and Matěj Kratochvíl.