This multilingual resource contains corpora in which verbal MWEs have been manually annotated, gathered at the occasion of the 1.2 edition of the PARSEME Shared Task on semi-supervised Identification of Verbal MWEs (2020).
VMWEs include idioms (let the cat out of the bag), light-verb constructions (make a decision), verb-particle constructions (give up), inherently reflexive verbs (help oneself), and multi-verb constructions (make do).
For the 1.2 shared task edition, the data covers 14 languages, for which VMWEs were annotated according to the universal guidelines. The corpora are provided in the cupt format, inspired by the CONLL-U format.
Morphological and syntactic information – not necessarily using UD tagsets – including parts of speech, lemmas, morphological features and/or syntactic dependencies are also provided. Depending on the language, the information comes from treebanks (e.g., Universal Dependencies) or from automatic parsers trained on treebanks (e.g., UDPipe).
This item contains training, development and test data, as well as the evaluation tools used in the PARSEME Shared Task 1.2 (2020). The annotation guidelines are available online:
The dataset contains 4731 frozen continuous Czech multiword expressions. Inflectional word forms are generated for those MWEs where applicable. In total, the dataset contains 24,807 MWE forms.
The Sequoia corpus is a set of 3,099 linguistically-annotated French sentences, originating from four sources (Europarl, European Agency Reports, French regional journal L'Est Républicain, and French wikipedia).
Several types of annotations were added over the years.
The current release comprises:
- parts-of-speech (SEQUOIA ANR-08-EMER-013 project)
- syntactic dependency trees
- deep syntactic dependency graphs (Deep sequoia project)
- multi-word expressions and named entities (PARSEME COST project and PARSEME-FR ANR-14-CERA-0001 project)
- coarse semantic tags for nouns (FrSemCor project)
See the deep sequoia page for a detailed description:
Annotated list of dependency bigrams occurring in the PDT more than five times and having part-of-speech patterns that can possibly form a collocation. Each bigram is assigned to one of the six MWE categories by three annotators.
ParaDi 2.0. is a dictionary of single verb paraphrases of Czech verbal multiword expressions - light verb constructions and idiomatic verb constructions. Moreover, it provides an elaborated set of morphological, syntactic and semantic features, including information on aspectual counterparts of verbs or paraphrasability conditions of given verbs.
The format of ParaDi has been designed with respect to both human and machine readability - the dictionary is represented as a plain table in TSV format, as it is a flexible and language-independent data format.
ParaDi 2.0. is a dictionary of single verb paraphrases of Czech verbal multiword expressions - light verb constructions and idiomatic verb constructions. Moreover, it provides an elaborated set of morphological, syntactic and semantic features, including information on aspectual counterparts of verbs or paraphrasability conditions of given verbs.
The format of ParaDi has been designed with respect to both human and machine readability - the dictionary is represented as a plain table in TSV format, as it is a flexible and language-independent data format.
This multilingual resource contains corpora in which verbal MWEs have been manually annotated. VMWEs include idioms (let the cat out of the bag), light-verb constructions (make a decision), verb-particle constructions (give up), inherently reflexive verbs (help oneself), and multi-verb constructions (make do). This is the first release of the corpora without an associated shared task. Previous version (1.2) was associated with the PARSEME Shared Task on semi-supervised Identification of Verbal MWEs (2020). The data covers 26 languages corresponding to the combination of the corpora for all previous three editions (1.0, 1.1 and 1.2) of the corpora. VMWEs were annotated according to the universal guidelines. The corpora are provided in the cupt format, inspired by the CONLL-U format. Morphological and syntactic information, including parts of speech, lemmas, morphological features and/or syntactic dependencies, are also provided. Depending on the language, the information comes from treebanks (e.g., Universal Dependencies) or from automatic parsers trained on treebanks (e.g., UDPipe). All corpora are split into training, development and test data, following the splitting strategy adopted for the PARSEME Shared Task 1.2. The annotation guidelines are available online: The .cupt format is detailed here:
The Prague Dependency Treebank 2.5 annotates the same texts as the PDT 2.0. The annotation on the original four layers was fixed or improved in various aspects (see Documentation). Moreover, new information was added to the data:
Annotation of multiword expressions
Pair/group meaning
Clause segmentation and Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic projects No.:
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic grants No.:
PDT 3.0 is a new version of Prague Dependency Treebank. It contains a large amount of Czech texts with complex and interlinked morphological (2 million words), syntactic (1.5 MW) and semantic annotation (0.8 MW); in addition, certain properties of sentence information structure, multiword expressions, coreference, bridging relations and discourse relations are annotated at the semantic level. and the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: grants P406/12/0658 "Coreference, discourse relations and information structure in a contrastive perspective", P406/2010/0875 "Computational Linguistics: Explicit description of language and annotated data focused on Czech", 405/09/0729 "From the structure of a sentence to textual relationships", and GPP406/12/P175 (Selected derivational relations for automatic processing of Czech);
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic: the KONTAKT project ME10018 "Towards a computational analysis of text structure" and the LINDAT-Clarin project LM2010013;
the Grant Agency of Charles University in Prague: GAUK 103609 "Textual (Inter-sentential) Relations and their Representation in a Language Corpus" and GAUK 4383/2009 "Methods of coreference resolution".
The Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 is the 2018 edition of the core Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT). It contains all PDT annotation made at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics under various projects between 1996 and 2018 on the original texts, i.e., all annotation from PDT 1.0, PDT 2.0, PDT 2.5, PDT 3.0, PDiT 1.0 and PDiT 2.0, plus corrections, new structure of basic documentation and new list of authors covering all previous editions. The Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 (PDT 3.5) contains the same texts as the previous versions since 2.0; there are 49,431 annotated sentences (832,823 words) on all layers, from tectogrammatical annotation to syntax to morphology. There are additional annotated sentences for syntax and morphology; the totals for the lower layers of annotation are: 87,913 sentences with 1,502,976 words at the analytical layer (surface dependency syntax) and 115,844 sentences with 1,956,693 words at the morphological layer of annotation (these totals include the annotation with the higher layers annotated as well). Closely linked to the tectogrammatical layer is the annotation of sentence information structure, multiword expressions, coreference, bridging relations and discourse relations.