Simultaneous measurements of net photosynthetic rate {P^ and fluorescence were taken on flag leaves of fíeld-grown wheat {Triíicum aestivum L., Thlicum durum L.) from anthesis to senescence. By using leaf discs inaintained in saturating CO2 in tlie O2 electrode we found that the electron transport measured by fluorescence, and that calculated from O2 evolution rate were similar througliout the experimental period, which indicated that fluorescence might be ušed to measure the linear electron transport rate. In field measurements on intact attached leaves, the electron transport rate declined less than during leaf senescence, Measurements taken in the aftemoon indicated that the electron transport remained constant during the day while slightly decreased. Thus, in fíeld-grown wheat leaves photoinhibition was not a relevant phenomenon. When the alternativě electron routes were negligible, the increasing discrepancy between Pn and the electron transport during leaf senescence could be explained by an increment in photorespiration rate (Pp), The change of oxygenation to carboxylation ratio (Vq/Vj,) might be caused by increasing resistances to CO2 diffusion in the leaf CO2 lost through photorespiration was about half of that fixed with Pn in the sun-exposed leaves. Yet Pp was lower in the basal part of leaves which mostly grew in shade. Fluorescence coupled with gas exchange proved to be a useful method for evaluation of the photorespiratory losses in field conditions.
To assess the relationship between chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence (CF) and photosynthetic pigments, soybean was grown under varying phosphorus (P) nutrition at ambient and elevated CO2 (EC). The EC stimulated, but P deficiency decreased plant height, node numbers, and leaf area concomitantly with the rates of stem elongation, node addition, and leaf area expansion. Under P deficiency, CF parameters and pigments declined except that carotenoids (Car) were relatively stable indicating its role in photoprotection. The CF parameters were strongly related with Chl concentration but not with Chl a/b or Car. However, total Chl/Car showed the strongest association with CF parameters such as quantum efficiency and yield of photosystem II. This relationship was not affected by CO2 treatment. The high correlation between CF and total Chl/Car underscores the significance of the quantification of both, Chl and Car concentrations, to understand the photochemistry and underlying processes of photoprotection and mechanisms of excess energy dissipation in a given environment., S. K. Singh, V. R. Reddy, D. H. Fleisher, D. J. Timlin., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Specific leaf area (SLA) is a key trait to screen plants for ecological performance and productivity; however, the relationship between SLA and photosynthesis is not always up-scalable to growth when comparing multiple species with different life cycles. We explored leaf anatomy in annual and perennial species of Physaria, and related it to photosynthesis and water loss. The annual Physaria gracilis had higher SLA, thinner leaves, and lower investment in protective tissues, than perennial P. mendocina. Physaria angustifolia (annual), and P. pinetorum (perennial) showed intermediate values. Both perennials had a thicker palisade and high photosynthesis, relative to annuals. The larger leaf veins of perennials should allow high water availability to the mesophyll. The thicker palisade should determine high resistance to water flow and help explain their high water-use efficiency. These leaf functions reflect the construction of long-lived leaves that efficiently use resources under environmental limitations of arid environments., L. Gonzalez-Paleo, D. A. Ravetta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
During the last century, the world soybean yield has been constantly enhancing at a remarkable rate. Factors limiting the soybean yield may be multiple. It is widely acknowledged that changes of root metabolism can influence aboveground characteristics, such as the seed yield and photosynthesis. In this study, we considered root bleeding sap mass (BSM) and root activity (RA) as indicators of the root growth vigour. We used 27 soybean cultivars, spanning from 1923 to 2009, to evaluate the contribution of root characteristic improvement to efficient photosynthesis and dry matter production. The BSM, RA, net photosynthetic rate (P N), and organ biomass were measured at different growth stages, such as the fourth leaf node, flowering, podding, and seed-filling stage. Our results showed that the soybean cultivars increased their biomass and P N thanks to genetic improvement. At the same time, BSM and RA also increased in dependence on a year of cultivar release. However, both P N and biomass were positively correlated with root characteristics only at the podding stage. Our data revealed that the improved root characteristic may have contributed to the enhanced photosynthesis, biomass, and yield of soybean cultivars during last 87 years of genetic improvement. We suggest that BSM and RA could be used as important indexes for further practice in soybean production improvement., X. Cui, Y. Dong, P. Gi, H. Wang, K. Xu, Z. Zhang., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Low temperature during the vegetative stage affects rice (Oryza sativa L.) seed-setting rate in Heilongjiang province at Northeast China. However, little is known about changes of the photosynthetic rate and physiological response in contrasting rice cultivars during chilling periods. In this study, two rice cultivars with different chilling tolerance were treated with 15°C from June 27 to July 7. The chilling-susceptive cultivar, Longjing11 (LJ11), showed a significant decrease in a ripening rate and seed-setting rate after being treated for four days, whilst chilling-tolerant cultivar, Kongyu131 (KY131), was only slightly affected after 4-d treatment. The photosynthetic activities, chlorophyll contents, and antioxidative enzyme activities in LJ11 decreased significantly along with the chilling treatment. The decrease in ß-carotene contents might play a role as it could cause direct photooxidation of chlorophylls and lead to the inhibition of the photosynthetic apparatus. In the meantime, no significant damage was found in leaves of KY131 from June 27 to July 11. In conclusion, the chilling-tolerance mechanism of rice is tightly related to the photosynthetic rate, metabolism of reactive oxygen species, and scavenging system in the vegetative stage., L.-Z. Wang, L.-M. Wang, H.-T. Xiang, Y. Luo, R. Li, Z.-J. Li, C.-Y. Wang, Y. Meng., and Obsahuje bibliografii
From 61 coking coals, 36 coal blends were prepared. Using a pilot coke oven, cokes were prepared from both 61 coking coals (Type I cokes) and 36 coal blends (Type II cokes). Coals were characterized by 14 coal characteristics and cokes by Coke Reactivity Index CRI and Coke Strength after Reaction with CO2 CSR. For the study of mutual statistic relationships among experimentally determined characteristics of coals and cokes, the Factor (FA) and Regression Analyses (RA) were used. FA distributed characteristics of coals and Type I cokes into 4 factors while characteristics of coal blends and Type II cokes were distributed into 7 factors. In case of pure coals and Type I cokes, strong relationships with high correlation coefficients (R > 0.60 ) were more abundant than in case of coal blends and Type II cokes. FA was used for the selection of coal characteristics that influence the coke quality the most significantly. These characteristics were then recalculated by RA for the predictions of CRI/CSR of Type I cokes. Predictions of CRI/CSR of Type II cokes were calculated from coal blends by the same procedure. The comparison of the predicted and experimentally determined CRI and CSR indexes showed much more reliable prediction of CRI/CSR indexes calculated from coals than calculated from coal blends. This study also explains the dominant reasons of this observation., Jana Serenčíšová, Zdeněk Klika, Ivan Kolomazník, Lucie Bartoňová and Pavel Baran., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Let $C[0,t]$ denote a generalized Wiener space, the space of real-valued continuous functions on the interval $[0,t]$, and define a random vector $Z_n C[0,t]\to\mathbb R^{n+1}$ by Z_n(x)=\biggl(x(0)+a(0), \int_0^{t_1}h(s) {\rm d} x(s)+x(0)+a(t_1), \cdots,\int_0^{t_n}h(s) {\rm d} x(s)+x(0)+a(t_n)\biggr), where $a\in C[0,t]$, $h\in L_2[0,t]$, and $0<t_1 < \cdots< t_n\le t$ is a partition of $[0,t]$. Using simple formulas for generalized conditional Wiener integrals, given $Z_n$ we will evaluate the generalized analytic conditional Wiener and Feynman integrals of the functions $F$ in a Banach algebra which corresponds to Cameron-Storvick's Banach algebra $\mathcal S$. Finally, we express the generalized analytic conditional Feynman integral of $F$ as a limit of the non-conditional generalized Wiener integral of a polygonal function using a change of scale transformation for which a normal density is the kernel. This result extends the existing change of scale formulas on the classical Wiener space, abstract Wiener space and the analogue of the Wiener space $C[0,t]$., Byoung Soo Kim, Dong Hyun Cho., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Several studies address the question of which forest attributes are most important for the conservation of biodiversity. Unfortunately, there are no unequivocal answers because the response of a biological group to changes in forest structure depends on its natural history and scale of organization. It is important to increase our knowledge of the potential relationships between under studied groups of species and forest variables in order to adopt timber harvesting strategies not detrimental to biodiversity, especially in old-growth forests. We assessed the importance of 10 forest attributes and old-growth for Psychidae (Lepidoptera) species and communities. Research was carried out in 12 forest stands in a mountainous beech dominated landscape in southern Italy, in the middle of the Mediterranean Basin. Samples were collected in 2001 and 2013 and data were merged after pairwise comparison analyses that confirmed the long term stability of communities. Correspondence Analysis, Cluster Analysis and non-parametric Spearman Rank Order Correlation were used to identify determinants of Psychidae abundance and diversity. We collected 2,732 Psychidae belonging to 8 species. Correspondence analysis identified old-growth as the main determinant of communities. Most significant attributes for individual species were beech dominance, diameter at breast height and its standard deviation. For Taleporia defoliella there were positive correlations with these forest parameters, whereas for Psyche crassiorella the correlations were negative. This study underlined the importance of forest attributes associated with old-growth forests for sustaining biodiversity. These findings indicate the need to incorporate these attributes in forest planning, especially those aspects that are easily recognizable such as the number of large trees., Stefano Scalercio, Teresa Bonacci, Rosario Turco, Vincenzo Bernardini., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring and let C be a semidualizing R-module. We prove a result about the covering properties of the class of relative Gorenstein injective modules with respect to C which is a generalization of Theorem 1 by Enochs and Iacob (2015). Specifically, we prove that if for every Gc-injective module G, the character module G+ is Gc-flat, then the class GIc(R) Ac(R) is closed under direct sums and direct limits. Also, it is proved that under the above hypotheses the class GIc(R) Ac(R) is covering., Elham Tavasoli, Maryam Salimi., and Obsahuje bibliografii