Kudlanka nábožná (Mantis religiosa) je příklad teplomilného druhu, který v posledních letech začal expandovat i do severnějších oblastí Evropy. Na základě studia mitochondriálních markerů se ukázalo, že v rámci Evropy kudlanky náleží do tří odlišných genetických linií. Tyto linie (západoevropská, středoevropská a východoevropská) se postupně po poslední době ledové šířily na sever z různých glaciálních refugií. Tuto teorii také podporují paleoklimatická data a distribuční modely možného šíření kudlanek po poslední době ledové., The Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) is an example of a thermophilic species, which has recently been expanding northwards across Europe. Based on the study of mitochondrial genes, it has been shown, that the European M. religiosa belong to three different genetic lineages (West-, Central- and East-European). These lineages have been gradually spreading northwards from different glacial refugias after the last glacial period. This theory has also been supported using paleoclimatic data and distribution models of the potential spread of M. religiosa after the last glacial period., and Jakub Vitáček, Petr Janšta.
The eye nematode Thelazia callipaeda Railliet et Henry, 1910 (Spirurida: Thelaziidae) is a vector-borne zoonotic nematode infecting a range of wild and domestic carnivores as well as humans. It is considered to be a causative agent of emerging and neglected disease and currently invades central part of Europe. Nematodes were collected from the eye of a dog living in Prague, which never travelled outside the Czech Republic. The nematodes were identified based on their morphology and partial sequence of the cox1 gene as T. callipaeda haplotype 1. This finding represents the northernmost record of autochthonous canine thelaziosis in Europe. The insufficient control of imported animals as well as free movement of dogs and wild carnivores within Europe probably facilitates spreading of T. callipaeda throughout the continent. To better understand the spreading of T. callipaeda and to prevent its zoonotic transmissions, information about the risk of this infection in newly invaded countries should be disseminated not only among veterinarians and physicians, but also within the community of pet owners and hunters., Milan Jirků, Roman Kuchta, Elena Gricaj, David Modrý and Kateřina Jirků Pomajbíková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cephalcia masuttii sp. n. is described from the SE Alps of Europe, based on morphological, biological, and genetic studies. The larvae feed gregariously on Picea abies. The species has been recorded also from Central Siberia and NE China, where the larvae feed on Picea obovata and Picea koraiensis, respectively. Indications exist that it may be more widely distributed in Europe and northern Asia. The strict gregariousness of larvae of this species is peculiar among spruce feeders of Cephalcia. Morphologically the adults are most similar to Cephalcia alashanica, with which they are compared. An allozyme analysis showed that the populations from Europe and China are quite similar and clearly different from the other species living on spruce. The karyotype of C. masuttii (n = 25) is also described.
Myšlenka založit společnou Evropskou observatoř vznikla patrně na jaře roku 1953 během pobytu amerického astronoma německého původu Waltera Baadeho na observatoři v Leidenu, kde pobýval na základě pozvání Jana H. Oorta (Blaauw, 1991). Rozhovory Baadeho s Oortem vyústily dne 21. června 1953, den před konferencí o galaktické astronomii poblíž Groningenu, v širší diskusi. Té se zúčastnili W. Baade, A. Blaauw, P. Bourgeois, A.-L. Danjon, O. Heckmann, B. Lindblad, J. H. Oort a P. Oosterhoff. Také byl přítomen tehdejší ředitel Holandského národního vědeckého fondu a předseda výboru evropské organizace pro atomový výzkum CERN J. H. Bannier. Tato schůzka, která byla velmi ovlivněna názory W. Baadeho, vedla k založení Evropské jižní observatoře (ESO) v roce 1962., Jan Palouš., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Polymorphic microsatellite loci were characterised for two louse species, the anopluran Polyplax serrata Burmeister, 1839, parasitising Eurasian field mice of the genus Apodemus Kaup, and the amblyceran Myrsidea nesomimi Palma et Price, 2010, found on mocking birds endemic to the Galápagos Islands. Evolutionary histories of the two parasites show complex patterns influenced both by their geographic distribution and through coevolution with their respective hosts, which renders them prospective evolutionary models. In P. serrata, 16 polymorphic loci were characterised and screened across 72 individuals from four European populations that belong to two sympatric mitochondrial lineages differing in their breadth of host-specificity. In M. nesomimi, 66 individuals from three island populations and two host species were genotyped for 15 polymorphic loci. The observed heterozygosity varied from 0.05 to 0.9 in P. serrata and from 0.0 to 0.96 in M. nesomimi. Deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were frequently observed in the populations of both parasites. Fst distances between tested populations correspond with previous phylogenetic data, suggesting the microsatellite loci are an informative resource for ecological and evolutionary studies of the two parasites., Jana Martinů, Veronika Roubová, Milena Nováková, Vincent S. Smith, Václav Hypša, Jan Štefka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Předkládaný článek přináší stručný průřez problematiky studia taxonomie štírů rodu Euscorpius. Evropským štírům byla věnována pozornost již od poloviny 18. století. Po bezmála 250 letech zkoumání se tento rod stále nedočkal vyřešení otázky své komplikované taxonomie. Zdá se ovšem, že současné studie kombinující morfologické, genetické a cytogenetické znaky mohou být klíčem pro odhalení skutečné druhové diverzity., This article briefly summarizes the last two and a half centuries of taxonomic research into the European genus of scorpions commonly known as small wood scorpions (Euscorpius). Despite the fact that taxonomists have been focusing on this genus since the mid-18th century, their taxonomy is not yet sufficiently resolved. However, present studies seem to be on the right track, and looking into a combination of morphological, genetic and cytogenetic features may hold the key to revealing the true diversity of the species., and Jana Plíšková.
Dne 14. května 2009 odstartovala z evropského kosmodromu v Kourou, který se nachází ve Francouzské Guyaně v Jižní Americe, nosná raketa Ariane 5 ECA se sondami Planck a Herschel na palubě. Nosná raketa je 59 metrů vysoká a má v průměru 5,4 metru. Byla vyvíjena of 70. let a její první start se uskuečnil již v roce 1979. Nosič má hmotnost 770 tun a vynese užitečný náklad o hmotnosti 6 tun. Raketa byla nazvána podle mytologické postavy Ariadné (Ariane je její přepis do francouzštiny). and Petr Kulhánek.
This study is devoted to the examination of the image of Rudolph IV of Austria in the historical writings of Henry Truchsas of Diessehofen. His chronicle, which maps the years 1316-1361, deals primarily with the history of the Empire; however, the attention of the author of this article is continuously drawn to the history of the Dukes of Austria, which is closely related to this area. The author try to explain the silence of the chronicler on the Rudolph’s participation in the allegiance formed by the Dukes of Württemberg in 1359, which was potentially aimed against Emperor and Rudolph’s father-in-law Charles IV. and Georg Modestin.