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12. Pavel Kindlmann, Karel Matějka a Petr Doležal: Lesy Šumavy, lýkožrout a ochrana přírody
- Format:
- Type:
- article, anotace, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Životní prostředí a jeho ochrana, ochrana přírody, lesy, lýkožrout smrkový, Šumava (pohoří), 2, and 502
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
13. Přírodní disturbance - klíčový faktor obnovy horských smrčin
- Creator:
- Magda Edwards
- Format:
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Botanika, smrk, ekologické disturbance, Šumava (pohoří), 2, and 58
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Results of the long-term monitoring of spontaneous development in mountain Norway Spruce (Picea abies) forest in the Šumava Mts. after Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) gradation and windthrows are presented. The aim is to show the key role of natural disturbances for this ecosystem. and Magda Edwards Jonášová.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
14. Selected landforms and their significance in the analysis of the slope origin in the Losenice River valley, Šumava Mts
- Creator:
- Hartvich, Filip and Vít Vilímek
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Geologie. Meteorologie. Klimatologie, svahy, slopes (physical geography), Přírodní rezervace Losenice (Česko), Šumava (pohoří), Nature reserve Losenice (Czechia), Šumava Mountains, slope development, geomorphological mapping, fluvial landforms, rockslides, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A detailed geomorphological mapping was performed in the valley of the Losenice R., which is situated on the NE slopes of the Šumava Mts. nearby the Kašperské Hory town. The dominant characteristics of the studied area are steep slopes of the deeply incised, narrow valleys, strong fragmentation of the bedrock composed of various types of gneisses and obvious structural influence on the valley network plan. Based on the analysis of the occurrence, parameters and relative position of selected landforms, which have significance for documenting certain processes, as well as other inputs, the relief of the studied area was divided into eight genetic types of relief segments: structural, erosional, erosional-structural, structuraldenudational and erosional-denudational slopes, flat denudational ridges and planation surface remnants and finally the valley floors with the floodplain., Filip Hartvich and Vít Vilímek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
15. Šídlatky na dně šumavských jezer
- Creator:
- Martina Čtvrtlíková
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Biologické vědy, rostliny, jezera, plants, lakes, Šumava (pohoří), Šumava Mountains, 2, and 57/59
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The Lake Quillwort (Isoëtes lacustris) and Spring Quillwort (I. echinospora) are submerged Lycopods and critically endangered species of Czech flora, each living in a sole lake in the Šumava Mountains (Bohemian Forest). Our 15-year scientific research has been focused on the resistance of these living fossils to the strong acidification of the lakes. Both populations were unable to reproduce for decades and are responding in a quite specific way to the current recovery of the lakes, although this does not quarantee the successful restoration of the quillwort stands. and Martina Čtvrtlíková.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
16. Vrkoč rašelinný - další z glaciálních reliktů. Z červené knihy našich měkkýšů
- Creator:
- Schenková, Veronika, Jaroslav Hlaváč, and Michal Horsák
- Format:
- Type:
- article, články, journal articles, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Zoologie, měkkýši, životní prostředí, rašeliniště, molluscs, environment, peatlands, Skandinávie, Šumava (pohoří), Českomoravská vrchovina (Česko), Scandinavia, Šumava Mountains, Českomoravská vrchovina Mountains (Czechia), 2, and 59
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Vrkoč rašelinný (Vertigo lilljeborgi) je jedním z mála evropských suchozemských plžů, vázaných na minerálně chudá stanoviště. Jeho typickým biotopem jsou podmáčené ostřicové mokřady a trvale vlhká slatiniště s výskytem rašeliníků. Hojný je především v boreální zóně Skandinávie, naproti tomu ve střední Evropě se jako glaciální relikt vyskytuje jen na několika roztroušených, silně izolovaných lokalitách. V létě roku 2012 byl vrkoč rašelinný poprvé nalezen v České republice, a to nezávisle hned ve dvou oblastech – na Šumavě a Českomoravské vrchovině. Vzhledem k ohroženosti a vzácnosti jeho biotopů jsme se rozhodli stručně představit ekologii, rozšíření a nové nálezy tohoto zajímavého a vzácného suchozemského plže., Vertigo lilljeborgi is one of few European land snail species which are restricted to minerally poor habitats. It typically inhabits wet sedge marches and groundwaterfed fens with the occurrence of Sphagnum mosses. In Central Europe, the species represents a rare glacial relict, distributed mainly in the boreal zone of Europe and at several isolated sites southwards. In the summer of 2012, V. lilljeborgi was recorded from the Czech Republic for the first time, independently in two different regions: the Bohemian Forest and the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. We present brief information about the ecology, distribution and new records of this unique and rare species., and Veronika Schenková, Jaroslav Čáp Hlaváč, Michal Horsák.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
17. Výzkum šumavských jezer: Die Erforschung der Böhmerwaldseen
- Creator:
- Václav Švambera
- Publisher:
- Geografický ústav České university
- Format:
- print, svazek, and 11 stran.
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Hydrologie, limnologie, jezera, Šumava (pohoří), 556.55 (437.31-13), 7, and 556
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- V. Švambera., Otisk ze sborníku České společnosti zeměvědné XVIII. Praha 1912., and Resumé v němčině.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public