This study compared physiological and growth responses to water stress of two legume species during the seedling stage. Potted alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Algonquin) and milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens Pall. cv. Pengyang earlymaturing vetch) seedlings were grown under well-watered [soil water content (SWC) maintained at 14.92% daily] or water-stressed conditions (drying) for 15 days. Net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (gs) of both species decreased parabolically. When SWC decreased to 7.2% and 10.3%, gs values for alfalfa and milkvetch were significantly different from those of the respective well-watered plants (p<0.05). When SWC decreased to 6.6% for alfalfa and 6.8% for milkvetch, leaf water potentials (ψL) were significantly different from those of the well-watered plants (p<0.05). Thus the difference between the SWC thresholds for a nonhydraulic root signal (nHRS) and a hydraulic root signal (HRS) were 0.6% and 3.5% for alfalfa and milkvetch, respectively. Milkvetch had a lower gs than alfalfa for a given SWC (p<0.05). Although alfalfa seedlings had a higher dry mass (DM) and root:shoot ratio (R/S) than milkvetch in both treatments (p<0.05), we concluded that milkvetch seedlings had greater drought tolerance than alfalfa. and B.-C. Xu ... [et al.].
In the past decades, it has become clear that superoxide radical (O2 .-) can be generated from photosystem II (PSII) during photosynthesis. Depending on the extent of its accumulation, O2 .- plays an important role in plant physiology and pathology. The photoinhibition/repair cycle is a typical process in PSII which is mainly responsible for the survival of plants under the photoinihibition condition. It is therefore of significant importance to determine O2 .- production in this cycle, and then explore how O2 .- is controlled by PSII within a normal physiological level. With this in mind, we herein investigate the variation of the O2 .- levels in PSII under Mn-depleted and photoactivated conditions mimicking the photoinhibition/repair cycle in vitro. The effect of intrinsic SOD-like component on the O2 .- levels was also studied. Results show that PSII has the ability to regulate the O2 .- levels in these two processes by simultaneously modulating the O2 .- generation activity and intrinsic SOD-like activity. This finding could shed new lights on the photoprotective property of PSII against O2 .- and other reactive oxygen species. and Y. G. Song ... [et al.].
Tomato and pepper leaves were clipped with black leaf clips for dark adaptation under solar radiation in the late spring or early summer 2010 in southern Italy. The leaves showed highly variable maximum PSII quantum yield (Fv/Fm = 0.026-0.802) using a continuous-excitation fluorometer Pocket PEA. These results were confirmed using the modulated fluorometer FMS1 on tomato leaves in mid summer, with Fv/Fm as low as 0.222 ± 0.277 due to nearly equal minimum (F0) and maximum (Fm) fluorescence emission. A significant clip effect on Fv/Fm occurred after only 12 (tomato) or 25 (pepper) min. Increasing the leaf temperature from 25 to 50°C reportedly induced an F0 increase and Fm decrease so that Fv/Fm approached zero. The hypothesis that black leaf clips overheated under intense solar irradiance was verified by shrouding the clipped leaves with aluminum foil. In clipped leaves of pepper, Fv/Fm with the black clip/Pocket-PEA was 0.769 ± 0.025 (shrouded) and as low as 0.271 ± 0.163 (nonshrouded), the latter showing a double F0 and 32% lower Fm. An 8% clip effect on Fv/Fm was observed with the white clip/FMS1. To avoid the clip effect in high irradiance environments, Fv/Fm measurements with black clip/Pocket PEA system required leaf dark adaptation with
radiation-reflecting shrouds. It would be useful if manufacturing companies could develop better radiation-reflecting leaf clips for the Pocket PEA fluorometer. and P. Giorio.
The use of black leaf-clips for dark adaptation under high solar radiation conditions is reported to underestimate the maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) measured by the continuous-excitation fluorometer Pocket PEA. The decrease in Fv/Fm was due to a rise in minimum fluorescence emission (F0), probably resulting from increased leaf temperature (Tl). In
field-grown tomato and pepper, fluorescence parameters and Tl in the region covered by the black leaf clip were measured in clipped leaves exposed to solar radiation during dark adaptation (clipped-only leaves) and in clipped leaves protected from solar radiation by aluminium foil (shrouded clipped leaves). Results confirmed significant Fv/Fm underestimates in clipped-only leaves primarily due to increased F0. In one tomato experiment, Tl increased from 30 to 44.5°C in clipped-only leaves, with a negligible rise in shrouded clipped leaves. In two respective pepper experiments, Tl in clipped-only leaves increased from 27 to 36.2°C and 33 to 40.9°C. Based on the results of this study, a clip-effect parameter (PCE) on fluorescence emission is proposed as the difference for Fv/Fm (or -F0/Fm) between shrouded clipped leaves and clipped-only leaves, which resulted to be 0.706 for tomato, and 0.241 and 0.358 for the two pepper experiments., P. Giorio ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Th e reception of the translations of Aristotelian and pseudo-Aristotelian works at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century promoted a new understanding of the sciences as specialized fi elds of knowledge. Th e huge amount of translations required a new organization of knowledge, which included novel subjects and categories. Among these there is a very special case, namely the pseudo- Aristotelian De plantis, translated from Arabic into Latin and then back into Greek to be re-translated into Latin again. De plantis was included in the new curriculum in Ripoll 109 (1230–1240 BCE), and constituted the main source for botanical studies until the sixteenth century. Th roughout this paper we will explore the reception and impact of De plantis in both the Arabic and the Latin traditions. We aim to show its foundational role in the development of botany as a theoretical discipline within the natural sciences. and Recepce překladů aristotelských (včetně pseudo-aristotelských) textů na Pařížské univerzitě 13. století šířila nové porozumění vědám jakožto specializovaným oblastem poznání. Velké množství překladů vyžadovalo novou reorganizaci vědění, která musela zahrnout nové předměty a kategorie. Mezi těmito překlady můžeme najít velmi specifi cký případ – pseudo- -aristotelský spis De plantis, přeložený z arabštiny do latiny, poté zpět do řečtiny a nakonec znovu přeložený do latiny. De plantis byl zahrnut do nového kurikula v Ripollu 109 (1230–1240 n.l.) a tvořil hlavní pramen pro botanické studie až do 16. století. V tomto článku zkoumáme přijetí a dopad De plantis jak na arabskou, tak na latinskou tradici. Našim cílem je ukázat jeho fundamentální roli ve vývoji botaniky jako nové disciplíny v rámci přírodních věd.
Seedling performance may determine plant distribution, especially in water-limited environments. Plants of Caragana korshinskii commonly grow in arid and semiarid areas in northwestern China, and endure water shortage in various ways, but little is known about their performance when water shortage occurs at early growth stages. The water relations, photosynthetic activity, chlorophyll (Chl) content and proline accumulation were determined in 1-year-old seedlings growing in a 1:1 mixture of Loess soil and Perlite and subjected to (1) a water deficit for 20 days and (2) kept adequately watered throughout. The water deficit induced low (-6.1 MPa) predawn leaf water potentials (LWP), but did not induce any leaf abscission. Stomatal conductance (gs), leaf transpiration rate (E), and net photosynthetic rate (PN) decreased immediately following the imposition of the water deficit, while the maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) (Fv/Fm) and the effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII) decreased 15 days later. An early and rapid decrease in gs, reduced E, increased Chl (a+b) loss, increased the apparent rate of photochemical transport of electrons through PSII (ETR)/PN, as well as a gradual increase in non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence (NPQ) and proline may have contributed to preventing ΦPSII from photodamage. C. korshinskii seedlings used a stress-tolerance strategy, with leaf maintenance providing a clear selective advantage, considering the occasional rainfall events during the growing season. and X. W. Fang ... [et al.].
V článku je zdůrazněn rozhodující význam školy moderní fyziologie rostlin založené Juliem Sachsem, který byl uveden do experimentálních metod fyziologie Janem Evangelistou Purkyněm jako jeho asistent v Praze. Dále jsou krátce charakterizováni nejdůležitější Sachsovi žáci z jeho rozhodujícího období působení na univerzitě ve Würzburgu a je zdůrazněno trvající působení Sachsových myšlenek až do současného období studia biologie rostlin., The decisive importance of the school of modern plant physiology established by Julius Sachs, who was introduced to the experimental methods of physiology by Jan Evangelista Purkyně as his assistant in Prague, is underscored in this article. The most important disciples of Julius Sachs as a professor in Würzburg are portrayed and the lasting influence of Sachs´s ideas on plant biology is described., Dieter Volkmann., and 5 il.
The size, shape, and number of chloroplasts in the palisade and spongy parenchyma layers of Haberlea rhodopensis leaves changed significantly during desiccation and following rehydration. The chloroplasts became smaller and more rounded during desiccation, and aggregated in the middle of the cell. The size and number of chloroplasts in the palisade parenchyma cells were higher than in spongy parenchyma. The good correlation observed between the size or number of chloroplasts and the cross-sectional area of mesophyll cells, the cross-sectional width of the leaf and its water content suggested that the palisade cells were more responsive to water availability than the spongy cells. Changes in chloroplast number during desiccation and rehydration process are characteristic features for desiccation-tolerant plants (especially in homoiochlorophyllous strategy). and H. Nagy-Déri ... [et al.].