The study of optometry at the Department of Optometry and Orthoptics, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University in Brno, successfully extends an education tradition of national center for nursery and non-medical health-care. Optometrists find engagement not only in optometric centres and opticians but they are also team members of ophthalmic clinics and refraction centres. It is a matter of time only when they take a firm post between professionals for instance treating patients with acquired brain damage or light brain dysfunctions. Such an engagement of optometrists is at present common in anglo-Saxon countries. and Výuka optometrie na katedře optometrie a ortoptiky LF MU Brno úspěšně navázala a rozšířila tradici ve vzdělávání v Národním centru ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů. Optometristé nalézají uplatnění nejen v optometrických centrech, očních optikách, ale stávají se součástí odborných týmů očních klinik a refrakčních center. Je jen otázkou času, kdy zaujmou i u nás svoje pevné místo mezi odborníky, problematiku řešícími pacientů, například se získaným poškozením mozku nebo lehkou mozkovou dysfunkcí. Toto zapojení optometristů je v současné době již běžné v anglosaských zemích.
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na přehled metodologických přístupů ke korespondenci v domácí novočeské ediční teorii počínaje texty Jana Jakubce, přes články a návrhy zásad od Arne Nováka, Rudolfa Havla, Olgy Svejkovské, Mojmíra Otruby ad., konče skripty Petra Komendy. Pojednává základní tendence jednotlivých přístupů, které byly sice formovány polarizací v pojetí dopisového materiálu (text-dokument x literarizovaný text), sleduje však zároveň dynamiku postupného sbližování obou přístupů ve způsobu edičního zpracování, která koresponduje s proměnami chápání epistolárních pramenů v literární vědě., This paper summarizes the methodological approaches to correspondence in modern Czech editorial theory, from texts by Jan Jakubec to articles and principles put forward by e.g. Arne Novák, Rudolf Havel, Olga Svejkovská, Mojmír Otruba and lecture notes by Petr Komenda. It deals with the basic trends of individual approaches, which were indeed formed through the polarization (i.e. text-document vs. literarized text) in the conception of letter material, but it also follows the dynamics of the gradual rapprochement of these two procedures in editorial method, reflecting changes in the understanding of epistolary sources in literary studies. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.), and Překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke
The essay explains Central-European traditional forms of manpower transport, in particular the ways to transport children. Carrying children using different transport aids has a long tradition and many common elements within the researched area, but we can also find many specific techniques and ways of carrying children as well as transport aids there. We can encounter regional archaisms and specifics there which make these ways of transport special. We focus on the oldest and most common transport mean - a wrap that - as a universal mean - served for carrying children until the mid-20th century. We record the ways of carrying children on motheer´s body - in front, on side or on back. The children used to be fixed in more ways as to their age, weight, and occasion to which they were transported (to the field, doctor´s, baptism etc.). We have noticed a special way of carrying children in baskets on mother´s back. Many of these described archaic ways are being revitalised, whereby original carrying techniques, and modern transport aids and materials are used. The essay summarizes results of long-term research and it compares them with materials published in the ethnographic atlases of Slovakia (EAS) and Poland, as well as with Czech works.
This text deals with the traditional methods of carrying materials on frame packs in Krkonoše. Like sleighs or wagons, frame packs were a traditional means of transport, used mainly in the mountains or rugged and hilly regions. Three different types of frame packs
were used in Krkonoše. Frame packs with a shelf were the most common type: they featured atypical shelf onto which the load was placed. Frame packs with a board featured a simple wooden board as the main structural element. The latter type was equipped with straps used to affix the load. It was used by professional porters who often carried 100+ kilogram loads. The third type, known as the bench frame pack, was mostly used for transporting hay. The tough
work of a porter was commonly passed from generation to generation. Porters worked in all seasons and under any and all weather conditions.
Globalization is a process. It is sweeping away old cultural norms and social orders and is bringing death to traditional beliefs and customs. This is a process of change, and many aspects of culture are changed forever. It is possible for this kind of transition to happen in many different ways and in many situations "the clash of civilizations" does not necessarily result in conflict. Cultural norms are voluntarily exchanged between various groups, but the differences in social standards are too difficult to accept, one culture begins to change the other. In such cases, one important question emerges . "Who has the right to decide which cultural norms and traditions are better?" This is a question about "cultural borders" and the universality of human rights and social norms. In this discussion, the issue of ritual slavery finds a place. Triokosi, and similar practices that can be found in some West African countries, are clear examples of the traditional bastions in the "war" against globalization. Those are the practices cosidered as being harmful by international society bud defended by traditional believers. The exploration of ritual bondage from both modern and historical perspectives is he main purpose of this article;; it also aims to shed some light on the discussion about the legitimization or suppression of cultural norms that are considered as being harmful.
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in most populations. As the traditional modifiable risk factors (smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity) were defined decades ago, we decided to analyze recent data in patients who survived acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The Czech part of the study included data from 999 males, and compared them with the post-MONICA study (1,259 males, representing general population). The Lithuanian study included 479 male patients and 456 age-matched controls. The Kazakhstan part included 232 patients and 413 controls. In two countries, the most robust ACS risk factor was smoking (OR 3.85 in the Czech study and 5.76 in the Lithuanian study), followed by diabetes (OR 2.26 and 2.07) and hypertension (moderate risk elevation with OR 1.43 and 1.49). These factors did not influence the ACS risk in Kazakhstan. BMI had no significant effect on ACS and plasma cholesterol was surprisingly significantly lower (P<0.001) in patients than in controls in all countries (4.80 ±1.11 vs. 5.76 ±1.06 mmol /l in Czechs; 5.32 ±1.32 vs. 5.71 ±1.08 mmol /l in Lithuanians; 4.88 ±1.05 vs. 5.38±1.13 mmol /l in Kazakhs/Russians). Results from our study indicate substantial heterogeneity regarding major CVD risk factors in different populations with the exception of plasma total cholesterol which was inversely associated with ACS risk in all involved groups. These data reflect ethnical and geographical differences as well as changing pattern of cardiovascular risk profiles., J. A. Hubacek, V. Stanek, M. Gebauerova, V. Adamkova, V. Lesauskaite, D. Zaliaduonyte-Peksiene, A. Tamosiunas, A. Supiyev, A. Kossumov, A. Zhumadilova, J. Pitha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Nunberg maintains that there are cases like ''I am traditionally entitled to a last meal'', as uttered by a condemned prisoner facing the firing squad, which suggest that an indexical like ‘I’ does double duty as a vehicle of singular and general reference. I argue against this claim. My position is that the sentence should be factored out into two: ''Traditionally, a condemned prisoner is entitled to a last meal'' and ''I am a condemned prisoner''. Nunberg’s sentence is generated by means of an illicit substitution of ‘I’ for ‘a condemned prisoner’ inside the scope of ''traditionally''. The morale is that sloppy or literally nonsensical speech like Nunberg’s sentence is not suitable as data for logical analysis of natural language. What is suitable data is the two-premise argument I put forward., Nunberg tvrdí, že existují případy, jako například ,,tradičně mám nárok na poslední jídlo'', jak vyslovil odsouzený vězeň, který čelí střelbě, což naznačuje, že indexové označení ,,I'' má dvojí povinnost jako prostředek jednotného a obecného odkazu. Proti tomuto tvrzení argumentuji. Můj postoj je takový, že věta by měla být zohledněna ve dvou: ,,Odsouzený vězeň má tradičně nárok na poslední jídlo'' a ,,Jsem odsouzený vězeň''. Nunbergův rozsudek je vytvářen nedovolenou náhradou slova ,,I'' za ,,odsouzeného vězně'' v rozsahu ,,tradičně''. Morálka je, že nedbalý nebo doslova nesmyslný projev jako Nunbergova věta není vhodný jako data pro logickou analýzu přirozeného jazyka. Vhodnými daty jsou argumenty, které jsem navrhl., and Bjørn Jespersen