Some grammatical phenomena that only seldom appear in the corpora of written language often coincide with speakers’ uncertainty about a given form’s grammatical status. Such display of uncertainty is often subject to prescriptive criticism, which pays little attention to actual usage. However, thorough and discriminating corpus analyses can help in a proper description of various low-frequency phenomena and in situating them more adequately in the grammatical system, against the background of different contexts, communicative situations, and language varieties. To exemplify this potential, this study examines three linguistic phenomena in German, using a corpus- -based approach: the dative singular ending -e, the construction aus aller Herren Länder, which lacks the dative plural ending -n, and the non-standard preterite form frug. The results can be seen as a contribution to a more precise grammatical description on the one hand and, on the other, as a basis for an improved, more usage-oriented approach in providing practical advice to language users. and Leckteré gramatické jevy, které se v korpusech psaných textů vyskytují jen zřídka, vzbuzují u mnoha uživatelů jazyka pochyby. Tyto případy jsou často předmětem normativní jazykové kritiky, která se o úzus mnoho nestará. Avšak pečlivé a diferencované korpusové analýzy mohou pomoci popsat i mnohé nízkofrekvenční jevy a adekvátněji je začlenit do systému na pozadí různých kontextů, komunikativních situací a variet. K exemplifikaci tohoto stanoviska byly korpusově zkoumány tři jevy německého jazyka: koncovka -e v dativu sg., konstrukce typu aus aller Herren Länder, v níž chybí plu-rálová koncovka -n, a nestandardní préteritální forma frug. Na výsledky tohoto výzkumu lze pohlížet na jedné straně jako na příspěvek k preciznějšímu gramatickému popisu a na straně druhé jako na východisko pro kvalitnější poradenskou praxi, orientovanou na reálný úzus.
The article is divided into three parts. The first section summarizes the key scientific contributions of Niels Bohr and also clarifies selected misleading interpretation concerning the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of complementarity. The second part shows Bohr as the thinker who solved scientific problems in light of a cross-disciplinary search. Furthermore, the section presents the atmosphere of the so-called Copenhagen spirit that reigned in Bohr‘s Institute for Theoretical Physics. The last part deals with Bohr as a director of the Institute and the development or transformations of the Institute from its foundation in 1920 till the beginning of the Second World War., Filip Grygar., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Maintenance of norepinephrine (NE)-induced contraction is dependent on Ca2+ influx through L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCC), which is opposed by nitric oxide. Adrenergic receptors are coupled with different G proteins, including inhibitory G proteins (Gi) that can be inactivated by pertussis toxin (PTX). Our study was aimed to investigate the effects of endothelium removal, PTX pretreatment and acute VDCC blockade by nifedipine on the contractions of femoral arteries stimulated by norepinephrine. We used 12-week-old male WKY, half of the rats being injected with PTX (10 μg/kg i.v., 48 h before the experiment), which considerably reduced their blood pressure (BP). Contractions of isolated arteries were measured using Mulvany-Halpern myograph. NE dose-response curves determined in femoral arteries from PTX-treated WKY rats were shifted to the right compared to those from control WKY. On the contrary, removal of endothelium augmented NE dose-response curves shifting them to the left. Acute VDCC blockade by nifedipine (10-7 M) abolished all differences in NE dose-response curves which were dependent on the presence of either intact endothelium or functional Gi proteins because all NE dose-response curves were identical to the curve seen in vessels with intact endothelium from PTX-treated animals. We can conclude that BP reduction after PTX injection is accompanied by the attenuation of NE-induced contraction of femoral arteries irrespective of endothelium presence. Moreover, our data indicate that both vasodilator action of endothelium and Gi-dependent vasoconstrictor effect of norepinephrine operate via the control of Ca2+ influx through VDCC., S. Líšková, J. Kuneš, J. Zicha., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy