Noble gases are known for their inertness. They do not react chemically with any element at normal temperature and pressure. Through that, some of them are known to be biologically active by their sedative, hypnotic and analgesic properties. Common inhalation anesthetics are characterized by some disadvantages (toxicity, decreased cardiac output, etc). Inhalation of xenon introduces anesthesia and has none of the above disadvantages, hence xenon seems to be the anesthetic gas of the future (with just one disadvantage - its cost). It is known that argon has similar anesthetic properties (under hyperbaric conditions), which is much cheaper and easily accessible. The question is if this could be used in clinical practice, in anesthesia of patients who undergo treatment in the hyperbaric chamber. Xenon was found to be organ-protective. Recent animal experiments indicated that xenon decreases infarction size after ischemic attack on brain or heart. The goal of our study is to check if hyperbaric argon has properties similar to those of xenon., J. Růžička, J. Beneš, L. Bolek, V. Markvartová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A new generator of two successive shock waves focused to a common focal point has been developed. Cylindrical pressure waves created by multichannel electrical discharges on two cylindrical composite anodes are focused by a metallic parabolic reflector - cathode, and near the focus they are transformed to strong shock waves. Schlieren photos of the focal region have demonstrated that mutual interaction of the two waves results in generation of a large number of secondary short-wavelength shocks. Interaction of the focused shockwaves with liver tissues and cancer cell suspensions was investigated. Localized injury of rabbit liver induced by the shock waves was demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging. Histological analysis of liver samples taken from the injured region revealed that the transition between the injured and the healthy tissues is sharp. Suspension of melanoma B16 cells was exposed and the number of the surviving cells rapidly decreased with increasing number of shocks and only 8 % of cells survived 350 shocks. Photographs of cells demonstrate that even small number of shocks results in perforation of cell membranes., J. Beneš, P. Šunka, J. Králová, J. Kašpar, P. Poučková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Duponchelia fovealis Zeller is a polyphagous insect that has been recently reported attacking strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne). Despite its economic importance there are few studies on this pest because it is difficult to rear it in the laboratory. With a constant supply of insects, studies on alternative methods of pest control can be conducted. This study aimed at developing an artificial diet for rearing D. fovealis with biological characteristics similar to those reared on their natural diet. This study was carried out in a climate-controlled room (25°C ± 2°C, RH 70% ± 10%, and 14L : 10D). The natural diet consisted of 'San Andreas' strawberry leaves (D1), while the artificial diet (D2) was developed in which beans, casein, soy protein, yeast and wheat germ are used as sources of protein. Five instars were identified. D. fovealis completed its life cycle in 38 and 40 days when fed D1 and D2, respectively. Survival was highest for the larvae fed the artificial diet. Females fed D1 lay a mean of 300.2 ± 62.3 eggs, while those fed D2, 220.3 ± 41.8 eggs. The artificial diet is suitable for the continuous rearing of D. fovealis in the laboratory., Maria A. C. Zawadneak, Rodrimar B. Gonçalves, Alex S. Poltronieri, Bráulio Santos, Adélia M. Bischoff, Aline M. Borba, Ida C. Pimentel., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Stále se rozšiřující aplikace SPM přístrojů přinesly možnost zobrazovat bez větších problémů vzorky přímo v kapalných prostředích. To umožňuje zobrazit povrch vzorku s minimální silou mezi hrotem a povrchem a vyhnout se tak například poškození povrchu biologického preparátu. Režimy AFM používané v kapalném prostředí pro biologické vzorky jsou prakticky totožné s klasickými analýzami AFM. Ve větší míře se však využívá poklepový režim. Článek předkládá přehled typických aplikací AFM se skenerem pro kapalná prostředí (liquid scanner)., Roman Kubínek, Milan Vůjtek, Renata Holubová, Zdeňka Zapletalová, Hana Kolářová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Severoameričtí raci (např. rak pruhovaný a rak signální vyskytující se i v ČR) jsou příkladem invazních živočichů, jejichž invazní potenciál je zesílen přenosem onemocnění nebezpečného pro příbuzné druhy z jiných geografických oblastí. Původcem nemoci, tzv. račího moru, je Aphanomyces astaci ze skupiny Oomycetes způsobující úhyny celých populací evropských raků. Račí mor se v Evropě vyskytuje už od 19. století a i v současnosti zůstává přes intenzívní výzkum jedním z nejvýznamnějších faktorů ohrožujících původní raky (u nás jde o raka říčního a raka kamenáče, u nichž bylo jen od roku 2004 zaznamenáno deset případů zdecimování populací touto nemocí)., North American crayfish species such as the Spiny-cheek Crayfish and the Signal Crayfish are examples of invasive animals with an ability to carry and transmit a disease lethal to their relatives from other parts of the world. The disease called the crayfish plague and caused by Aphanomyces astaci (Oomycetes) may eradicate whole populations of the indigenous European crayfish. The disease is known in Europe from the 19th century and despite intensive research it is still one of the main factors endangering indigenous crayfish., and Eva Kozubíková-Balcarová.