In the present study, a scheme based on fuzzy finite element method was provided for uncertainty quantification of liquefied saturated soil response under dynamic loading. In this respect, the coupled dynamic equations which are known as u-p equations were used, and instead of crisp values for input parameters, including permeability coefficient, specific mass of the soil, compressibility and shear modulus, their fuzzy numbers were used. At the end, displacements and pore water pressure created during earthquake were reported as fuzzy numbers. After verifying procedures of fuzzy analysis by experimental results from the centrifuge model test No. 1 from the VELACS project, several membership grades were considered. Firstly, the effect of fuzzification of each input soil parameter investigated individually, and then effect of considering all four input soil parameters as fuzzy numbers was analyzed by developed method. It was indicated that results of the analysis during the effective time of the earthquake were strongly influenced by the shear modulus and partially by compressibility modulus, and after this time, it was mainly affected by the permeability coefficient. Also considering uncertainty nature of specific mass of the soil had no significant effect on the results.
This study investigates the identity of hookworms parasitising the Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea (Péron), from three colonies in South Australia, Australia. The Australian sea lion is at risk of extinction because its population is small and genetically fragmented. Using morphological and molecular techniques, we describe a single novel species, Uncinaria sanguinis sp. n. (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae). The new species is most similar to hookworms also parasitic in otariid hosts, Uncinaria lucasi Stiles, 1901 and Uncinaria hamiltoni Baylis, 1933. Comparative morphometrics offered limited utility for distinguishing between species within this genus whilst morphological features and differences in nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences delineated U. sanguinis sp. n. from named congeners. Male specimens of U. sanguinis sp. n. differ from U. lucasi and U. hamiltoni by relatively shorter anterolateral and externodorsal rays, respectively, and from other congeners by the relative lengths and angulations of bursal rays, and in the shape of the spicules. Female specimens of U. sanguinis sp. n. are differentiated from Uncinaria spp. parasitic in terrestrial mammals by differences in vulval anatomy and the larger size of their eggs, although are morphologically indistinguishable from U. lucasi and U. hamiltoni. Molecular techniques clearly delimited U. sanguinis sp. n. as a distinct novel species. Obtaining baseline data on the parasites of wildlife hosts is important for the investigation of disease and the effective implementation and monitoring of conservation management.
Pacient s trombózou mozkových splavů a současným intracerebrálním hematomem parieto-okcipitálně byl neúspěšně léčen plnými dávkami intravenózní antikoagulace. Vzhledem k postupné progresi klinického stavu vedoucí ke ztrátě vědomí byla indikována endovaskulární intervence. Pro časté ucpávání aspiračního systému Penumbra byl originálně použit guiding katétr Neuron (současně se Separator 3D) zavedený přímo do trombu namísto Reperfusion katétru se současnou aspirací trombu. Tento postup byl bezpečný a úspěšný a může být použit u pacientů s rozsáhlým trombotickým postižením. Klíčová slova: trombóza mozkových splavů – trombektomie – endovaskulární – aspirační systém Autoři deklarují, že v souvislosti s předmětem studie nemají žádné komerční zájmy. Redakční rada potvrzuje, že rukopis práce splnil ICMJE kritéria pro publikace zasílané do biomedicínských časopisů., A patient with ongoing cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and a parieto-occipital intracerebral haematoma was unsuccessfully treated with full-dose intravenous anticoagulation. A common endovascular aspiration technique was indicated because of the progressive severe deterioration, the level of consciousness had failed. As a novel approach, we used the 6F Neuron guiding catheter (together with The Separator 3D) inserted directly into the thrombus instead of the Reperfusion Catheter, for mechanical disruption of the thrombus mass together with continual aspiration. This procedure was safe and successful and can be used in cases of frequent aspiration catheter occlusions by a large amount of thrombus fragments., and J. Vanicek, M. Bulik
Let $X$ be a Banach space. We give characterizations of when ${\cal F}(Y,X)$ is a $u$-ideal in ${\cal W}(Y,X)$ for every Banach space $Y$ in terms of nets of finite rank operators approximating weakly compact operators. Similar characterizations are given for the cases when ${\cal F}(X,Y)$ is a $u$-ideal in ${\cal W}(X,Y)$ for every Banach space $Y$, when ${\cal F}(Y,X)$ is a $u$-ideal in ${\cal W}(Y,X^{**})$ for every Banach space $Y$, and when ${\cal F}(Y,X)$ is a $u$-ideal in ${\cal K}(Y,X^{**})$ for every Banach space $Y$.
We determined if mature ladybirds use colour to initially find suitable host plants. We also determined whether ladybird beetles are capable of associating characteristics such as colour with the presence of prey. Here, we show that the multicoloured Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis, has a differential response to yellow compared to green colours. Naive ladybirds, of both sexes, make significantly more visits and spend more time on yellow vs. green coloured pillars. After pairing yellow and green colours with the presence or absence of aphid prey, ladybirds alter their foraging behaviour. Beetles conditioned to having food on both pillar colours exhibited the same responses as naive beetles, while beetles conditioned to only yellow or green pillars did not exhibit a preference for visiting or spending time on different colours. However, there was a trend towards females spending more time on pillar colours on which they received reinforcement, and males spending more time foraging on colours opposite to that which they were reinforced. Thus, H. axyridis is capable of responding to cues such as colour, and its foraging behaviour can be altered as a result of prior experience.
Odpřahující protein 2 (UCP2, uncoupling protein 2) objevený v roce 1997 je homologem rozpřahujícího proteinu 1 (UCP1), který byl objeven v mitochondriích hnědé tukové tkáně novorozených savců a dospělých hibernantů jako součást mechanismu netřesové termogeneze. Zatímco UCP1 byl prokázán pouze v hnědé tukové tkáni, UCP2 je exprimován v kosterním svalu, bílé tukové tkáni, plicích a v dalších buněčných populacích. Odpřahující proteiny fungují jako iontové kanály. Jejich otevření snižuje mitochondriální membránový potenciál, tím se snižuje účinnost energetické přeměny – snižuje se tvorba ATP a zvyšuje se uvolnění energie ve formě tepla. UCP proteiny tím, že odpřahují procesy oxidace od tvorby ATP, zvyšují oxidaci substrátů, snižují podíl redukovaných komponent respiračního řetězce a tím redukují produkci reaktivních kyslíkových radikálů mitochondriemi. V tomto článku jsou popsány možné funkce UCP2., Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2), discovered in 1997, is the fi rst homologue of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) that was discovered in mitochondria of brown adipose tissue of newborn mammals and adult hibernators as the part of mechanism in non-shivering thermogenesis. While UCP1 was presented only in brown adipose tissue, UCP2 is expressed in skeletal muscle, white adipose tissue, lungs and in other cell populations. Uncoupling proteins work as ion channels. Opening of these channels decrease the mitochondrial membrane potential thereby the effi ciency of energy conversion is decreased – it is decreased production of ATP and is increased dissipation of energy in the form of heat. Uncoupling proteins uncouple the process of oxidation from the ATP formation, increase the substrate oxidation and decrease the part of reduced components of respiratory chain thereby reducing the production of reactive oxygen species in mitochondria. In this review possible functions of UCP2 are also described., Bolehovská R., Červinková Z., Pospíšilová M., Lotková H., Plíšková L., Palička V., and Lit.: 24