Recently, we derived “humanized” spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR-CRP) in which transgenic expression of human CRP induces inflammation, oxidative stress, several features of metabolic syndrome and target organ injury. In addition, we found that rosuvastatin treatment of SHR-CRP transgenic rats can protect against pro-inflammatory effects of human CRP and also reduce cardiac inflammation and oxidative damage. In the current study, we tested the effects of rosuvastatin (5 mg/kg) on kidney injury in SHR-CRP males versus untreated SHR-CRP and SHR controls. All rats were fed a high sucrose diet. In SHR-CRP transgenic rats, treatment with rosuvastatin for 10 weeks, compared to untreated transgenic rats and SHR controls, was associated with significantly reduced systemic inflammation which was accompanied with activation of antioxidative enzymes in the kidney, lower renal fat accumulation, and with amelioration of histopathological changes in the kidney. These findings provide evidence that, in the presence of high CRP levels, rosuvastatin exhibits significant anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and renoprotective effects., J. Šilhavý, V. Zídek, V. Landa, M. Šimáková, P. Mlejnek, O. Oliyarnyk, H. Malínská, L. Kazdová, M. Mancini, M. Pravenec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Pokrok, který přineslo 20. století v exaktních vědách, se druhotně projevil také v archeologii. Snaha poznat aspekty vývoje společnosti z pohledu, který nepostihly písemné prameny, vedla k těsné spolupráci s přírodovědnými a technickými obory při řešení otázek v rámci záchrany a rekonstrukce malostranské rotundy sv. Václava na Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Univerzity Karlovy., The progress made in exact sciences in the 20th century is also evident in archaeology. The effort to grasp aspects of society’s development from a point untouched by written sources has led to a close cooperation between natural-scientific and technical disciplines during the preservation and restoration of St. Wenceslas Rotunda at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University., Jarmila Čiháková, Martin Vlach, Luboš Veverka, Ilona Vlachová, Ivo Světlík., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This review article elucidates and systematises existing research and theories of the de/politicisation of youth music subcultures. It examines the political dimension within the interdisciplinary field of subcultural studies in two main steps. First, it identifies and discusses five key dimensions of researching politicisation: politicisation through style and how style is read and through repressive power, the politicisation of everyday life and internal dynamics, and politicisation in the direction of organised activity. Second, these dimensions are presented and compared in a summarising table from two main perspectives: according to the research focus and according to the dynamics of de/politicisation being observed. The article also briefly outlines several possible directions of future research on the politicisation of youth music subcultures., Bob Kuřík, Ondřej Slačálek, Jan Charvát., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Exercise stimulates increases in heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (CO). These adaptive mechanisms are strongly dependent on the type of exercise. Both rowing and cycling are widely used for physical training worldwide; however, evidence regarding the differences in major hemodynamic parameters during rowing and cycling remains insufficient. Ten healthy male volunteers were randomly assigned to perform either a rowing or cycling exercise. After 20 min rest, the group who had rowed first performed the cycling exercise and vice versa. Exercise was performed at a power-to-weight ratio of 2 W/kg for 2 min. HR, SV, CO and blood pressure (BP) were measured noninvasively using pulse-wave analysis at baseline and immediately after each exercise. HR, SV and CO were significantly higher after exercise than at rest. Whereas HR was comparable between rowing and cycling, SV and CO were significantly higher after rowing than after cycling. BP was comparable among all three measurements. Rowing increased SV and CO to a greater extent than cycling, whereas HR and BP were not influenced by the type of exercise. Our data suggest that rowing leads to more extensive stimulation of cardiac contractility and/or decreases in peripheral vascular resistance compared with cycling., P. Horn, P. Ostadal, B. Ostadal., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Předložená studie se zabývá analýzou preference odpověďových kategorií v testu prostorové představivosti, který je součástí Testu studijních předpokladů (TSP). Test studijních předpokladů je sestaven z položek s jednou správnou odpovědí a čtyřmi distraktory. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 2001 osob (52 % žen). Pomocí IRT modelu pro nominální kategorie bylo analyzováno pět testových položek. Pro jednotlivé odpověďové kategorie byly zjištěny pravděpodobnosti jejich volby podmíněné úrovní sledované schopnosti. Na základě těchto informací byly odvozeny hypotézy o roli distraktorů v rámci fungování položek. Výsledky psychometrické analýzy jsou diskutovány společně s informacemi získanými od autorského týmu TSP a testovaných osob, které se k testu mohly vyjádřit prostřednictvím oficiálního internetového diskusního fóra., Objectives. The presented study analyzes the preference of response categories in spatial reasoning test. The goal is to enhance comprehension of test behavior of respondents that deter-mines the choice of certain response category in multiple choice items. Subjects and setting. The sample consisted of 2001 subjects (52 % females), who attended entrance exams to Masaryk university, i.e. the Learning Potential Test. Each of the items in the test consisted of one correct answer and four distractors. Five items of the Spatial reasoning subtest were analyzed. Statistical analysis. Using IRT Nominal Categories Model, for each response category conditional probabilities of their preference based on ability level estimate were computed. Results. On the basis of acquired information the authors suggested hypotheses about the roles of distractors in items. These hypotheses were further discussed in conjunction with in-formation from test items reviewers and test-takers, who had the possibility to comment test items through official internet discussion forum. Study limitations. Suggested hypotheses about test behavior need to be further investigated., Petr Květon [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury