The library of the Order of St Augustine in the Lesser Town of Prague, comprising more than 18,000 volumes, is an extraordinary book set of significant scientific and historical value. Nevertheless, a scientific study that would cover the entire history of the library was not available until now. This article provides a brief outline of the history of the monastic library at St Thomas, mentioning some remarkable figures that have contributed to its prosperity. The introductory part brings information on the binding rules governing the librarian practice in the monastic libraries of the Order of Saint Augustine in the Middle Ages. Because of the long time span, this treatise has been divided into two parts – the medieval and modern history of the library. Particular attention is paid to two periods – the 14th and 18th centuries, during which some members of the Order held leading positions at the university in Prague and, through their pastoral, preaching and educational activities, they were actively involved in the social, cultural and spiritual edification of broad social classes.
This study focuses on the early modern history of the monastic library of the Order of St Augustine at St Thomas in Prague. On the basis of archival sources (monastic chronicles, the catalogue of the members of the Order) and research into provenances in extant collections, this paper primarily aims to map the development of the Augustinian library in the 16th and 17th centuries. Provenance research has discovered that the monastic library was mainly used for monastic studies and for preaching and pastoral activities of the Augustinians. The research into book provenances has revealed numerous personal ties between the Lesser Town Augustinians and people at the court of Rudolph II. The results of the archival and provenance research have not confirmed the hypothesis of the complete looting of the library at the end of the Thirty Years’ War, but neither have they clearly proved the true extent of the losses suffered by the library. The research has shown the primary role of the library within the Order of St Augustine in the Czech lands and has indicated the position of the library in a broader social and cultural context., Veronika Sladká., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Fitzroy Island byl vyhlášen národním parkem v roce 1992. Celý ostrov ležící u severovýchodního pobřeží Austrálie (stát Queensland) má plochu 339 ha, přičemž zdejší národní park zaujímá 329 ha. Původem jde o ostrov kontinentální, nikoli korálový. Ale podél břehů lze obdivovat korálové útesy s charakteristickou faunou, které jsou součástí známého Velkého bariérového útesu. Toto území je od r. 1986 součástí dlouhodobého monitorovacího programu Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef. V národním parku Fitzroy Island nalezneme rozmanité typy vegetace včetně zapojeného lesa (deštný les). Řada druhů rostlin a živočichů nachází využití u domorodých obyvatel kmene Gurabana – Gungganji, jako zdroj obživy, léčivých látek nebo pro výrobu různých předmětů, i se symbolickým významem. Fitzroy Island hostí mnoho ochranářsky významných rostlin a živočichů. Oblast nabízí příležitost pro výzkumné aktivity v širokém spektru přírodních, kulturních i sociálních témat. Vědecké studie a monitorovací programy přitom mohou poskytnout cenné informace pro zlepšení ochrany území., Fitzroy Island was declared a national park in 1992. It is a high continental island within the Cairns Regional Council area, situated approximately 4.5 km from the mainland and ca 35 km from Cairns. The national park and marine management area have high scenic appeal and a relaxed and quiet atmosphere. A giant clam research station remains in operation on Welcome Bay. The NP has a high diversity of vegetation types, including closed forest (rainforest). Many plant and animal species have significance to the Gurabana Gunggandji people who use them for their totemic values, artefact resources, food and medicine. Fitzroy Island hosts a number of plants and animals of conservation significance. Coral reefs are situated around the island with typical fauna. The area offers a range of research opportunities in natural, cultural and social themes. The marine management area has been part of the Australian Institute of Marine Science Great Barrier Reef long-term monitoring program since 1986. Scientific research and monitoring programs can provide valuable information to improve management., and Jana Hanelová, Lubomír Hanel.
This article aims to investigate the viewpoint of the
Austro-German liberal movement - both ideologically and practically - towards the arguments for Bohemian state rights made by the conservative Bohemian Great Landowners and Czech political parties in the period from 1861 to 1879. The February Patent of 1861 is a convenient starting point because it reintroduced representative bodies to the Habsburg Monarchy and facilitatedthe development of modern democratic politics. The 1879 parliamentary election is this article’s end point since it constituted a significant turning point in Austrian and Bohemian politics. The Austro-German liberals lost the majority in central parliament while the conservative Bohemian Great Landowners and Czech parties attended parliament after a sixteen-year absence, joining the conservative-Slav coalition supporting the government.
The principal argument is that while the Austro-German liberals (particularly the Bohemian-German faction) were generally opposed to Bohemian state rights, this must be qualifi ed by the genuine desire for compromise (under certain conditions), considerable tactical fl exibility and the wider Imperial context. Chronologically, the article focuses on key parliamentary debates to
illustrate the changing relations: the fluid 1860s, the crucial period from 1867 to 1871 (when there was a real possibility of Bohemian state rights) through to the turning point of 1879. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou