Nanobiophotonics is one of the most recent interdisciplinary scientific disciplines that originated at the frontiers of nanotechnology, photonics and biomedical sciences. The aim of nanobiophotonics is to transfer the medical diagnostics and therapy to the level of individual proteins and biologically active molecules, acting as cornerstones of the living cell. One of the key roles in its advancement can be attributed to the development of ultrafast pused lasers. These allowed to cross-combine spectroscopic, imaging and time-resolved methods and provide complex, multi-modal information about biological structures and phenomena on the nanometer scale. In our contribution we give an overview of the most important moments mapping the path from the discovery of the first laser to the current state of nanobiophotonic technologies in the world, and perspectives of this new scientific field in Slovakia., Nanobiofotonika je jedným z najmladších interdisciplinárnych vedeckých smerov, ktorý vznikol na pomedzí nanotechnológií, fotoniky a biomedicínskych vied s cieľom preniesť medicínsku diagnostiku a terapiu na úroveň proteínov a biologicky aktívnych molekúl - základných jednotiek živej bunky. Kľúčovú úlohu v jeho rozvoji má predovšetkým vývoj pulzných laserov s ultrakrátkymi impulzmi, ktoré umožnili prepojiť spektroskopické, zobrazovacie a časovo rozlíšené metódy a poskytujú dnes komplexnú multimodálnu informáciu o biologických štruktúrach a javoch na nanometrovej škále. V našom príspevku uvádzame prehľad vybraných významných momentov mapujúcich cestu od objavenia prvého lasera cez súčasny stav nanobiofotonických technológií k perspektívam tejto novej vednej oblasti na Slovensku., Dušan Chorvát ml., Alžbeta Chorvátová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Photography started to be applied in sciences shortly after the announcement of the daguerreotype in 1839 and become one of the most important supporting disciplines for science. This review concentrates on the history of scientific research on photographing processes which was conducted at Charles University. The most important was development of sensitometry which started by work of Vojtěch Šafařík (1829-1902) who thoroughly studied the dry proces. Photographic work in the Institute of Physics (IP) of the Czech part of "Carlo-Ferdinand University" was initiated due to studies of X-rays (from 1895) and later the Institute of Photochemistry and Scientific Photography was founded within IP by Professor Viktorin Vojtěch (1879-1948). In 1950-s this institute disappear and splitted into chemical part (colloidal chemistry and photochemistry) at Faculty of Natural Sciences and physical part (photophysics, studies of latent image and silver halogenides) at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics under leadership of Professor Ladislav Zachoval (1906-1982). His follower Professor Karel Vacek then turned interest from scientific photography into modern subjects of chemical physics and biophysics., Jan Valenta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The neutron time-of-flight spectrometer (NEAT) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin has a long history of successful application for studying dynamics and function over very broad time and space domains ranging from 10-14 to 10-10 seconds and from 0.05 up to approximately 5 nanometres, respectively. Started originally in 1995 as NEAT I, NEAT II has been fully rebuilt in order to address the needs of the user community for more powerful instruments. From the end of January 2017 researchers from all over the world will be able to investigate the structure and dynamics of substances, including under extreme conditions., Veronika Grzimek, Gerrit Günther, Margarita Russina:., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In this article basic concepts concerning "uncertainty" and their related topics are presented, explained using examples and discussed. Namely, the concept of "true value" underwent a significant evolution from the so called "Error approach" to the "Uncertainty approach". The concept of quantity value itself is consistent with the concept of uncertainty, rather than "exact value" presented by one exact real number. A particular schism with previous Czech terminology has been solved and some general rules for terminology are stated. This paper was supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Grand agency INGO II, project LG13026. and Jan Obrdržálek.
The vast majority of physical objects we deal with are almost exclusively made of atoms. Due to their discrete level structure, single atoms have proved to be excellent emitters of nonclassical light, i.e. single photons. We demonstrate experimentally that this nonclassical behaviour is preserved when scaling up the number of atoms in the source ensemble by several orders of magnitude., Lukáš Slodička, Ondřej Číp a Radim Filip., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Nekonečno ve fyzice občas vystupuje, ačkoli se přímo nejeví - není jevem. Jeho existence závisí na použitých matematicky formulovaných fyzikálních zákonech, tedy idealizovaných modelech, pomůckách k pochopení. Tyto "pomůcky" byly odvozeny ze zkušností s konečným světem a jejich rozšíření na nekonečno je riskantním podnikem. Je tedy nekonečno pojmem ontologickým, vyjadřuje něco skutečně jsoucího?, Infinity plays some role in physics although it is not a phenomenon, so it is not directly apparent in physical world. Its existence depends on our idealised mathematically formulated models, hypotheses, theories. i.e. on our instruments for understanding. These instruments were derived from our experience with a finite, limited world. Their extension to infinity is therefore a risky business. So, is infinity an ontological concept, does infinity exist in reality?, Peter Zamarovský., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The branch of physics dealing with the physical theory of music is called musical acoustics. it has been established by Pythagoras and Eucleides who introduced and explained its fundamental concepts. They showed that basic consonant intervals were determined by small prime numbers. The introductory part of this article is devoted to the sound in general. Then it continues with the tones and their properties. It demonstrates how almost all the music is based on merely three basic intervals. The article explaines the difference between the concept of consonancy and euphony. requirements leading to creation of musical scales are set and the comae are arrived at. Finally, the tempered tuning is introduced., Hudební akustika je vlastně fyzikální teorií hudby. O její vznik se zasloužili Pythagoras a Eukleidés, kteří zavedli a vysvětlili fundamentální pojmy. Ukázali, že základní konsonantní intervaly jsou určeny malými prvočísly. Tento článek v úvodu věnuje pozornost zvuku obecně, návazně tónům a jejich vlastnostem. Demonstruje, jak téměř celá hudba spočívá pouze na třech nepřevodných intervalech. Vysvětluje, čím se liší pojmy konsonance a libozvučnost. Odvozuje, na základě jakých požadavků byla vytvořena hudební stupnice a jak vznikají komata. Jejich zanedbáním přechází k temperovanému ladění a ukazuje, do jaké míry jsou jím postiženy hudební intervaly., and Jiří Pavluch.
We have proposed a probabilistic quantum amplifier, which is capable of amplifyzing weak light signals in such a way that phase of the light is not only preserved, but its resolution is improved as well! Surprisingly, this "noise-free" amplification is achieved by addition of incoherent thermal noise followed by a photon subtraction scheme. The amplifier, which has been already experimentally implemented, might in the future become a valuable tool for quantum metrology of quantum communication., Petr Marek, Radim Filip., and Obsahuje bibliografii