Acenocoumarol is a vitamin K antagonist that is used for the treatment of acquired and congenital, both arterial and venous, thrombotic diseases. Its use is complicated by the narrow therapeutic range. Bleeding following oral anticoagulation, despite rare, remains the major complication. Most cases of hemorrhagic episodes usually require short hospitalization and transfusion, while surgical drainage of the hematoma is not recommended. However, in cases that conservative treatment isn’t successful, surgical intervention remains an option. We present a case of severe spontaneous bleeding of the rectus abdominis muscle which was successfully managed surgically., Orestis Ioannidis, George Paraskevas, Anastasios Kotronis, Stavros Chatzopoulos, Athina Konstantara, Nikolaos Papadimitriou, Apostolos Makrantonakis, Emmanouil Kakoutis, and Literatura 15
Epidermal inclusion cysts are common benign cutaneous cysts which arise from hair follicles. These cysts usually present as asymptomatic, small, smooth, firm, round, slow growing swellings on hair bearing areas such as scalp, face, neck and trunk. Epidermal inclusion cysts are easily diagnosed by their clinical features. However, trichilemmal cyst, dermoid cyst, neurofibroma, hemangioma, lipoma and liposarcoma should also be kept in mind in differential diagnosis of cutaneous cystic lesions. As malignant transformation of epidermal inclusion cysts has been reported, histopathological evaluation of epidermal inclusion cysts is mandatory in order to rule out malignancy. Moreover, giant epidermal inclusion cysts with ulceration, rapid growth, resistance to treatment, recurrence and fistula drainage may have malignant potential. Therefore, epidermal cysts should be surgically removed. There are several different types of surgical techniques to remove cutaneous cysts. A proper surgical technique should facilitate the complete removal of the cyst wall to prevent recurrence. In addition, it should provide minimal scarring and a low wound infection rate. Epidermal inclusion cysts can be easily removed surgically with squeeze technique. In this technique, the cyst is squeezed out through a small incision using both index fingers. Thus, the cyst is not ruptured. The squeeze technique allows the cyst capsule to remain intact. Therefore, the risk of wound infection, recurrence and scar formation is minimized. Hereby, we present a 48-year-old male with multiple epidermal inclusion cysts on the scalp treated surgically with squeeze technique., Mehmet Eren Yuksel, Funda Tamer, and Literatura
Many aspects of surgical treatment of intestinal malrotation in children remain to be debatable. In the opinion of the majority of the specialists, surgical treatment is required after the diagnosis taking into account serious complications of intestinal malrotation. Purpose. The purpose of this research was to conduct an analysis of surgical tactics and operative treatment method for isolated and associated intestinal malrotations in children. Material and methods. We observed 123 children at the age of one day to 15 years with malrotation during the period of 2002 to 2013. Results. We presented the data from observing 123 children at the age of one day to 15 years with various clinical-anatomic forms of intestinal malrotation over from 2002 to 2013. In 62 patients (50.4%), the evidences of the high intestinal obstruction were prevalent, while 61 (49.6%) showed signs of low intestinal obstruction. 116 patients (94,3%) were given operative intervention: radical – 95(81,9%) and palliative – 21 (18,1%). In 56 % of the cases, various simultaneous surgeries were required. There are proposed differential approaches in relation to anatomic form of malrotation and possibility of the fixation of large intestine in the physiological position. Conclusion. The results obtained from the operative treatment are presented. The lethal outcomes could be reduced from 54.7%, among the patients being observed from 2002 to 2010, to 16,7% in patients being operated during 2011 to 2013., Nasriddin Shamsiddinovich Ergashev, Jamoliddin Bahronovich Sattarov, and Literatura
Background. Nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle are of the complex pathology of the elbow joint, occurring relatively often and resulting in disability of children. The treatment of nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus remains controversial. Purpose of this report was improvement of the results of surgical treatment of the nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus with use of differential approach to the surgical strategy. Material and methods. We were observing 28 children (17 boys and 11 girls) with nonunion and longstanding nonunion of lateral condyle of humerus, with various degrees of severity. There were used MRI and Xray investigations for differential study of the patients divided into 3 groups in relation to stability and nonstability of the nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus of the lateral humeral condyle of humerus with cubitus valgus. Results. All 28 patients lateral humeral condyle nonunions with cubitus valgus achieved union within sixty five days after operative procedure using Ilisarovs technique. The mean postoperative humerusulna angle was 6,0 degrees of cubitus valgus. All of reverse Tosteothomies healed uneventfully, and there was no loss of correction postoperatively. The mean duration of followup was 7 years. The overall results were excellent in 15(53,5%) patients, good in 11(39,3%) patients, and fair in 2(7,2%) patients. All 28 patients lateral humeral condyle nonunions with cubitus valgus achieved union within sixty five days after operative procedure using Ilisarovs technique. The mean postoperative humerusulna angle was 6,0 degrees of cubitus valgus. All of reverse Tosteothomies healed uneventfully, and there was no loss of correction postoperatively. The mean duration of followup was 7 years. The overall results were excellent in 15(53,5%) patients, good in 11(39,3%) patients, and fair in 2(7,2%) patients. Conclusion. We believe it is reasonable to use our treatment method when dealing with nonunion of the lateral humeral condyle with cubitus valgus. These differential techniques helps to shape the distal part of humerus, thus, restoring the function of the elbow joint., Ilkhom E. Khujanazarov, Iskandar U. Khodjanov, and Literatura
Článek se zabývá problematikou odmítání transfuze krve ze strany členů náboženské společnosti Svědkové Jehovovi. Danou otázku přitom zkoumá nejen z pohledu aktuální právní úpravy v zákoně o zdravotních službách (dříve vyslovených přáních) a vybrané judikatury, ale také z širšího právněfilozofického a politického pohledu. Dochází k závěru, dle něhož formálně právní úprava sice preferuje vůli pacienta, nicméně tento přístup může mít z obecnějšího společenského hlediska i některé sporné důsledky. Proto je nakonec přijat názor, že transfuzi je nutné poskytnout i proti vůli pacienta., The article deals with the issue of the blood transfusion rejection by the member of the religious community Jehovah's Witnesses. The issue is examined not only from the view of the recent legal provisions (living will) and the available judicature, but also from the broader philosophical and political view. It concludes that the legal provisions prefer the patient's autonomy but this approach can generally also have some controversial consequences. Therefore the author resumes that the blood transfusion should be provided although it infringes the patient's will., Pavel Uherek, and Literatura
V článku uvádíme kazuistiku pacienta s raritním nálezem – synchronním bilaterálním tumorem varlete. Dle ultrazvukového vyšetření se vzhled obou tumorů lišil, dle CT břicha bylo popsáno metastatické rozšíření do lymfatických uzlin levého retroperitonea. Primárně byla provedena bilaterální radikální orchiektomie, histologické vyšetření vyvrátilo předpoklad radiologa, jelikož byl popsán bilaterální seminom varlete – dle TNM klasifikace pT3N3M0, SX. Pacient následně podstoupil tři cykly adjuvantní chemoterapie, po níž bylo dosaženo remise onemocnění., We present a case report of a patient with a rare diagnosis – synchronous bilateral testicular tumor. The sonographic appearance of both sides differed. Abdominal CT showed metastatic spread to lymph nodes of the left retroperitoneum. Initially, a bilateral radical orchiectomy was carried out. Histological examination rebutted the radiologist‘s presumption and showed bilateral testicular seminoma – according to the TNM classification pT3N3M0, SX. The patient subsequently underwent three cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy which achieved remission., Petr Skála, Miroslav Štrbavý, Petr Ondráček, Milouš Derner, Marek Broul, and Literatura
The significance of intracavitary, intraorgan, hypertension syndrome identification as a novel uniform (model) pattern of a pathological process is substantiated in the in the article based on currently available literature sources and clinical practice experience. A conformity analysis of the considered pathological syndromes and model pathological processes criteria is presented with reference to data on etiology, pathogenesis, anatomical and some ontogenetic suppositions and stipulations. Criteria for the studied pathological conditions differentiation in clinical practice are proposed., Ville Timerbulatov, Shamil Timerbulatov, and Literatura
Cesta pacientů, kteří se stávají klienty v psychoterapii, bývá obvykle dlouhá, časově náročná, plná diagnostických vyšetření a zákroků. Důležité je, že po neúspěšných zdravotnických pokusech o diagnostiku či léčbu přicházejí zlepšit svůj somatický zdravotní stav prací se svou duší. Systemická terapie nabízí bezpečné a efektivní metody a nástroje, jak spojit léčbu tělesných a psychických potíží, a využívá při této spolupráci i samotné tělo klienta., Patiens, who become the clients of psychoterapy, have to usually pass a long and time demanding path including a lot of diagnostic procedures and medical interventions. Those unsuccesful ones, who did try hard with medical diagnostics or help finally come to improve their health conditions by working with their souls. And that is important. The systemic therapy offers safe and efective methods and instruments to combine physical and mental problems treatment as well as cooperation with the client´s body as itself. KEY WORDS: problem, Závěrková M., and Literatura
Diabetes 1. typu (DM1) vzniká jako následek autoimunitní destrukce beta buněk pankreatu. Vliv diabetu na celkový výsledek těhotenství je poměrně dobře prostudován. Mnohem méně se toho však ví o vlivu diabetu matky na vyvíjející se imunitní systém plodu. Riziko rozvoje DM1 u dětí diabetických matek (pokud onemocněly před těhotenstvím) je nižší než např. u dětí diabetických otců. Tato diskrepance podporuje teorii, že by mohlo docházet k určitému navození imunotolerance u dětí DM1 matek. Z tohoto důvodu jsme si pro náš výzkum vybrali T regulační buňky (Tregs), které hrají důležitou roli v imunoregulaci a patogenezi mnoha autoimunitních onemocnění. Studie Tregs pupečníkové krve DM1 matek jsou navíc ojedinělé. Pomocí průtokové cytometrie jsme analyzovali zastoupení Tregs (definovaných jako CD45+ CD3+ CD4+ CD25+ CD127(low/-)) ve vzorcích pupečníkové krve od 17 matek s DM1, 17 s gestačním diabetem a 42 zdravých kontrol. Signifikantní rozdíl jsme nalezli jen v zastoupení Tregs z Th lymfocytů, kde v pupečníkové krvi zdravých matek činil tento poměr 9,25 % a u matek s DM1 6,73 % (p=0,043). Ostatní rozdíly nedosáhly signifikance. Pokud tedy dochází k navození specifické imunotolerance, je tato patrně podmíněna jinak než změnou počtu Tregs. Pokračujeme proto ve funkční analýze Tregs s cílem nalézt vysvětlení pro nižší výskyt diabetu u dětí DM1 matek ve srovnání s ostatními prvostupňovými příbuznými DM1 pacientů. Pochopení tohoto jevu by mohlo přispět např. i k vytvoření imunointervenční terapie DM1., Type 1 diabetes (T1D) develops due to autoimmune pancreatic beta cells destruction. The effect of diabetes on pregnancy outcome is well documented. However, much less is known about the effect of maternal diabetes on the developing foetal immune system. The risk of T1D development in a child of T1D mother who was diagnosed prior pregnancy is lower than e.g. in a child of T1D father. This discrepancy supports the theory that there is some immunoregulatory influence on her baby. For this reason we decided to study T regulatory cells (Tregs) which are important in immunoregulation and for autoimmune diseases pathogenesis. Moreover Tregs cord blood (CB) studies of T1D mothers are limited. Tregs defined as CD45+ CD3+ CD4+ CD25+ CD127(low/-) in CB samples were investigated in our study by flow cytometry and 17 T1D mothers, 17 gestation diabetes mothers and 42 healthy controls were enrolled. We found just that CB from babies of T1D mothers contained 6,73 % Tregs/total Th-lymfocytes in comparison to 9,25 % in controls (p = 0,043). Other differences were not significant. If an establishment of specific immunological tolerance in foetus of T1D mother really exists, it seems to be rather due to other factors than just to changes in Tregs count (which was moreover found to be decreased). We are currently focused on explanation why children of T1D mothers suffer from diabetes less frequently than other first degree relatives by using functional analysis of Tregs. Insights in to this phenomenon would be useful e.g. for construction of T1D immunointervention therapy., Tereza Ulmannová, Jindra Norková , Jana Včeláková, Dagmar Bartášková, Ivana Špálová, Kateřina Štechová: T regulační buňky v pupečníkové krvi dětí diabetických matek, and Literatura 20