A detailed geomorphological mapping was performed in the valley of the Losenice R., which is situated on the NE slopes of the Šumava Mts. nearby the Kašperské Hory town. The dominant characteristics of the studied area are steep slopes of the deeply incised, narrow valleys, strong fragmentation of the bedrock composed of various types of gneisses and obvious structural influence on the valley network plan. Based on the analysis of the occurrence, parameters and relative position of selected landforms, which have significance for documenting certain processes, as well as other inputs, the relief of the studied area was divided into eight genetic types of relief segments: structural, erosional, erosional-structural, structuraldenudational and erosional-denudational slopes, flat denudational ridges and planation surface remnants and finally the valley floors with the floodplain., Filip Hartvich and Vít Vilímek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The study of ischemia/reperfusion injury included 25 patients in the acute phase of myocardial infarction (19 perfused, 6 remained non-reperfused as evaluated according to the time course of creatine kinase and CK-MB isoenzyme activity) and a control group (21 blood donors). Plasma level of malondialdehyde was followed as a marker of oxidative stress. Shortly after reperfusion (within 90 min), a transient increase of malondialdehyde concentration was detected. The return to the baseline level was achieved 6 h after the onset of therapy. The activity of a free radical scavenger enzyme, plasma glutathione peroxidase (GPx), reached its maximum 90 min after the onset of treatment and returned to the initial value after 18 h. The specificity of the GPx response was confirmed by comparing with both non-reperfused patients and the control group, where no significant increase was detected. The erythrocyte Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) did not exhibit significant changes during the interval studied in perfused patients, probably due to the stability of erythrocyte metabolism. In non-reperfused patients, a decrease of SOD was found during prolonged hypoxia. These results help to elucidate the mechanisms of fast activation of plasma antioxidant system during the reperfusion after myocardial infarction., V. Mužáková, R. Kanďár, P. Vojtíšek, J. Skalický, Z. Červinková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) in newborns is characterized mainly by respiratory failure due to surfactant dysfunction and inflammation. Previous meta-analyses did not prove any effect of exogenous surfactant treatment nor glucocorticoid administration on final outcome of children with MAS despite oxygenation improvement. As we supposed there is the need to intervene in both these fields simultaneously, we evaluated therapeutic effect of combination of exogenous surfactant and selective inhibitor of NF-κB (IKK-NBD peptide). Young New Zealand rabbits were instilled by meconium suspension and treated by surfactant alone or surfactant in combination with IKK-NBD, and oxygen-ventilated for 5 h. PaO2/FiO2, oxygenation index, oxygen saturation and ventilation efficiency index were evaluated every hour; post mortem, total and differential leukocyte counts were investigated in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and inflammatory, oxidative and apoptotic markers were assessed in lung tissue homogenates. Exogenous surfactant combined with IKK-NBD improved oxygenation, reduced neutrophil count in BALF and levels of IL-1β, IL-6, p38 MAPK and caspase 3 in comparison with surfactant-only therapy. It seems that inhibition of inflammation may be strong supporting factor in surfactant treatment of MAS., J. Kopincova, P. Mikolka, M. Kolomaznik, P. Kosutova, A. Calkovska, D. Mokra., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Selektivní modulátory estrogenních receptorů, jakým je např. klomifen citrát, se užívají pro off-label léčbu (tj. mimo schválenou indikaci) hypoandrogenizmu a idiopatické mužské infertility po více než 30 let. V rámci systematické analýzy hodnotíme otázky týkající se dávkování, hormonální a symptomatické účinnosti podávání selektivních modulátorů estrogenních receptorů při léčbě mužů trpících hypoandrogenizmem a nežádoucí účinky spojené s touto léčbou. Výsledky naší analýzy ukazují, že léčba je pacienty dobře snášena a ve srovnání s tradiční exogenní substitucí testosteronu je rovněž účinná. Optimální dávkování klomifen citrátu je však třeba teprve stanovit. Dále uvádíme přehled našich postupů pro užívání klomifen citrátu a monitorování jeho bezpečnosti., Selective estrogen receptor modulators, such as clomiphene citrate, have been used as an off-label treatment of hypoandrogenism and idiopathic male infertility for over 30 years. We performed a systematic analysis of selective estrogen receptor modulators use in men with hypoandrogenism to examine issues related to dosage, hormonal and symptomatic efficacy, and adverse events. Our analysis indicates that treatment is well-tolerated and efficacious when compared to traditional exogenous testosterone supplementation. However the ideal dosage of clomiphene citrate has yet to be elucidated. We also provide a review of our institutional practices on the use and safety monitoring of clomiphene citrate., and Kathrins M., Wadhwa H., Niederberger C.
Effect of selenium on leaf senescence was studied in oilseed rape plants treated with 10 μM Na2SeO4 at a rosette growth stage. In addition to developmental senescence, N deficiency and leaf detachment were used for induction of senescence. Nonphotochemical quenching declined in old leaves as senescence became more advancing but rose progressively in the plants supplied by Se. The total carbohydrate and protein pools decreased with leaf age, while increased by the Se treatment. However, during senescence induced by N deficiency, Se did not change remarkably the C and N metabolism, but delayed senescence mainly through protection of plants from photoinhibitory effects. After detachment, untreated leaves became chlorotic and necrotic, while the Se-treated ones remained fairly green. Our results demonstrated that Se delayed leaf senescence by a maintaining or even improving photochemical activities. During developmental senescence, the Se effect on the extending life span of the leaves was additionally linked to the metabolic regulation of senescence., S. Rahmat, R. Hajiboland, N. Sadeghzade., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The effects of selenium on photosynthesis and Chl fluorescence in pear, grape, and peach were analyzed. The foliar spray of amino acid-chelated selenium solution was performed soon after fruit setting, totally six times, with an interval of ten days. After seven days from the last spray, the leaves in the middle of shoots were examined. Foliar spray of selenium increased the net photosynthetic rate in pear, grape, and peach. In contrast, the treatment decreased stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and substomatal CO2 concentration in all the three species. The selenium treatment improved the maximum quantum yield of PSII, effective quantum yield of PSII, and photochemical quenching in all three species. Conversely, the selenium treatment reduced nonphotochemical quenching in all three species. We suggested that selenium can improve photosynthesis and protect PSII in fruit crops., T. Feng, S. S. Chen, D. Q. Gao, G. Q. Liu, H. X. Bai, A. Li, L. X. Peng, Z. Y. Ren., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Trematode sporocysts and rediae reproduce by parthenogenesis, forming clonal groups in the molluscan host. It has recently become popular to consider these groups as eusocial colonies, with division of labour between rediae morphs: small 'soldiers' incapable of reproduction defend the colony, while large rediae reproduce. Alternatively, clonal groups can be considered as self-sustaining infrapopulations. We tested these two hypotheses in the light of new data on rediae of Himasthla elongata (Mehlis, 1831) from snails Littorina littorea (Linnaeus) concerning ultrastructure, growth character and composition of their groups. Clonal groups under study contained rediae of different age and maturity stages: small (young) rediae, rediae with early cercarial embryos, rediae with late embryonic cercariae, rediae with fully formed motile cercariae, rediae with redial embryos and degenerating rediae. Small rediae had a reproductive organ, the germinal mass, whereas most large rediae with developing cercariae did not, which contradicts the eusocialconcept. Overall distribution of rediae by size and by gut to body length ratio was bimodal, which agrees with the eusocial concept ('soldiers' and 'reproductives' as modal size classes). On closer inspection, however, the bimodal size-frequency distributions (SFD) turned out to be the sum of unimodal SFD of rediae at various stages of maturity. The overall bimodality was determined by the character of redial growth resulting in a relatively low occurrence of intermediate morphs and by the developmental arrest in young rediae. The facts that small rediae can attack other rediae and concentrate in the anterior parts of the mollusc can be explained by age-related feeding preferences and niche segregation. They are unlikely to be associated with the 'colony' defence against invaders. To sum up, clonal groups of H. elongata rediae in our study represented self-sustaining infrapopulations., Kirill V. Galaktionov, Irina M. Podvyaznaya, Kirill E. Nikolaev, Ivan A. Levakin., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V posledních letech prudce roste nejen počet pacientů s diabetem, ale i počet pacientů léčených pro jeho pozdní komplikace. Jeden ze zásadních faktorů, které se podílejí na jejich vzniku, je hyperglykemie. V prevenci komplikací významně pomáhá zlepšení kompenzace diabetu. Nezastupitelnou součástí léčby diabetu je selfmonitoring (samostatné měření) glykemií a úprava terapie podle naměřených hodnot. Práce shrnuje nejnovější názory na uplatnění selfmonitoringu ve zlepšení kompenzace u pacientů s diabetem 1. i 2. typu a podává přehled současných možností využití technologií v diabetologii., Over the last few years, not only the number of patients with diabetes, but also the number of patients treated for late complications, has been rapidly increasing. One of the major factors contributing to their development is hyperglycaemia. An important part in preventing the complications is improved diabetes control. Self‑monitoring plays an irreplaceable role in diabetes treatment. It involves measuring glucose levels and altering therapy according to the measured values. This paper summarizes the latest opinions on use of self‑monitoring to improve diabetes control in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and provides an overview of the current opportunities for applying technology in diabetology., and Kožnarová R.
Kniha Igora Lukeše Československo nad propastí: Selhání amerických diplomatů a tajných služeb v Praze 1945-1948 (Praha, Prostor 2014) přichází podle autora s řadou nových poznatků a postřehů, ocenění zaslouží především zmapování činnosti amerických tajných služeb v poválečném Československu, založené z velké části na nevyužitých pramenech. Diskutabilní je však Lukešova teze, že poválečné Československo bylo pro Američany zkušební laboratoří budoucího evropského vývoje a hrálo v tom smyslu pro ně klíčovou roli. Jestliže to mohlo platit v roce 1945, se zhoršováním mezinárodní situace jejich zájem o Československo rychle klesal a o dva roky později už věnovali prioritní pozornost jiným evropským zemím. Autor se dále věnuje tématu americké veřejné diplomacie a propagandy v poválečném Československu, které administrativa Spojených států přes naléhání velvyslance Laurence A. Steinhradta velmi podcenila a jež Lukeš ve své práci zcela pominul. Nelze tak přiřknout veškerou zodpovědnost za americký přístup právě Steinhardtovi, jak činí Lukeš., Igor Lukeš’s On the Edge of the Cold War: American Diplomats and Spies in Postwar Prague (2012), published in Czech as Československo nad propastí: Selhání amerických diplomatů a tajných služeb v Praze 1945-1948 (Prague: Prostor, 2014), offers, according to the reviewer, a number of fresh observations and new pieces of information, and it merits praise mainly for charting out the activity of the US secret services in post-war Czechoslovakia, which the author has achieved using largely hitherto unused sources. Nevertheless, Lukeš’s claim that for the Americans post-war Czechoslovakia was a laboratory of future European developments, playing a key role for them in that sense, is highly debatable. Though that may have been true in 1945, their interest in Czechoslovakia rapidly waned with the worsening international situation, and two years later their attention was primarily turned to other European countries. The author also considers American public diplomacy and propaganda in post-war Czechoslovakia, which the US Administration, despite the urgings of Ambassador Laurence A. Steinhardt, greatly underestimated, something Lukeš has completely ignored in this work. It is therefore unfair of Lukeš to assign all of the blame for the American approach to Steinhardt., and Jan Koura.