Stejně jako dnes není nauka schopna vymezit Evropskou unii jako entitu sui generis, tak i v době meziválečné nebyla jednoznačně zařaditelná koncepce Společnosti národů. Antonín Hobza varoval, že snaha o to, aby Společnost národů byla za každou cenu zařazena do některé z kategorií jako „spolek států“, nemá rozumný smysl, protože jde o spojení států, které nemá v historii obdobu.V souladu s jinými evropskými teoretiky mezinárodního práva Antonín Hobza soudil, že obraz Společnosti národů by byl zkreslen, kdybychom na něj chtěli uplatňovat představy o tradičních organizačních uskupeních, neboť jde o nové období mezinárodního práva. Obdobnou argumentaci zaznamenáváme dnes v souvislosti s Evropskou unií snad jen s tím rozdílem, že o evropském právu nehovoříme jako o právu mezinárodním, ale jako o právu nadnárodním. and Just like today the legal science is far from being able to define European Union as an entity sui generis, it was difficult to classify the League of Nations between the two wars. Czech internationalist Antonín Hobza warned that the aim to define League of Nations as a “Union of states” did not have a rational meaning because the League of Nations was an unprecedented integration of states. In agreement with other theoreticians of international law Antonín Hobza thought that the image of League of Nations would have been misinterpreted if we wanted to apply traditional concepts of organization of states because we have reached a new era of international law.We are seeing the same argumentation today in relation to the European Union. The difference is that European law is treated not only as international but as a supranational law.
The article covers the topic of women's migration from poorer countries to the so called First World to provide domestic work and care giving. On the one hand, their movement is caused by the demand for domestic labour in rich countries where double career couples resolve the dilemma of reconciliation of public and private spheres by externalization of domestic work. On the other hand, the supply is significant. Migration and provision of domestic service is often the only survival strategy available to women from developing countries due to high unemployment and few working opportunities. The practice of hiring a migrant as domestic worker creates global care chains (Hochschild, 2001) that connect women engaged in care giving - those who are postponing it and those who are providing it. Migrant women hold an unequal position in these chains. They comprise a cheap labour in the informal private sector and so are vulnerable to abusive treatment. To tackle such discrimination, the patriarchal system stereotyping both women's and men's roles has to be challenged on the both sides of the care chain: in the developed as well developing countries.
Understanding the history of coniferous forests and their natural changes over time is critical for proper and effective forest management. The text describes the origin and disturbance history of the mountain Norway Spruce (Picea abies) forests in the Šumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest) using tree-ring and archival documents analyses. Severe and extensive natural disturbances play and have played a fundamental role in forest structure and dynamics. Part of the territory has been shaped by forest management. and Vojtěch Čada ... [et al.].
[Zprávy Československé společnosti pro dějiny věd a techniky při ČSAV 9-10, 29-66 (1968)] and I. Bernard Cohen ; úvod redakce společný i pro předchozí článek je uveden na straně 220.
In order to examine the relationship between certain risk factors for atherosclerosis and family history of myocardial infarction, we compared a group of children (n=51) whose parents had survived myocardial infarction (n=34) with a control group of children (n=90) with a negative family history of atherosclerosis (62 parents). The study revealed a surprising fact that 26.7 % of control children had hypercholesterolaemia compared to 15.7 % incidence in "risk" children. "Risk" children differed from the controls most in the apo-A-l levels and a higher risk index expressed by the proportion of apo-B:apo-A-l (1.22, 1.34 g/1, p=0.001, 0.58, 0.46, p=0.05, respectively). Since the most frequent primary hyperlipoproteinaemia in myocardial infarction families was familial combined hyperlipoproteinaemia, we assume that this condition may be presented in affected children by an unfavourable proportion of apolipoproteins of the lipoprotein classes.
This article seeks to reveal the circumstances of the recent crackdown by Abkhazian and Russian security forces on the members of the Abkhazian jamaat, an alleged subgroup of the Caucasus Emirate. Focusing on the role of infamous Gitsba brothers in the military campaign against the Georgian Army in the early 1990s, their relationship to Shamil Basayev´s Chechen insurgents, and Abkhazia´s increasingly vocal Muslim community, among whom Salafi ideas have gained momentum recently, the article scrutizines the issue of the Abkhazian jamaat within the overal context of the security triangle of Abhkazia, Georgia, and Russia., Emil Souleimanov., and Obsahuje seznam literatury