Projected changes of warm season (May-September) rainfall events in an ensemble of 30 regional climate model (RCM) simulations are assessed for the Czech Republic. Individual rainfall events are identified using the concept of minimum inter-event time and only heavy events are considered. The changes of rainfall event characteristics are evaluated between the control (1981-2000) and two scenario (2020-2049 and 2070-2099) periods. Despite a consistent decrease in the number of heavy rainfall events, there is a large uncertainty in projected changes in seasonal precipitation total due to heavy events. Most considered characteristics (rainfall event depth, mean rainfall rate, maximum 60-min rainfall intensity and indicators of rainfall event erosivity) are projected to increase and larger increases appear for more extreme values. Only rainfall event duration slightly decreases in the more distant scenario period according to the RCM simulations. As a consequence, the number of less extreme heavy rainfall events as well as the number of long events decreases in majority of the RCM simulations. Changes in most event characteristics (and especially in characteristics related to the rainfall intensity) depend on changes in radiative forcing and temperature for the future periods. Only changes in the number of events and seasonal total due to heavy events depend significantly on altitude.
Hydrologic cycle in the Liz catchment is described with an anomaly in the vegetation seasons 1992-1996. Experimental catchment Liz is located in the Šumava Mts. in the Czech Republic. The fully forested watershed is covered by mature spruce forest, and its basic characteristics are as follows: drainage area 0.99 km2, mean discharge 0.01m3 s-1, runoff coefficient 0.38, mean annual air temperature 6.30 oC, average slope 17 %, basin length 1.45 km, water course length 1.43 km, elevation 828-1074 m a.s.l., precipitation sum 851 mm year-1, and runoff depth 324 mm year-1. Air temperature, precipitation, global radiation, and discharge in the closing profile are measured in the catchment. It is characteristic for hydrologic cycle in the catchment that the share of seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature was nearly constant in 1983-2000. However, the seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature were changed considerably in 1983-2000. Similarly, the share of seasonal sums of both the rainfall and runoff was nearly constant in 1983-1991 and 1997-1999. An anomalous course of climate was registered in 1992-1996, manifested by a deviation on the double mass curve of the seasonal sums of rainfall and runoff. Stabilised elsewhere, the ratio of rainfall and runoff is changed during the vegetation seasons 1992-1996. Starting from the 1997 season, this ratio has obtained the value held before 1992. The reason of the 1992-1996 anomaly of hydrologic cycle in the experimental catchment had to be significant external phenomenon, most likely explosion of the Mount Pinatubo volcano in Philippines on June 15, 1991. and Hydrologic cycle in the Liz catchment is described with an anomaly in the vegetation seasons 1992- 1996. Experimental catchment Liz is located in the Šumava Mts. in the Czech Republic. The fully forested watershed is covered by mature spruce forest, and its basic characteristics are as follows: drainage area 0.99 km2 , mean discharge 0.01m3 s -1, runoff coefficient 0.38, mean annual air temperature 6.30 ºC, average slope 17 %, basin length 1.45 km, water course length 1.43 km, elevation 828-1074 m a.s.l., precipitation sum 851 mm year-1, and runoff depth 324 mm year-1. Air temperature, precipitation, global radiation, and discharge in the closing profile are measured in the catchment. It is characteristic for hydrologic cycle in the catchment that the share of seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature was nearly constant in 1983-2000. However, the seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature were changed considerably in 1983-2000. Similarly, the share of seasonal sums of both the rainfall and runoff was nearly constant in 1983-991 and 1997-1999. An anomalous course of climate was registered in 1992-1996, manifested by a deviation on the double mass curve of the seasonal sums of rainfall and runoff. Stabilised elsewhere, the ratio of rainfall and runoff is changed during the vegetation seasons 1992-1996. Starting from the 1997 season, this ratio has obtained the value held before 1992. The reason of the 1992-1996 anomaly of hydrologic cycle in the experimental catchment had to be significant external phenomenon, most likely explosion of the Mount Pinatubo volcano in Philippines on June 15, 1991.
Below-average precipitation and above-average air temperature are important factors in the occurrence and intensity of drought. In the context of global climate change, air temperature increase, as a key climatological parameter, has to be considered when calculating the drought index. We introduce a new method of drought analysis, relying on standardized values of precipitation and mean air temperatures for a certain period. The standardized value is calculated by subtracting the average value for each period from each measured value and dividing the obtained value by the standard deviation of the sample. Next, the New Drought Index (NDI) is calculated by subtracting the standardized temperature value from the standardized precipitation value. NDI values were determined for the monthly and annual precipitation time series and mean monthly and annual air temperatures measured at the stations Split-Marjan and Zagreb-Grič between 1948 and 2020. The NDI indicates that the risk of drought has intensified significantly in recent decades, which may be related to the effect of global warming.
Food dispersions are the most frequent and most important food components. Useful information was obtained in the investigations of liquid emulsions. The results obtained in their study were compared with tomato ketchups. They were chosen as an example of food dispersions with low lipid content. A set of 20 samples of tomato ketchups purchased on the native market were analyzed by several rheological procedures (RheoStress 300) and by sensory profiling both of textural and flavour characteristics. The psychorheology was used for the determination of relationships between results of instrumental and sensory measurements. The data base obtained was processed by statistical methods. The temperature affects the results differently, but it is not useful to study temperatures below room temperature. The rheological parameters agree with the Herschel-Bulkley equation. Therefore, the psychorheology was applied as a suitable complex method. About a third of plots between two variables were significantly related. Several statistically significant relationships were obtained between rheological attributes, sensory attributes, and the combinations between rheological and a sensory attributes. Great variance in all characteristics was observed in all samples variables. Similarly as in case of lipid dispersions, the sensory texture acceptability was significantly related with the overall flavour acceptability, similarly as in case of other food dispersions. It proves the importance of texture in consumption of tomato ketchups. and Potravinářské disperze patří mezi nejrozšířenější potravinářské produkty. Potřebné informace k prezentovaným výsledkům předloženého studia byly získány předchozím studiem potravinářských emulzí. Kečupy byly vybrány jako příklad potravinářských disperzí s nízkým obsahem tuku. Bylo hodnoceno celkem 20 vzorků komerčních výrobků tomatových kečupů, zakoupených v české obchodní síti. Reologické charakteristiky byly získány pomocí rotačního reometru RheoStress 300 a texturní vlastnosti pomocí senzorické analýzy. Jako nejvhodnější metoda byla zvolena psychoreologie, která zkoumá funkční vztahy mezi reologickými parametry, stanovenými instrumentální analýzou a senzorickými charakteristikami, stanovenými senzorickou analýzou. Znalost těchto vztahů je důležitá ke kvantitativní charakterizaci tokových a deformačních dějů, probíhajících při senzorické zkoušce. Reologické parametry vyhovují stavové rovnici Herschel-Bulkley. Korelací reologických a senzorických dat byly získány v třetině případů těsné funkční závislosti s vysokými hodnotami korelačních koeficientů. Analýzy prokázaly velké rozdíly mezi jednotlivými vzorky kečupů. Při nižších teplotách by se patrně projevily zřetelněji vlivy optimální textury a získaly se bližší hodnoty mezi vzorky. Stejně jako u dříve hodnocených potravinářských produktů bylo prokázáno, že textura výrazně ovlivňuje chuťové vlastnosti, což zdůrazňuje význam textury při konzumaci rajčatového protlaku.
Objectives. The main aim of this study was to qualitatively explore the general population’s understanding of forgiveness with regard to its definition, factors, and effects. The special focus of the study was on comparing the views on forgiveness by two generations, young adults, and seniors. Participants and setting. Semi-structured interviews were done with 20 participants from two age groups: ten young adults aged 21 to 29 years (M = 23.4, SD = 2.79) and ten seniors aged 61 to 68 years (M = 64, SD = 2.47). Research questions. Research questions were focused on examining how laypersons conceptualize forgiveness; notably, how they view the factors and effects of forgiveness. It was also explored whether there are any specifics and differences in the views on forgiveness between young adults and seniors. Data analysis. The data obtained from semi-structured interviews were analyzed by Consensual Qualitative Research (Hill et al., 2005). Results. For most individuals in both generations, the basis of forgiveness was letting go of anger and pain. The most significant factor positively related to forgiveness was an apology and admitting the mistake. The most noteworthy negative factor was the depth of the hurt. Individuals perceive positive consequences of forgiveness, especially on their mental health and strengthening their relationships. It seems that young adults perceive forgiveness more as an interpersonal process, while seniors perceive it more as an internal process of an individual. Study limitations. The use of qualitative methodology and the sample size limit the generalization of the findings and comparing two samples at the level of statistical significance. Participants may have had various experiences dealing with hurt and forgiveness throughout their lives which could have influenced their views on forgiveness. Implications. Gaining a deeper understanding of how young adults and seniors understand forgiveness and its effects, what they perceive as helpful or blocking in their forgiving, can help counselors and therapists to improve their interventions aimed at promoting forgiveness., Ciele. Hlavným cieľom štúdie bola kvalitatívna analýza vnímania odpustenia u laickej populácie s ohľadom na jeho definíciu, faktory a dôsledky odpustenia. Vedľajším cieľom štúdie bolo porovnanie názorov na odpustenie u dvoch generácií, mladých dospelých a seniorov.Metóda. 20 participantov dvoch vekových skupín, desať mladých dospelých vo veku 21 až 29 rokov (M = 23,4, SD = 2,79) a desať seniorov vo veku 61 až 68 rokov (M = 64, SD = 2,47) absolvovali pološtrukturované rozhovory. Výskumné otázky. Výskumné otázky boli zamerané na vnímanie odpustenia u laickej po-pulácie; špecificky na vnímanie faktorov a dôsledkov odpustenia. Skúmané boli špecifiká a rozdiely v nazeraní na odpustenie u mladých dospelých a seniorov. Analýza dát. Dáta z pološtrukturovaných rozhovorov boli analyzované pomocou Konsenzuálneho kvalitatívneho výskumu (Hill et al., 2005). Výsledky. Pre väčšinu jednotlivcov oboch generácií bolo základom odpustenia pustenie hnevu a bolesti. Najdôležitejším faktorom pozitívne súvisiacim s odpustením bolo ospravedlnenie a priznanie chyby. Najvýznamnejším blokujúcim faktorom odpustenia bola hĺbka zranenia. Jednotlivci popisovali pozitívne dôsledky odpustenia, predovšetkých na ich psychické zdravie a posilnenie vzťahov. Zdá sa, že mladí dospelí vnímajú odpustenie viac ako interpersonálny proces, kým seniori ho vnímajú viac ako interný proces jednotlivca. Limitácie. Použitie kvalitatívnej metodológie a veľkosť výskumného súboru neumožňujú zovšeobecnenie výsledkov alebo porovnanie dvoch skupín na úrovni štatistickej signifikancie. Participanti mohli mať rôzne skúseností so zraneniami a odpustením v priebehu života, čo mohlo ovplyvniť ich postoje k odpusteniu. Implikácie. Získanie bližšieho porozumenia tomu, ako mladí dospelí a seniori koncipujú odpustenie, čo vnímajú ako nápomocné a rizikové v odpustení a ako popisujú jeho dôsledky, môže pomôcť poradcom a terapeutom k zlepšeniu intervencií zameraných na podporu odpustenia., Lucia Záhorcová, Božena Zelenáková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Incipient motion is the critical condition at which bed particles begin to move. Existing relationships for incipient motion prediction do not consider the effect of seepage. Incipient motion design of an alluvial channel affected from seepage requires the information about five basic parameters, i.e., particle size d, water depth y, energy slope Sf, seepage velocity vs and average velocity u. As the process is extremely complex, getting deterministic or analytical form of process phenomena is too difficult. Data mining technique, which is particularly useful in modeling processes about which adequate knowledge of the physics is limited, is presented here as a tool complimentary to model the incipient motion condition of alluvial channel at seepage. This article describes the radial basis function (RBF) network to predict the seepage velocity vs and average velocity u based on experimental data of incipient condition. The prediction capability of model has been found satisfactory and methodology to use the model is also presented. It has been found that model predicts the phenomena very well. With the help of the RBF network, design curves have been presented for designing the alluvial channel when it is affected by seepage. and Návrh aluviálneho kanála s ohľadom na iniciáciu pohybu dna koryta, ovplyvneného priesakom vyžaduje informáciu o piatich základných parametroch: veľkosti častice d, hĺbke vody y, sklone čiary energie Sf, rýchlosti priesaku vs a priemernej rýchlosti prúdenia u. Pretože proces je extrémne zložitý, získať deterministickú alebo analytickú formu riešenia je ťažké. Príspevok opisuje získavanie údajov (data mining technique), bežne používané pri modelovaní. Opisuje aj sieť tzv. ''radial basis function (RBF)'' na prognózu rýchlosti priesaku vs a priemernej rýchlosti u; výpočet je založený na experimentálnych hodnotách v štádiu začínajúceho sa pohybu častíc v koryte. Bola konštatovaná dobrá schopnosť modelu prognózovať začínajúci pohyb; je uvedená tiež metodológia používania modelu. Bolo zistené, že model predpovedá uvedené javy veľmi dobre. Je tu opísaný návrh aluviálneho kanála ovplyvneného priesakom pomocou návrhových kriviek vytvorených pomocou siete RBF.
This paper presents an analysis of trends and causes of changes of selected hydroclimatic variables influencing the runoff regime in the upper Hron River basin (Slovakia). Different methods for identifying trends in data series are evaluated and include: simple mass curve analysis, linear regression, frequency analysis of flood events, use of the Indicators of Hydrological Alteration software, and the Mann-Kendall test. Analyses are performed for data from two periods (1931-2010 and 1961-2010). The changes in runoff are significant, especially in terms of lower QMax and 75 percentile values. This fact is also confirmed by the lower frequency and extremity of flood events. The 1980s are considered a turning point in the development of all hydroclimatic variables. The Mann-Kendall test shows a significant decrease in runoff in the winter period. The main causes of runoff decline are: the considerable increase in air temperature, the decrease in snow cover depth and changes in seasonal distribution of precipitation amounts., Andrea Blahušiaková, Milada Matoušková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Rain gauges, weather radars, satellite sensors and modelled data from weather centres are used operationally for estimating the spatial-temporal variability of rainfall. However, the associated uncertainties can be very high, especially in poorly equipped regions of the world. Very recently, an innovative method, named SM2RAIN, that uses soil moisture observations to infer rainfall, has been proposed by Brocca et al. (2013) with very promising results when applied with in situ and satellite-derived data. However, a thorough analysis of the physical consistency of the SM2RAIN algorithm has not been carried out yet. In this study, synthetic soil moisture data generated from a physically-based soil water balance model are employed to check the reliability of the assumptions made in the SM2RAIN algorithm. Next, high quality and multiyear in situ soil moisture observations, at different depths (5-30 cm), and rainfall for ten sites across Europe are used for testing the performance of the algorithm, its limitations and applicability range. SM2RAIN shows very high accuracy in the synthetic experiments with a correlation coefficient, R, between synthetically generated and simulated data, at daily time step, higher than 0.940 and an average Bias lower than 4%. When real datasets are used, the agreement between observed and simulated daily rainfall is slightly lower with average R-values equal to 0.87 and 0.85 in the calibration and validation periods, respectively. Overall, the performance is found to be better in humid temperate climates and for sensors installed vertically. Interestingly, algorithms of different complexity in the reproduction of the underlying hydrological processes provide similar results. The average contribution of surface runoff and evapotranspiration components amounts to less than 4% of the total rainfall, while the soil moisture variations (63%) and subsurface drainage (30%) terms provide a much higher contribution. Overall, the SM2RAIN algorithm is found to perform well both in the synthetic and real data experiments, thus offering a new and independent source of data for improving rainfall estimation, and consequently enhancing hydrological, meteorological and climatic studies.
The interception was recognized as an important part of the catchment water balance in temperate climate. The mountainous forest ecosystem at experimental headwater catchment Liz has been subject of long-term monitoring. Unique dataset in terms of time resolution serves to determine canopy storage capacity and free throughfall. Spatial variability of throughfall was studied using one weighing and five tipping bucket rain gauges. The basic characteristics of forest affecting interception process were determined for the Norway spruce stand at the experimental area - the leaf area index was 5.66 - 6.00 m2 m-2, the basal area was 55.7 m2 ha-1, and the crown closure above individual rain gauges was between 19 and 95%. The total interception loss in both growing seasons analyzed was 34.5%. The mean value of the interception capacity determined was about 2 mm. Throughfall exhibited high variability from place to place and it was strongly affected by character of rainfall. On the other hand, spatial pattern of throughfall in average showed low variability.
Rain is not uniform in time and space in semiarid areas and its distribution is very important for the runoff process. Hydrological studies usually divide rainfall into events. However, defining rain events is complicated, and rain characteristics vary depending on how the events are delimited. Choosing a minimum inter-event time (MIT) is a commonly used criterion. Our hypothesis is that there will be an optimal MIT that explains the maximum part of the variance of the runoff, with time to runoff used as a surrogate. The objective is to establish a procedure in order to decide upon this optimal MIT. We developed regressions between time to runoff (T0) and three descriptive variables of rain. Our results show that the optimum MIT is 1 hour, which seems to be the minimum period of time required for water in larger macropores to drain and sufficiently modify the effect of antecedent soil moisture on the runoff generation process. Rain events are classified into three significantly different groups: (1) large and intense rains, (2) light rains on wet soil, and (3) light rains on dry soil. Intense rains produce most of the runoff, but there were significant differences between small events in the runoff generated. Of rain events, 63.75% are single-tip events, and many could be dew.