Metastatický melanom je agresivní onemocnění. Dosud využívané léčebné možnosti jako aplikace dakarbazinu, temozolomidu, high dose interleukinu-2 byly relativně omezené. Vemurafenib je malá molekula, která má schopnost inhibovat mutovanou BRAF proteinkinázu. Na základě provedených klinických studií BRIM-2 a BRIM-3, kdy vemurafenib dokázal prodloužit celkové přežití (OS) a dobu do progrese onemocnění (PFS), byl zaregistrována v EU k léčbě v monoterapii u dospělých pacientů s neresekovatelným nebo metastazujícím melanomem s pozitivní mutací V600 genu BRAF., Metastatic melanoma is an aggressive disease. Historical treatment options have been limited (e.g. dacarbazine, temozolomide, high dose interleukin-2) and associated with poor outcomes. Vemurafenib is a first-in-class, small molecule BRAFV600 inhibitor. Vemurafenib is approved in the EU as monotherapy in adult patients with BRAFV600 mutation-positive unresectable or metastatic melanoma. In the trial BRIM-2 a BRIM-3 vemurafenib significantly improved both overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS) in patients with unresectable melanoma., Ivo Kocák, Ilona Kocáková, Stanislav Špelda, and Literatura
We assessed the intensive care unit (ICU) patients for Invasive aspergillosis (IA) with culture and non-culture based diagnostic methods from Iran. Thirty-six ICU patients with underlying predisposing conditions for IA were enrolled in the study. Sixty eight Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples were collected by bronchoscope twice a weekly. BAL samples were analyzed by microscopic examination, fungal culture and galactomannan (GM) detection. The Platelia Aspergillus GM EIA was used to quantify GM indices. Samples with a BAL GM index > or = 1 were considered as positive for GM. Patients were classified as having probable or possible IA. Out of 36 suspected patients to IA, 36.1% of cases showed IA which were categorized as: 4 cases of possible IA and 9 of probable IA. 76.2% of BAL samples were positive for GM. From 13 patients with IA, 11 (84.6%) had at least one positive BAL GM index. Of these patients, 9 (81.8%) showed probable IA. The main underlying predisposing conditions were neutropenia (53.8%) and COPD (30.8%). Our study has indicated that COPD must be considered as one of the main predisposing condition for occurrence of aspergillosis in ICU patients. Our data have also revealed that GM detection in BAL samples play a significant role to IA diagnosis. and MT. Hedayati, S. Khodavaisy, M. Alialy, SM. Omran, MR. Habibi
Primární nádory mozku jsou heterogenním onemocněním. Nejzávažnější diagnózu představuje glioblastoma multiforme, který tvoří 75 % z high grade gliomů. Jedná se o agresivní nádory s omezenými terapeutickými možnostmi a špatnou prognózou. Medián přežití od stanovení diagnózy je bez léčby 4,6 měsíce, s léčbou kolem 12 měsíců. Zlatým standardem terapie je v dnešní době radikální operace, chemoradioterapie a následně adjuvantní chemoterapie temozolomidem. V naší práci jsme se zaměřili na přínos přidání temozolomidu ke standardní radioterapii v porovnání s jeho toxicitou., Primary brain tumors are a heterogeneous disease. The most important is glioblastoma multiforme, which constitutes 75 % of the high grade gliomas. These are aggressive tumors with limited therapeutic options and poor prognosis. Median survival from diagnosis is 4,6 months without treatment in the management of around 12 months. The gold standard therapy today is radical surgery, chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with temozolomide. In our work we focus on the benefit of adding temozolomide to standard radiotherapy compared with its toxicity., Kateřina Zycháčková, Markéta Pospíšková, Milan Kohoutek, Michal Filip, Alena Jakšičková, Michal Zycháček, and Literatura
INTRODUCTION: Annually more than 27,000 persons die of cancer in the Czech Republic and the overall incidence of malignancies is still increasing. These data shows the need for affordable and good follow-up care especially for patients without any cancer treatment due to irreversible progression of tumor. Currently the outpatient palliative cancer care gets more into the forefront. Prerequisite for a well working outpatient palliative care is cooperation with general practitioners and home health care agencies. The purpose of the so called program of palliative cancer care is to guide a patient in palliative cancer care and to improve the cooperation among health care providers. METHODS: During the period from January 2008 to October 2010 we evaluated in patient without any oncology treatment due to irreversible progression of tumor. RESULTS: In palliative outpatient clinic we treated 446 patients, 119 of them received home care services with average length of 27.8 days. 77 patients died at home, 51 in health facilities and 41 in inpatient hospice care. CONCLUSION: We present pilot study focusing on outpatient palliative cancer care which shows the real benefit from early indication of palliative cancer care. This type of care allows patients to stay as long as possible at home among their close relatives. and I. Slánská, J. Kopecký, S. Filip
Účel studie: Retrospektivně jsme zpracovali výsledky léčby mozkových nádorů stereotaktickou radioterapií a radiochirurgií. Použité metody: Pacienti podstoupili plánovací CT a MR vyšetření. Poté bylo provedeno plánování cílového objemu a ozařovací techniky v BrainLab systému a pacienti byli ozářeni na X-noži Varian s vícelamelovým kolimátorem BrainLab. Radiochirurgie byla aplikována jednorázově s fixací ve stereotaktickém rámu. Pacienti, kteří podstoupili frakcionovanou stereotaktickou radioterapii, byli fixováni pomocí speciální stereotaktické masky. Statistické zpracování bylo provedeno ve spolupráci s Ústavem matematiky a statistiky PřF MU Brno. Výsledky: Celkem bylo ozářeno 101 pacientů s primárními mozkovými tumory. Nejčastěji se jednalo o meningeomy a high-grade gliomy. Medián sledování byl 22,4 měsíců. Pacienti, kteří podstoupili radiochirurgii, měli medián dávky 18 Gy. Pacienti, ozařovaní frakcionovaně, měli medián dávky 25 Gy. Toxicita léčby byla nízká. Stabilizace onemocnění byla zaznamenána u 68 % pacientů, parciální remisi dosáhlo 10 % a jeden pacient měl kompletní remisi. Závěr: Výsledky naší léčby jsou srovnatelné s publikovanými studiemi. Stereotaktické ozařovací metody mají své důležité místo v léčbě primárních tumorů mozku., We analysed retrospectively our treatment of primary brain tumors using stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery. Methods: Patients underwent CT and MR examinations. Target volume and technique were planned in BrainLab system. Patients were irradiated on X knife. Radiosurgery was apllied with fixation using stereotactic frame. Stereotactic mask was used in cases of stereotactic radiotherapy. Statistical processing was performed at Department of mathematics and statistics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk university Brno. Results: 101 paients were included in our study. In the most of cases there were diagnosis of meningeoma and high-grade glioma. Median follow up was 22,4 months. Median of dose of radiosurgery was 18 Gy. Patients, whose underwent stereotactic radiotherapy, were median of doses 25 Gy. Treatment toxicity was low. Stable disease was recorded in 68 % of cases, partial remission achieved in 10 % patients and one patient had the complete remission. Conclusion: Results of our study are comparable with results other publicated studies. Stereotactic treatment irradiation has the important role in the treatment of brain tumors., Hana Doleželová, Petr Pospíšil, Pavel Šlampa, Irena Čoupková, Jan Garčič, Pavel Fadrus, Tomáš Svoboda, Iveta Selingerová, Ivana Horová, and Literatura
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among Czech dentists and to analyze the factors that affect these disorders. Information was gathered through questionnaire completed by 581 physicians. The questionnaire ascertained general information about physicians including their work habits and the characteristics of their work environment along with the occurrence of musculoskeletal problems as well as their intensity. In the past year the occurrence of at least mild difficulties associated with the locomotive system was reported by 96.9% of dentists surveyed (n = 557), with 66.3% of respondents (n = 381) reporting difficulties ofa moderate or major nature. Most respondents of both sexes indicated neck pain. A statistically significant correlation with the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints of medium and major intensity was demonstrated for the following factors: sex, age, running a private practice, past injury or musculoskeletal diseases, and the perception of work as psychologically demanding. Musculoskeletal disorders in dentists in Czech Republic are relatively frequent and serious health problem. The causes of these diseases must be identified and appropriate preventive interventions undertaken that will contribute to a reduction in the incidence of these problems. and Z. Sustová, L. Hodacová, M. Kapitán
Melanocytární léze vykazují značnou morfologickou heterogenitu. Jejich diagnostika je náročná i přes současné využití moderních histopatologických a imunohistochemických metod. Významným přínosem v diagnostice melanocytárních lézí je zavedení molekulárně genetické metody fluorescenční in situ hybridizace s použitím čtyřbarevné sondy značící geny CCND1, RREB1, MYB a centromeru chromozomu 6. V letech 2008–2012 bylo v naší laboratoři úspěšně metodou fluorescenční in situ hybridizace vyšetřeno 160 vzorků různých typů melanocytárních lézí, 44 névů a 116 melanomů. Změny asociované s diagnózou melanomu byly prokázány u 116 vzorků (72,5 %), normální nález u 41 vzorků (25,6 %), ve dvou případech bylo rozhodnutí na hranici hodnotitelnosti metody (1,2 %) a v jednom případě se jednalo o vyšetření recidivy melanomu v jizvě, který byl svým nálezem atypický (monozomie chromozomu 6) (0,6 %). Na základě dosažených výsledků byla stanovena senzitivita metody 96,6 % a specifita metody 91%. Tyto výsledky ukazují, že fluorescenční in situ hybridizace je vhodnou metodou pro zajištění přesné a rychlé diagnostiky nejednoznačných melanocytárních lézí. Právě rychlost a správnost diagnózy je u vysoce maligních melanomů zásadní a má neoddiskutovatelný vliv na prognózu a úspěšnost léčby pacienta., Melanocytic lesions exhibit significant morphological heterogenity, making their diagnosis difficult, although both sophisticated histopathological and immunohistochemical methods are used. The introduction of molecular genetic method flourescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has contributed significantly to the diagnosing of melanocytic lesions. Between 2008 and 2012, we studied a total of 160 samples of different types of melanocytic lesions, including 44 nevi and 116 melanomas, using a four-color probe mix for CCND1, RREB1 and MYB genes and for the centromere of chromosome 6. A positive result was found in 116 melenoma samples (72.5 %) and a negative result in 41 samples (25.6 %). A borderline value was found in two samples (1.2 %), and an atypical finding (monosomy of chromosome 6) was seen in a melanoma recurrence in one case (0.6 %). Sensitivity and specificity were 96.6 % and 91 %, respectively. These results show that FISH is a suitable and relatively low-cost method for accurate, rapid diagnosis of ambiguous melanocytic lesions. The speed and accuracy of diagnosis of highly malignant melanomas are crucial and have great impact on the prognosis and success of a patient‘s treatment., Jana Dvořáčková, Jana Žmolíková, Jan Mužík, Magdalena Uvírová, and Literatura