Slovný výklad, do kterého jest vloženo 337 rytin napsal Jan John, professor c.k. českého ústavu ku vzdělávání učitelů v Soběslavi and Barvotiskové ilustrace vyhotoveny podle akvarelů Wagnera
An atmospheric station in Křešín by Pacov was launched June 17, 2013 on the occasion of observing the 25th anniversary of the global environmental observatory in Košetice. The stations of Košetice and Křešín by Pacov have been consolidated and it is a major research and monitoring infrastructure in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. It consists of two components — the observatory at Koetice, operated since 1988 by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the atmospheric station Křešín by Pacov, which began operations in June of this year. The atmospheric station was built and is administered by CzechGlobe, the Global Change Research Centre of the ASCR, and is situated 100 meters from the observatory. and Mirka Šprtová.
Aerosolové částice se vyskytují všude okolo nás v mnoha různých formách, například jako prach, mlha, kouř, dým nebo smog. Tyto částice ovlivňují dohlednost, klima, zdraví obyvatel a jejich kvalitu žvota. Atmosférický aerosol je v současné době jedním z největších problémů znečištění ovzduší. Tento článek dokumentuje vznik aerosolu, formy jeho výskytu a depozice. Dále popisujeme nejužívanější metody jeho odběru a monitorování. V závěrečné části jsou ukázány první výsledky získané pomocí nového zařízení na zkoumání resuspenze aerosolu - resuspenzní komory., Martin Civiš, Jan Hovorka, Devraj Thimmaiah., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper is mainly devoted to establishing an atomic decomposition of a predictable martingale Hardy space with variable exponents defined on probability spaces. More precisely, let (Ω,F, ℙ) be a probability space and p(·): Ω →(0,∞) be a F-measurable function such that 0 < {\inf _{x \in \Omega }}p(x) \leqslant {\sup _{x \in \Omega }}p(x) < \infty . It is proved that a predictable martingale Hardy space Pp(·) has an atomic decomposition by some key observations and new techniques. As an application, we obtain the boundedness of fractional integrals on the predictable martingale Hardy space with variable exponents when the stochastic basis is regular., Zhiwei Hao., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The effects of the atomic ratio of N to P (N:P) on the response of Alexandrium tamarense to UV radiation (UVR) were investigated in this study. Artificial sea water of 5 different N:P ratios for indoor culture and with 3 different N:P ratios for outdoor culture were used for a period of 14 and 9 d, respectively. The short-term response of cells to UVR was analyzed using a fluorometer. Cells that acclimated to nutrient conditions at the Redfield value (16:1) showed the fastest growth rate and highest pigment concentrations in both indoor and outdoor conditions, compared to those acclimated to the non-Redfield conditions. Moreover, these physiological parameters were functions of the N:P ratio according to a two-order equation (y = a + bx + cx2, R2>0.95). The fluorescence data of indoor cultures showed that A. tamarense grown at 16:1 (N:P) exhibited the greatest ratio of repair rate/damage rate (r/k) and minimum level of UVR-induced inhibition. among those grown at all of the N:P ratios following UVR exposure. Outdoor cultures had the same patterns of fluorescence as indoor cultures, but the less UVR-induced inhibitions were detected compared the former with the latter. The following three parameters, the r/k, level of inhibition caused by the two radiation treatments following 60 min of exposure (PAR and PAB, respectively), and level of UVR-induced inhibition, were also functions of the N:P ratio according to the two-order equation (R2>0.96). Further, there was a negative correlation between
UVR-induced inhibition and the r/k ratio. In summary, the Redfield value (16:1) was the optimal nutrient stoichiometry for the protection of A. tamarense against the deleterious effects of UVR. Results were not impacted by previous light history experienced by cells., W. C. Guan, L. Li., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We performed measurement of mechanical atri oventricular conduction time intervals in human fetuses assessed by Doppler echocardiography and provided re ference values. We found that atrioventricular cond uction time interval was prolonged with gestational age and decreased with increasing fetal heart rate. No correlation between gestat ional age and heart rate was found. Using normal limits established by this study, mechanical atrioventricular interval >135 ms in the 20th week and/or >145 ms in the 26th week of gestation could be suspected of having the first-degree AV block. We compared reference values with fetuses of mothers with anti-SSA Ro/SSB La autoantibodies, being in risk of isolated congenital heart block development. One of 21 fetuses of mothers with positive autoantibodies was affected by prolonged atrioventricular interval according to the established limits, with sinus rhythm after the birth., V. Tomek ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Cardiovascular prosthetic bypass grafts do not endothelialize spontaneously in humans, and so they pose a thrombotic risk. Seeding with cells improves thei r performance, particularly in small-caliber applications. Knitted tubular polyethylene- terephthalate (PET) vascular pros theses (6 mm) with commercial type I collagen (PET/Co) were modified in the lumen by the adsorption of laminin (LM), by coating with a fibrin network (Fb) or a combination of Fb and fibronectin (Fb/FN). Primary human saphenous vein endothelial cells were seeded (1.50 × 10 5 /cm 2 ), cultured for 72 h and exposed to laminar shear stress 15 dyn/cm 2 for 40 and 120 min. The control static grafts were excluded from shearing. The cell adherence after 4 h on PET/Co, PET/Co +LM, PET/Co +Fb and PET/Co +Fb/ FN was 22 %, 30 %, 19 % and 27 % of seeding, respectively. Comp ared to the static grafts, the cell density on PET/Co and PET/Co +LM dropped to 61 % and 50 %, respectively, after 120 min of flow. The cells on PET/Co +Fb and PET/Co +Fb/FN did not show any detachment during 2 h of shear stress. Pre-coating the clinically-used PET/Co vascular prosthesis with LM or Fb/FN adhesive protein assemblies promotes the adherence of endothelium. Cell retention under flow is improved particularly on fibrin-containing (Fb and Fb/FN) surfaces., J. Chlupáč ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy