V posledních několika letech se velice často diskutuje vliv inzulinu podobného růstového faktoru 1 (IGF1, insulin-like growth factor 1, somatomedin) a jeho vazebných proteinů na vznik a rozvoj nádorových onemocnění. Od počátku 80. let minulého století bylo provedeno mnoho experimentů a studií na toto téma. Tyto poznatky nám umožnily pochopit fungování systému IGF1 a jeho roli v růstu, diferenciaci a přežívání buněk a ve svém konečném důsledku vedly k vývoji nejnovější generace onkologických léčiv. Přes významné úspěchy ve výzkumu fungování systému IGF1 není jasné jeho využití v nádorové diagnostice., The influence of IGF1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) and its binding proteins to the cancer incidence and development have been discussed recently. Since the early 80’s of the last century, many experiments and studies were carried out on this topic. These findings allow us to give an idea about the functioning of IGF1 and its role in the growth, differentiation and cell surviving. Our knowledge ultimately resulted in the development of the latest generation of oncological drugs. Despite of major achievements in research of IGF1, its place in tumor diagnosis is currently not so clear., Kučera R., Topolčan O., Fiala O., Šimánek V., and Literatura
Díky pokrokům v experimentální manipulaci s mikroskopickými systémy zažíváme v dnešní době žeň nových objevů ve výzkumu tepelných motorů. Získané výsledky ukazují, jak konstruovat tepelné motory pracující při maximální dovolené termodynamické účinnosti dané účinností Carnotova cyklu a dodávající nenulový a stabilní výkon, což je ve standardních učebnicích termodynamiky považováno za nemožné., The recent advent of novel micro-manipulation techniques has harvested many new results in the field of heat engines. It is now possible to construct heat engines operating at the maximum allowable thermodynamic efficiency determined by the Carnot efficiency and delivering non-zero stable output power, something which is considered impossible in standard thermodynamics textbooks., Viktor Holubec, Artem Ryabov., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Cílem tohoto článku je zdůvodnit nutnost hodnocení absolutního rizika zlomenin, porovnat výpověď jednotlivých velkých klinických studií o účinnosti antiresorpčních léků, ukázat na možnosti hodnocení účinnosti léčby u jednotlivých nemocných a upozornit, že adherenci nemocných k léčbě ovlivňuje nejen individuálně dokumentovaná účinnost a bezpečnost léčby u dané pacientky, ale že ji také ovlivňují příznivé účinky léčby na tkáně jiné než kost., Jan Štěpán, and Lit. 46
In the present text I have attempted to describe the profession of elementary school teacher and the changes it underwent in the last quarter of the 18th century. At that time, the education of the majority of children between the ages of six and twelve or thirteen was mostly in the hands of village schoolmasters, and these are my primary focus. Following the reform of the education system by Maria Teresa, teachers in Bohemia and Moravia were trained predominantly in what were known as preparanda at the Normal School in Prague. Their training differed from that of their predecessors in that their knowledge was now tested in examinations, with greater emphasis on teaching methods and closer supervision. Drawing on lists of teacher training graduates and other sources, I have analysed how many graduated every year and under what conditions, what textbooks they later used in the classroom, and the official view of pedagogy at that time. From those lists I was able to conclude that graduates who only spoke Czech ended up teaching only in small Czech-medium village schools. By looking at certain individual teachers more closely (such as the composer Jakub Jan Ryba, the pastor Tomáš Juren and several members of the Vlach family of teachers from Boleslav), my aim was to describe in outline the career of these "Czech" village schoolmasters, their motivation, level of knowledge, and deduce what they probably taught. From 1787 on, they were subject to inspection by regional school commissioners. I focussed on the first sixteen of these (one for each region), noting in particular how they were selected, their duties and aims. For it is they who were the guarantors of the new school system and the disseminators of the new thinking.As a result of the reforms, mandatory training and more exacting standards, elementary school teachers were able to improve their social standing and prestige., Michal Kneblík., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Pretrained model weights for the UDify model, and extracted BERT weights in pytorch-transformers format. Note that these weights slightly differ from those used in the paper.
UDPipe is an trainable pipeline for tokenization, tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing of CoNLL-U files. UDPipe is language-agnostic and can be trained given only annotated data in CoNLL-U format. Trained models are provided for nearly all UD treebanks. UDPipe is available as a binary, as a library for C++, Python, Perl, Java, C#, and as a web service.
UDPipe is a free software under Mozilla Public License 2.0 (http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/) and the linguistic models are free for non-commercial use and distributed under CC BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) license, although for some models the original data used to create the model may impose additional licensing conditions. UDPipe is versioned using Semantic Versioning (http://semver.org/).
UDPipe website http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/udpipe contains download links of both the released packages and trained models, hosts documentation and offers online demo.
UDPipe development repository http://github.com/ufal/udpipe is hosted on GitHub.
Kombinace chemoterapie a rituximabu je v současné době standardní léčbou 1. linie většiny B-ne-Hodgkinových lymfomů. Přestože je u většiny pacientů touto léčbou dosaženo kompletní nebo parciální remise, u cca 30 % pacientů s agresivními lymfomy a u většiny nemocných s pokročilými stadii indolentních lymfomů onemocnění následně relabuje. Jednou z možností, jak zajistit prodloužení bezpříznakového období u pacientů s lymfomy, je podávání udržovací terapie monoklonální protilátkou anti-CD20 – rituximabem. Cílem publikace je shrnout poznatky a možnosti udržovací terapie lymfomů rituximabem v roce 2010 u jednotlivých histologických typů lymfomů, a to jak z hlediska v současné době již klinicky ověřených indikací, tak i výhledů do budoucna, včetně možných rizik této léčby., Rituximab in combination with chemotherapy is considered a standard treatment approach for first line setting in most of non- Hodgkin´s lymphomas. Although most patients can reach complete of partial remission after this treatment, about 30 % of patients with aggressive lymphoma and almost all patients with advanced stage indolent lymphomas inevitably develop a relaps. The maintenance therapy with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, rituximab, represents one of the options how to extend disease-free interval in lymphoma patients. The aim of this article is to summarize information about the rituximab maintenance therapy of lymphoma, with respect to the current approved indications as well as to future directions, including potentially risks of this approach., David Belada, and Lit.: 22
This is the first release of the UFAL Parallel Corpus of North Levantine, compiled by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL) at Charles University within the Welcome project (https://welcome-h2020.eu/). The corpus consists of 120,600 multiparallel sentences in English, French, German, Greek, Spanish, and Standard Arabic selected from the OpenSubtitles2018 corpus [1] and manually translated into the North Levantine Arabic language. The corpus was created for the purpose of training machine translation for North Levantine and the other languages.