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12. Archeologie a rozcestí jedno jest?
- Creator:
- Sokol, Petr
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, terénní výzkum, legislativa, Česká republika, archaeology, excavation, legislation, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Následující tři texty navazují na diskusi otevřenou v Archeologických rozhledech 62/2010 (712–719). Předmětem diskuse jsou úskalí aktuální praxe, kdy si profesionální archeologové, resp. instituce založené na principu neziskovosti, najímají na provedení terénních prací komerční organizace. Je zřejmé, že bez úpravy zákona týkajícího se archeologie je problém, vyplývající ze změny politicko-ekonomické situace České republiky, těžko řešitelný. Perspektivám připravovaných právních změn se věnuje třetí text, uzavírající diskusi. and The following three texts are a follow-up to the discussion opened up in Archeologické rozhledy 62/2010 (712–719). The subject matter of the discussion is the current practice when professional archaeologists or institutions established along the non-profit principle hire commercial organizations to carry out the fieldwork. It is evident that without modification of the law concerning archaeology, this problem – a consequence of the political and economic transition of the Czech Republic – is difficult to solve. The last, third text concluding the discussion is focused on the prepared legislative changes.
- Rights:
13. Bear diet, seasonality and migration based on chemical multielemental teeth analysis
- Creator:
- Miriam Nývltová Fišáková, Galiová, Michaela, Kaiser, Jozef, Fortes, Francisco J, Novotný, Karel, Malina, Radomír, Lubomír Prokeš, Hrdlička, Aleš, Vaculovič, Tomáš, and Laserna, Javier J
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, Mammalia, Upper Paleolithic, Migration, Diet, Seasonality, Multielemental analysis, LIBS, LA-ICP-MS, 8, and 902
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Lase Induced Brakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) were utilized for microspatian nallyses of a fossil bear (Ursus arctos) tooth dentine. The distribution of selected trace elemnts (Sr, Ba, Fe) was measured on a 26 mm x 15 mm large and 3 mm thick transversal cross section of canine tooth, The Na and Mg content together with the distribution of matrix elemnts (Ca, P) was aslo monitored within this area. It is shown that LIBS, similarly to LA-ICP-MS can be successfully utilized for fast, spatially-resolved analysis of fossi teeth samples. Rate of Sr and Ca, Sr and Ba tracers were recognized and it is possible to say, thet these elemnts are changing its concentration in according to the seasonal increments of dentine. The concetration is lower in winter, when the bear is in his hibernation, contrary to summe, which is affuent for its substances. Secondly,concentration of Sr. shows us a seasonal migration between the place of hibernating and territory where bear searched for feed. From measurement of concentrations it is possible to claim, that the bear was hunted in his season of searching for feed, when he was ensuring his fat reserfe for winter. From archaeological pint of iew, on the base of these measurements it was possible to reconstract the ehtology of the fossil brown bear, i.e the nutrition, health and migration., Miriam Nývltová Fišáková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
14. Bitka pri Bratislave v roku 907 a jej význam pre vývoj stredného Podunajska, zost. Tatiana Štefanovičová - Drahoslav Hulínek
- Creator:
- Chorvátová, Hana
- Format:
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- 9.-10. století, archeologie, historiografie, interdisciplinární aspekty, archaeology, historiography, interdisciplinary aspects, Evropa střední, Europe, Central, 8, and 94(4)
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- [autor recenze] Hana Chorvátová.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
15. Bolko Freiherr von Richthofer a Helmut Preidel. Případová studie o roli archeologů v tzv. vyhnaneckých organizacích po roce 1945
- Creator:
- Weber, Tobias
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, Slezsko, Čechy, Německo, Bolko von Richthofen, Helmut Preidel, Svaz vyhnanců, nacismus, landsmanšafty, archaeology, Silesia, Bohemia, Germany, Federation of Expellees, Nazism, and homeland organizations
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Příspěvek přináší komparaci životních osudů a osobnostního vývoje dvou archeologů německého původu, Bolko von Richthofena a Helmuta Preidela. Cílem tohoto srovnání má být zodpovězení otázky před- a poválečné kontinuity nacionálních mýtů, stereotypů a schémat v uvažování německých vědců, kteří působili v tzv. německých východních územích a kteří se po roce 1945 angažovali v tzv. vyhnaneckých organizacích. and The article presents a comparison of the fates and personality developments of two archaeologists of German origin: Bolko von Richthofen and Helmut Preidel. The aim of this comparison is to address the issues of the pre-war and post-war continuity of national myths, stereotypes and schemes in the reflections of German scientists who were active in the so-called eastern German territories and who became involved in expellee organisations after their forced resettlement in the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Rights:
16. Bronzové a železné náramky, nápažníky a nánožníky lužické kultury z českého Slezska
- Creator:
- Jiří Juchelka
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, archaeology, Bronze and iron wristlets, armlets, legnets, Lusitian Culture, Czech Silesia, Bronze Age, Iron Age, 8, and 902
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This work presents all known bronze and iron bracelets, armlets and leglets discovered in Czech Silesia and originating from the Lusatian culture, which chronologically corresponds to the end of the Bronze Age and beginning of the Iron Age., Jiří Juchelka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
17. Časně eneolitické osídlení ze dna Plumlovské údolní nádrže
- Creator:
- Miroslav Šmíd
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, archaeology, Central Moravia, Early Eneolithic, Lengyel/Epi-Lengyel, lowland settlement, 8, and 902
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Early Eneolithic settlement on the bed of the Plumlov Reservoir. In 2011, archaeological research was carried out on prehistoric habitation, which came to light during the removal of sediments from the fl oor of the Plumlov Reservoir. The relics of prehistoric habitation were found on former right bank of the river Hloučela, bordered from the south by the Myslejovice Ridge which is part of the Drahany Upland. The geomorphology of the landscape in this area reminds of a natural amphitheatre, whose mouth was occupied in prehistoric times. The research conducted has proved Neolithic, Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age habitation. This paper pays attention in particular to Early Eneolithic habitation, namely to late Lengyel and Epi-Lengyel relics. From the point of view of relative chronology, the Early Eneolithic habitation falls within a time span delimited by the II phase of Moravian Painted Ware Culture on the one side and the latest phase of the Jordanów culture on the other side. It is one of the few examples of continuous human habitation during the entire Early Eneolithic period., Miroslav Šmíd., and Obsahuje seznam literatury.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
18. Česká archeologie a čtvrt století užívání detektorů kovů
- Creator:
- Navrátil, Aleš
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, detektory kovů, hradiště, archaeology, metal detectors, hillforts, detectorists, quantitative model, open-field settlement, bronze hoards, 8, and 902
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The use of metal detecting devices by the general public and the resultant plundering of archaeological sites is still one of the most painful issues in Czech archaeology. No simple or satisfactory solutions have been found. The aim of this paper is to objectively summarise the last 25 years of unrestricted use of metal detectors in the Czech Republic and its impact on the archaeological component of cultural heritage and on archaeology itself. The paper presents a quantitative model of metal detecting activities sourced from the available data. The results are employed to illustrate the effect of metal detecting activities on archaeological knowledge and to outline some related theoretical and methodological questions., Aleš Navrátil., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public
19. Česká archeologie na rozcestí
- Creator:
- Bouzek, Jan, Gojda, Martin, Klápště, Jan, Macháček, Jiří, Měřínský, Zdeněk, Podborský, Vladimír, and Vařeka, Pavel
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, terénní výzkum, legislativa, Česká republika, archaeology, excavation, legislation, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- V době příprav nové legislativy upravující podmínky pro působení archeologie otevírají následující texty diskusi o provádění terénních výzkumů v České republice. Výchozí text kritizuje praxi, kdy si tzv. oprávněné organizace zaměstnávající profesionální archeology najímají na výkopové a dokumentační práce komerční organizace, tzv. servisní firmy, které vyplácejí z finančních prostředků poskytnutých zpravidla investorem na úhradu nákladů na výzkum. Pokud archeologie rezignuje na neustálé řízení postupu terénního výzkumu, přestává být poznávacím oborem, popsaná praxe navíc může být v rozporu s principem financování archeologických výzkumů vycházejícím z nonprofitního pojetí realizace odborné činnosti ve veřejném zájmu. Oponenti poukazují na to, že nejde o problém servisních organizací, ale o otázku jejich korektního či nekorektního využití. Nutnost jejich zapojení do terénního výzkumu zdůvodňují mj. omezenými kapacitami profesních archeologů a podmínkami rozsáhlých a striktně termínovaných záchranných prací; archeolog – vedoucí výzkumu je plně odpovědný za úroveň řešení odborných otázek i využití vynaložených prostředků. Nalézt průnik obou pohledů nebude snadné, avšak archeologie musí v každém případě eliminovat společenská rizika spojená s těmito problémy. and The conducting of terrain excavations in the Czech Republic is the topic of the ensuing discussion at a time when new legislation is being prepared on the conditions for archaeological operations. The starting text involves a critique on the practice of licensed organisations, which employ professional archaeologists, hiring commercial organisations, i.e. so-called “service companies”, to perform digging and recording work, and who pay these “service companies” from funds provided by investors to cover excavation costs. If archaeology resigns to the continuous management of terrain excavation procedures, it will stop being an epistemic field. The described practice can furthermore be in conflict with the principle of financing archaeological excavations stemming from the non-profit conception of the execution of professional activities in the interest of the public. Objectors see it as not being a problem of service companies, but a question of the correct or incorrect utilisation of these companies. These organisations state one of the reasons for using these service companies in terrain work as being the limited capacity of professional archaeologists and the conditions surrounding extensive rescue excavation work and its strict deadlines; the archaeologist – the head of the excavation is fully responsible for the standard of resolving specialised issues and the utilisation of expended resources. Finding a meeting point between these two views will not be easy, however archaeology must in all cases eliminate the social risks linked with these problems.
- Rights:
20. Construction of a Hypothetical „Celtic“ Gate to a Sacred Area in the Frame of the Archaeology Museum at Liptovská Mara
- Creator:
- Makýš, Oto
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- archeologie, archaeology, Research, museum of archaeology, mock-up presentation, experimental reconstruction, construction technology, 8, and 902
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The article deals with the design and construction of a hypothetical gate tower, which was built in the frame of the Archaeological open air museum at Liptovská Mara, Slovakia. It describes two different approaches towards its mock-up construction, which were realized before and now and with gained experience – from two different points of views: scientific (technology) and operational. Construction of the gate resulted from a co-operation among the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Science (AÚ SAV), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU BA), Institute of Architectural Heritage Conservation of the Slovak republic (PÚ SR) and the Museum of Liptov in a frame of the project “Ochrana a záchrana historických pamiatok na Slovensku ako integrálna súˇcast’ európskeho kultúrneho dediˇcstva (koncepcia a realizácia)” / “Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Slovakia as an Integral Part of European Cultural Heritage (Concept and Realising)”., Oto Makýš., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
- Rights:
- and policy:public