In the present study, a high percentage of Japanese anglerfish, Lophius litulon (Jordan, 1902), contained a microsporidian infection of the nervous tissues. Xenomas were removed and prepared for standard wax histology and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). DNA extractions were performed on parasite spores and used in PCR and sequencing reactions. Fresh spores measured 3.4 × 1.8 µm and were uniform in size with no dimorphism observed. TEM confirmed that only a single developmental cycle and a single spore form were present. Small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences were >99.5% similar to those of Spraguea lophii (Doflein, 1898) and Glugea americanus (Takvorian et Cali, 1986) from the European and American Lophius spp. respectively. The microsporidian from the nervous tissue of L. litulon undoubtedly belongs in the genus Spraguea Sprague et Vávra, 1976 and the authors suggest a revision to the generic description of Spraguea to include monomorphic forms and the transfer of Glugea americanus to Spraguea americana comb. n. Since no major differences in ultrastructure or SSU rDNA sequence data exist between Spraguea americana and the microsporidian from the Japanese anglerfish, they evidently belong to the same species. This report of Spraguea americana is the first report of a Spraguea species from L. litulon and indeed from the Pacific water mass.
A new Microsporidium sp. infects Rhizophagus grandis Gyllenhall, a beetle which preys on the bark beetle Dendroctonus micans Kugellan in Turkey. Mature spores are single, uninucleate, oval in shape (3.75 ± 0.27 µm in length by 2.47 ± 0.13 µm in width), with a subapically fixed polar filament. The polar filament is anisofilar, coiled in 7-8 normal and 3-4 reduced coils. Other characteristic features of the microsporidium are the four/five nuclear divisions to form 16/32 (commonly 16) spores, subpersistent sporophorous vesicles (pansporoblasts) remaining till formation of the endospore, and the vesicles dissolved with free mature spores. The polaroplast is divided into three zones: an amorphous zone, dense layers, and a lamellar-tubular area extending to the central part of the spore.
Modelling the exchange and transformation of matter and energy in ecosystems requires the development of hierarchical structured models of the considered ecosystem compartments. In this context, a model describing the coupled CO2 and H2O gas exchange of a winter wheat canopy was developed and calibrated. The formidation of the model was related to the problems of linking processes at different systém levels. For model calibration, ecophysiological gas exchange characteristics and micro-meteorological data were obtained on both leaf and canopy levels and completed by results of structural and Chemical plant analysis. The gas exchange was measured by a computer-controlled multi-channel systém. On the basis of this data pool, the canopy gas fluxes were calculated by the model as the integrál of the corresponding local fluxes over the area elements of the canopy. The model describes correctly physiological interactions and gas exchange characteristics at both the leaf and canopy levels.
In Czech and Polish underground hard coal mines of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin high-energy seismic phenomena are periodically recorded, the sources of which are located ahead of the longwall. Generally, these types of tremors are rooted in very strong, thick layers of sandstone, which are subject to the deformation border. The consequences are discontinuities and cracks with a range depending on the mechanical properties of destroyed rocks: the mechanical parameters of layers. Forecasting methods, developed in the Central Mining Institute, for stress concentration, seismic energy, fault zone and range, together with methods of rock fracturing using liquid or explosives, ,allow precise identification of suitable locations for controlled fracturing of rock mass with a pre-established direction. The size and range of discontinuities have an impact on mining parameters, dependent on basic exploitation intensity and expressed by the average daily progress of the longwall face. The rockmass is locally weakened because of exploitation or technical measures of discontinuities in the roof-rock on the longwall face. To prevent rockburst, measures are needed to reduce the amount of energy accumulating in the rockmass in the area of the longwall face. Knowledge of where stress is concentrated is extremely important for the development and implementation of effective preventative methods. For many years several research centres have been working on defining the range of these areas. In this paper, basic information is presented on methods developed by Central Mining Institute and used in Polish hard coal mines for forecasting energy concentration and assessing how it can be reduced., Jan Drzewiecki and Janusz Makówka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A new approach to computer modelling of neuronal stochastic activity is described. The output dynamic activity which depends on the types and the number of input synapses, weights of the synaptic efficacy, the absolute refractory phase duration and threshold level is evaluated on this model in some types of Gaussian input processes. The behaviour of this model for one excitatory and one inhibitory synapse is described in dependence on the changes of excitation weight. The neuronal behaviour presented depends on the number of interspike intervals and the excitation weight and interspike interval density distribution. A novel concept of the e-curve is being introduced, which shows the dependence of the number of output interspike intervals on the weight of excitation on a stable inhibition level, the absolute refractory phase value and the threshold level. The properties of e-curves are discussed. Furthermore, examples of transformations of input stochastic processes are mentioned from the aspect of density distribution changes of interspike intervals.
Chlorophyll index and leaf nitrogen status (SPAD value) was incorporated into the nonrectangular hyperbola (NRH) equation for photosynthetic light-response (PLR) curve to establish a modified NRH equation to overcome the parameter variation. Ten PLR curves measured on rice leaves with different SPAD values were collected from pot experiments with different nitrogen (N) dosages. The coefficients of initial slope of the PLR curve and the maximum net photosynthetic rate in NRH equation increased linearly with the increase of leaf SPAD. The modified NRH equation was established by multiplying a linear SPAD-based adjustment factor with the NRH equation. It was sufficient in describing the PLR curves with unified coefficients for rice leaf with different SPAD values. SPAD value, as the indicator of leaf N status, could be used for modification of NRH equation to overcome the shortcoming of large coefficient variations between individual leaves with different N status. The performance of the SPAD-modified NRH equation should be further validated by data collected from different kinds of plants growing under different environments., J. Z. Xu, Y. M. Yu, S. Z. Peng, S. H. Yang, L. X. Liao., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Uric acid is the final product of human purine metabolism. It was pointed out that this compound acts as an antioxidant and is able to react with reactive oxygen species forming allantoin. Therefore, the measurement of allantoin levels may be used for the determination of oxidative stress in humans. The aim of the study was to clarify the antioxidant effect of uric acid during intense exercise. Whole blood samples were obtained from a group of healthy subjects. Allantoin, uric acid, and malondialdehyde levels in plasma and erythrocytes were measured using a HPLC with UV/Vis detection. Statistical significant differences in allantoin and uric acid levels during short-term intense exercise were found. Immediately after intense exercise, the plasma allantoin levels increased on the average of 200 % in comparison to baseline. Plasma uric acid levels increased slowly, at an average of 20 %. On the other hand, there were no significant changes in plasma malondialdehyde. The results suggest that uric acid, important antioxidant, is probably oxidized by reactive oxygen species to allantoin. Therefore allantoin may be suitable candidate for a marker of acute oxidative stress., R. Kanďár, X. Štramová, P. Drábková, J. Křenková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The anadromous Rutilus kutum Kamenskii, 1901is the most important fish in north of Iran with the highest economic value. Ignoring the natural process of reproduction due artificial propagation, catching some migrating broodstocks from the sea (not from the estuaries) and mixing the produced fingerlings in culture ponds within restocking programs in the last 30 years have caused an uncertainty about homing success and population differentiation in the fish. A 13-landmark morphometric truss network system was used to investigate the hypothesis of homeward migration success and population differentiation, while the previous studies revealed low genetic variability among the fish populations. A total of 504 adult specimens were caught from four localities along the southern Caspian Sea in the reproductive period. Univariate analysis of variance showed significant differences among the four groups for 78 standardized morphometric measurements. In linear discriminant function analysis (DFA), the overall assignments of individuals into their original groups were 73.3 % and 80.3 % in males and females, respectively. The principal component analysis (PCA) and clustering analysis based on Euclidean square distances showed that the 504 examined specimens grouped into distinct areas. The results showed that each sampling site represents independent population which confirmed the success of homeward migration. The high grouping ranges suggests that almost all populations return to their birthplace river to breed, which results in high inbreeding. The results can be interesting for management and conservation programs of this valuable species in the Caspian Sea.
In present paper we assess the climate change impact on mean runoff between the periods 1961-1990 (control period) and 2070-2099 (scenario period) in the Czech Republic. Hydrological balance is modelled with a conceptual hydrological model BILAN at 250 catchments of different sizes and climatic conditions. Climate change scenarios are derived using simple delta approach, i.e. observed series of precipitation, temperature and relative air humidity are perturbed in order to give the same changes between the control and scenario period as in the ensemble of 15 transient regional climate model (RCM) simulations. The parameters of the hydrological model are for each catchment estimated using observed data. These parameters are subsequently used to derive discharge series under climate change conditions for each RCM simulation. Although the differences in the absolute values of the changes in runoff are considerable, robust patterns of changes can be identified. The majority of the scenarios project an increase in winter runoff in the northern part of the Czech Republic, especially at catchments with high elevation. The scenarios also agree on a decrease in spring and summer runoff in most of the catchments. and V článku předkládáme výsledky modelování změn hydrologického režimu v důsledku změn klimatu mezi časovými obdobími 1961-1990 a 2070-2099 podle souboru patnácti regionálních klimatických modelů pro 250 povodí v České republice. Hydrologická bilance byla modelována pomocí konceptuálního hydrologického modelu BILAN. Časové řady ovlivněné změnou klimatu byly získány jednoduchou přírůstkovou metodou, tj. pozorované časové řady srážek, teplot a vlhkostí vzduchu (vstupy do modelu BILAN) byly opraveny pro každou simulaci pomocí přírůstkových faktorů tak, aby měsíční změny těchto veličin byly stejné jako podle uvažované simulace klimatického modelu. Hydrologický model je nakalibrován s využitím pozorovaných dat, identifikované parametry jsou následně využity pro simulaci hydrologické bilance pro řady ovlivněné klimatickou změnou. Základní podstata možných změn hydrologické bilance na území České republiky vyplývá z projekcí srážek a teplot pro Evropu, tj. postupné zvyšování teplot během celého roku a pokles letních, růst zimních a stagnace ročních srážek. V období od začátku podzimu do začátku léta dochází k růstu srážek, jenž je doprovázen řádově stejným růstem územního výparu způsobeným růstem teplot. V letním období dochází k poklesu srážek a v důsledku úbytku zásob vody v povodí nemůže docházet k výraznému zvyšování územního výparu. Důležitým faktorem ovlivňující změny odtoku je posun doby tání v důsledku vyšší teploty přibližně z dubna na leden-únor. Změny odtoku v období leden-květen jsou tedy dominantně určeny právě odlišnou dynamikou sněhové zásoby, změny v letním období zejména úbytkem srážek. Výsledné odhady změn odtoku jsou zatíženy značnou nejistotou, nicméně lze identifikovat robustní jevy společné pro řadu simulací. Jak ukazují výsledky, na většině modelovaných povodí je pokles odtoků v období od dubna do října společný valné většině modelů. Na druhé straně, růst odtoku v zimních měsících je značně nejistý. S tím souvisí i nejistota spojená se změnami roční bilance odtoků.