Secondary deformations are ground movements occurring in areas of ceased underground mining. These are associated with delayed readjustment of rock mass resulting in subsidence, discontinuous deformations (sinks, cracks, etc.) due to destruction of underground, usually shallow, workings, and elevation of ground surface in response of rock mass to rising groundwater levels following the end of mine water drainage. Comparative analysis of secondary deformations in two former mining areas in the first period after cessation of underground hard coal mining is the subject of this study. We used ERS-1/2 and Envisat satellite radar interferometry data processed with PSInSAR technique and GIS to map vertical (in satellite’s line of sight, LOS) movements of the surface and analyse them in relation to location of coal fields and underground water table rise. In the study, two areas have been compared, the Ostrava city in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and the Wałbrzych Coal Basin in Poland. The results of analyses based on the results of PSInSAR processing between 1995 and 2000 for the Wałbrzych site indicate uplift (up to +12 mm/year) in closed parts of coal fields and subsidence (up to -8 mm/year) in areas of declining mining. Results of PSInSAR analysis over the Ostrava site indicate decaying subsidence after mine closures in the rate of up to -6 mm/year during 1995-2000. Residual subsidence and gentle uplift have been partly identified at surroundings of closed mines in Ostrava from 2003-2010 Envisat data. In Wałbrzych gentle elevation has been determined from 2002 to 2009 in areas previously subsiding. and Blachowski Jan, Jiránková Eva, Lazecký Milan, Kadlečík Pavel, Milczarek Wojciech.
This research evaluates the potential benefits of the tightly combined processing of a global navigation satellite system together with the additional ranging observations from a satellite based augmentation system. In specific, the experiment presents performance of precise instantaneous single-frequency positioning based on European Galileo and EGNOS navigation systems. Due to currently low number of Galileo satellites, the test observational data were obtained with hardware GNSS signal simulator. All calculations were performed with in-house developed software - GINPOS. The results show that it is possible to obtain improvement in the accuracy and reliability of single-frequency precise positioning when including observations from SBAS systems. However, one must take in to account that at middle latitudes EGNOS satellites are observed at low elevations what results in higher atmospheric errors affecting its signals., Jacek Paziewski, Paweł Wielgosz and Marta Krukowksa., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Oil derivatives contamination of soils effects in changes of many physical properties of soil su ch as: electrical resistivity, conductivity and self potential (SP) as well. Thus the measurable a nomalies of these properties are possible to detect with geoelectrical measurements. SP geoelectrical measurements were carried out in the area of controlled oil spill. The oil was spilled into vadose zone of dry sands. The first underground water level was observed at the depth of 10 m. The measurements were carried out along 20 m long profile situated above 3 m long contaminated zone. The part of contaminated zone (1.5 m) had been subjected to bioremediation process with yeasts Yarrowia lipolytica since 4 months. In the border of contaminated zone and biodegradate done chemical gradient was developed and significant in crease of self potentials values can be observed. The measurements were carried out with potential gradient method. L und Imaging System equipment and non-polarizable electrodes (Cu/CuSO 4 ) were applied. Above contaminated and biodegraded zone distinct SP anomaly (10-20 mV) was measured. The anomaly correlates with results of EM, resistivity imaging and induced polarization investigations., Bogdan Żogała, Maciej J. Mendecki, Wacław M. Zuberek and Małgorzata Robak., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The paper presents the results of research related to the application of GNSS solutions in short observational periods in geodynamical investigations. Authors used the 3-hour solution appointed from hour-long interval of about 30 chosen stations on mountainous terrains from over 100 which were worked out. The main aim was to check the correctness of such solutions by the comparison with the daily ones. Some outliers in East component could testify, that tropospheric or ionospheric models used in the data adjustment are not sufficient for so short-time solutions. The second principal problem, which was considered in the present work is the ability to detect diurnal and sub-diurnal oscillations in changes of permanent stations’ coordinates. Results show unambiguously, that such oscillations appear in all analysed stations. In the paper there are examples of stations with dominant oscillations in different frequencies. The clear homogeneous in the frequencies was not found among any group of stations. It is therefore difficult to affirm, if their origin comes purely from the geodynamical phenomena., Andrzej Araszkiewicz, Janusz Bogusz, Mariusz Figurski and Karolina Szafranek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The light-induced nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) can safely dissipate excess of absorbed light to heat. Here we describe an application of spectrally resolved fluorescence induction (SRFI) method for studying spectral variability of NPQ. The approach allows detection of spectrally-resolved nonphotochemical quenching (NPQλ) representing NPQ dependency on fluorescence emission wavelength in the whole spectral range of fluorescence emission. The experimental approach is briefly described and NPQλ is studied for the cryptophyte alga Rhodomonas salina and for green alga Chlorella sp. We confirm presence of NPQλ only in membrane-bound antennae (chlorophyll a/c antennae) and not in phycobiliproteins in lumen in cryptophyte and show that NPQλ is inhibited in the whole spectral range by NPQ inhibitors in Chlorella sp. We discuss variability in the quenching in the particular spectral ranges and applicability of the NPQλ parameter to study quenching locus in vivo., R. Kaňa., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The expression of aquaporins (AQPs ) in the fetal porcine urinary tract and its relation to gestational age has not been established. Tissue samples from the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder and urethra were obtained from porcine fetuses. Samples were examined by RT-PCR (AQPs 1-11 ), QPCR (AQPs positive on RT-PCR), and immunohistochemistry. Bladder samples were additionally examined by Western blotting. RNA was extracted from 76 tissue samples obtained from 19 fetuses. Gestational age was 60 (n=11) or 100 days (n=8). PCR showed that AQP1, 3, 9 and 11 mRNA was expressed in all locations. The expression of AQP3 increased significantly at all four locations with gestational age, whereas AQP11 significantly decreased. AQP1 expression increased in the ureter, bladder and urethra. AQP9 mRNA expression increased in the urethra and bladder, but decreased in the ureter. AQP5 was expressed only in the urethra. Immunohistochemistry showed AQP1 staining in sub-urothelial vessels at all locations. Western blotting analysis confirmed increased AQP1 protein levels in bladder samples during gestation. Expression levels of AQP1, 3, 5, 9 and 11 in the urinary tract change during gestation, and further studies are needed to provide insights into normal and pathophysiological water handling mechanisms in the fetus., L. K. Jakobsen, K. F. Trelborg, P. S. Kingo, S. Høyer, K.-E. Andersson, J. C. Djurhuus, R. Nørregaard, L. H. Olsen., and Seznam literatury
Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 46 C 186 adl. 11, Klášter Rytířského řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou - knihovna Praha CZ XVIII K 5 adl. 15, Knihovna Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ TF 347 adl. 35, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BU II 110 adl. 44, Metropolitní kapitula u sv. Víta v Praze Praha CZ F. b. 85 adl. 9, and BCBT41350