Central European lowland wet meadows are habitats of great conservation interest, however, their phytosociological status has been to a large extent dependent on specific phytosociological traditions in different countries. In order to bridge the gaps between different national schemes of vegetation classification, a statistical analysis of variation in species composition of these meadows in the Czech Republic, E Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and NE Croatia was performed, using a data set of 387 geographically stratified vegetation relevés sampled at altitudes < 350 m. Principal coordinates analysiswas used to identify and partial out the noise component in the variation in this data set. The relevés were classified by cluster analysis. A new method for identifying the optimal number of clusters was developed, based on species fidelity to particular clusters. This method suggested the optimum level of classification with three clusters and secondary optimum levels with five and nine clusters. Classification based on three clusters separated the traditional phytosociological alliances of Calthion palustris and Molinion caeruleae, both with a suboceanic phytogeographical affinity, and a group of flooded meadows of large river alluvia, with a continental affinity. The latter group included the traditional alliances of Agrostion albae, Alopecurion pratensis, Cnidion venosi, Deschampsion cespitosae and Veronico longifoliae-Lysimachion vulgaris; however, the internal heterogeneity of this group did not reflect putative boundaries between these alliances as proposed in the phytosociological literature. Therefore we suggest to unite these alliances in a single alliance Deschampsion cespitosae Horvatić 1930 (the oldest valid name). Classification with nine clusters was interpreted at the level of broad phytosociological associations. Particular clusters were characterized by statistically defined groups of diagnostic species and related to macroclimatic variables.
We reviewed 37 studies on vegetation succession in which the succession started on bare ground, was followed in at least six sites, and where these sites were spatially separated over at least 10 km2. The effect of environmental factors, which were explored in at least five studies, on the course of succession was assessed, based on the proportion of significant and non-significant results. Surrounding vegetation, macroclimate, soil moisture, amount of nitrogen and soil texture appeared to have the highest influence on the course of succession. Less influential were the size of a disturbed site, pH, organic matter and phosphorus content. Surrounding vegetation exhibited a significant effect in all cases where this was considered. These results imply that succession cannot be studied without the landscape context. The large-scale approach to succession has the potential to contribute substantially to both the theory of succession and practical applications, especially in restoration ecology.
Typology of dry-mesic oak forest vegetation of Slovakia is presented. Seven vegetation types were distinguished based on a Braun-Blanquetian relevé data analysis using a TWINSPAN classification algorithm. The identified vegetation types are related to seven syntaxa traditionally used by Central European phytosociologists: dry-mesic oak forest on sandy soils – Carici fritschii-Quercetum roboris, dry-mesic oak forest on heavy soils – Potentillo albae-Quercetum, dry-mesic oak forest on basic rocky substrates – Corno-Quercetum, dry-mesic oak forest on acidic substrates – Sorbo torminalis-Quercetum, dry oak forest on loess – Quercetum pubescenti-roboris, dry-mesic oak forest on loess – Convallario-Quercetum roboris, dry-mesic forest of Turkey oak – Quercetum petraeae-cerris. Detrended correspondence analysis was used to visualize the similarity of vegetation types. Some aspects of dry-mesic oak forest ecology, distribution and dynamics in Slovakia are discussed; their general retreat due to mesophilous tree species expansion is stressed.
During the last decade many electronic databases of vegetation plots, mainly phytosociological relevés, were established in different European countries. These databases contain information which is extremely valuable for both testing various macroecological hypotheses and for nature conservation surveying or monitoring. The aim of this paper is to provide estimates of the number of vegetation plots there are in Europe, how many are stored in an electronic format and to assess their distribution across European countries and regions.We sent a questionnaire to the managers of national or regional databases of vegetation plots and other prominent vegetation ecologists. Meta-data obtained in this way indicate that there are > 4,300,000 vegetation-plot records in Europe, of which > 1,800,000 are already stored electronically. Of the electronic plots, 60% are stored in TURBOVEG databases. Most plot records probably exist in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, UK, Switzerland and Austria. The largest numbers of plots per unit area are in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and countries of central Europe. The most computerized plots per country exist in the Netherlands (600,000), followed by France, the Czech Republic and the UK. Due to its strong phytosociological tradition, Europe has many more vegetation plots than any other part of the world. This wealth of unique ecological information is a challenge for future biodiversity studies. With the alarming loss in biodiversity and environmental problems like global warming and ongoing changes in land use, there is an urgent need for wide-scale scientific and applied vegetation research. Developments of information systems such as SynBioSys Europe and facilitation of data flow between the national and regional databases should make it easier to use these vegetation-plot data.
The article contains an example detailing the application and analysis of the accuracy of the method called continuous dynamic vehicle weighing during travel, using the telematic system. A model was built using the input data obtained through laboratory experiments on a running vehicle. This model was then applied to study the effects of error probability for the measured input data on the resulting expected accuracy of vehicle weight measuring in a normal running regime. Based on this point, hereby presented is a proposal of selected measured variables of great importance, and a proposal for the computation relationship of the used variables. By statistically processing a set of measured data taken during one vehicle travel, it is possible to attain -10.7% extreme relative error of the given method for the dynamic determination of vehicle weight.
Příspěvek je věnován opevnění mocenské aglomerace Staré Město – Uherské Hradiště, jednoho z nejvýznamnějších center raně středověkého státního útvaru, Velké Moravy. Ve studii je vyhodnocen jeden ze starších, dosud nepublikovaných terénních výzkumů, které se uskutečnily na východním okraji aglomerace v hradišťské čtvrti Rybárny. V průběhu těchto výzkumů byly objeveny zbytky mohutné fortifikace tvořené čelní kamennou zdí a dřevo-hliněnou konstrukcí táhnoucí se v délce bezmála 400 m. Průběh opevnění byl potom ověřen geofyzikálními i geologickými metodami. Následně došlo v poloze Rybárny k objevu velkomoravského pohřebiště a pravděpodobně i kostela, což kromě jiného vyvolalo nové otázky vztahující se k charakteristice, funkci a dataci nedaleké hradby. and The article is devoted to the fortification of the powerful Staré Město – Uherské Hradiště agglomeration, one of the most important centres of the Early Medieval state formation – Great Moravia. The study evaluates an earlier, hitherto unpublished, excavation that was conducted on the eastern edge of the agglomeration in the quarter Rybárny. During this excavations the remains of massive fortifications were discovered, with a stone facing and an earth and timber structure running a length of no less than 400 m. The course of the fortification was subsequently verified using geophysical and geological methods. Later, a Great Moravian cemetery and probably church were also found at Rybárny, which amongst other things raised news questions relating to the characteristics, function and dating of the nearby rampart.
To investigate the vestibular and somatosensory interaction in human postural control, a galvanic vestibular stimulation of cosine bell shape resulting in a small forward or backward body lean was paired with three vibrations of both soleus muscles. The induced body lean was registered by the position of the center of foot pressure (CoP). During a quiet stance with eyes closed the vibration of both soleus muscles with frequency (of) 40 Hz, 60 Hz and 80 Hz resulted in the body lean backward with velocities related to the vibration frequencies. The vestibular galvanic stimulation with the head turned to the right caused forward or backward modification of CoP backward response to the soleus muscles vibration and peaked at 1.5-2 s following the onset of the vibration. The effect of the paired stimulation was larger than the summation of the vestibular stimulation during the quiet stance and a leg muscle vibration alone. The enhancement of the galvanic stimulation was related to the velocity of body lean induced by the leg muscle vibration. The galvanic vestibular stimulation during a faster body movement had larger effects than during a slow body lean or the quiet stance. The results suggest that velocity of a body postural movement or incoming proprioceptive signal from postural muscles potentiate the effects of simultaneous vestibular stimulations on posture., O. Dzurková, F. Hlavačka., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive and disabling disease that has been associated with aging. Several factors may potentially impair performance during exercise in elderly patients with COPD. This study was conducted to evaluate what characteristics related to lung function, peripheral muscle strength and endurance can predict the performance of elderly patients with COPD during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Forty elderly patients with COPD underwent resting lung function tests, knee isokinetic dynamometry, and CPET. Three models were developed to explain the variability in peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) after controlling for age as an independent confounder. The pulmonary function model showed the highest explained variance (65.6 %); in this model, ventilation distribution (p<0.001) and pulmonary diffusion (0.013) were found to be independent predictors. Finally, the models that included the muscle strength and endurance variables presented explained variances of 51 % and 57.4 %, respectively. In these models that involved muscular dysfunction, however, only the endurance variables were found to be independent predictors (p<0.05). In conclusion, ventilation distribution and pulmonary diffusion, but not the degree of airway obstruction, independently predict CPET performance in elderly patients with COPD. In addition, peripheral muscle endurance, but not strength, also predicts CPET performance in these subjects.
Hypoxia stimulates ventilation, but when it is sustained, a decline in the ventilatory response is seen. The mechanism responsible for this decline lies within the CNS, but still remains unknown. In this study, we attempted to elucidate the possible role of hypoxia-induced depression of respiratory neurons by comparing the ventilatory response to hypoxia in intact rats and those with denervated carotid bodies. A whole-body plethysmograph was used to measure tidal volume, frequency of breathing and minute ventilation (VE) in awake and anesthetized intact rats and rats after carotid body denervation during exposure to hypoxia (FIO2 0.1). Fifteen-minute hypoxia induced an initial increase of VE in intact rats (to 248 % of control ventilation in awake and to 227 % in anesthetized rats) followed by a consistent decline (to 207 % and 196 % of control VE, respectively). Rats with denervated carotid bodies responded with a smaller increase in VE (to 134 % in awake and 114 % in anesthetized animals), but without a secondary decline (145 % and 129 % of control VE in the 15th min of hypoxia). These results suggest that afferentation from the carotid bodies and/or the substantial increase in ventilation are crucial for the biphasicity of the ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia and that a central hypoxic depression cannot fully explain the secondary decline in VE., H. Maxová, M. Vízek., and Obsahuje bibliografii