Activated hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are a major source offibrous proteins in cirrhotic liver. Inducing or accelerating their apoptosis is a potential way of liver fibrosis treatment. Extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding cells in tissue affects their differentiation, migration, proliferation and function. Type I collagen is the main ECM component in fibrotic liver. We have examined how this protein modifies apoptosis of normal rat HSC induced by gliotoxin, cycloheximide and cytochalasin D in vitro and spontaneous apoptosis of HSC isolated from CCl4-damaged liver. We have found that type I collagen gel enhances HSC apoptosis regardless of the agent triggering this process. and L. Bittnerová, A. Jiroutová, E. Rudolf, M. Rezácová, J. Kanta
Aldosterone blocker Spironolactone has antiinflammatory, antiproliferative and antioxidative effects, that is why pathogenetically it is expedient to use it in complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. Material and methods: 46 patients with RA took 2550 mg/day of Spironolactone during 12 months as an addition to standard therapy, the comparison group consisted of 47 patients that got only standard therapy, all the patients were fully examined prior and post the treatment. Results: complex RA therapy leads to improved VAS, HAQ, the antioxidative potential index F; decreased blood concentrations of TNFα, ICAM1, FGF and VEGF in contrast to standard therapy. Complex therapy made reduced the DAS 28 more > 0.6. Conclusions: applying of Spironolactone in complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis contributes to more pronounced improvement in indices of articular syndrome and patients life quality, reduce of antiinflammatory, antiproliferative and angiogenic cytokines, and more effectively reduces the activity of the disease comparing to standard therapy., Elena Komarova, Borys Rebrov, and Literatura
Background: Few data are available on the specific care giving-related problems of stroke patient’s caregivers and factors that influence the burden of these caregivers. Aim: To study the influences of the active rehabilitation process on anxiety, depression, care burden and perceived social support level of stroke patients caregivers. Design: A prospective clinical trial. Setting: Patients and caregivers entering a rehabilitation program at a university hospital in Turkey. Populations: Ninety patients with a first episode of stroke and 90 caregivers responsible for their care were recruited for our study. Methods: Patients and caregivers were assessed before and after the active rehabilitation process. The functional disability level of the patients was assessed by Functional Independence Measure (FIM). The Beck Anxiety Scale (BAS) and the Beck Depression Scale (BDS) were used for anxiety and depression assessment, the Zarit Care Burden Scale (ZCBS) for care burden assessment and the Multi-Dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MDSPSS) for perceived social support assessment. Results: A statistically significant rise is observed in the special person sub-assessment of MDSPSS in both female and male caregivers. Also, a significant decrease in care burden, anxiety and depression levels of caregivers was noted after the rehabilitation program (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Caregivers accept the rehabilitation period as important social support in addition to the support provided by family and friends. Also, our positive results were associated with an improvement in the patients’ functional level and an increase in the acquisition of knowledge and skill required of caregivers in order to provide care during rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation Impact: The rehabilitation team should be aware of the fact that the perceived care burden may be greater due to the lack of knowledge concerning available resources and due to the inability to cope with stress effectively. and A. Y. Karahan, S. Kucuksen, H. Yilmaz, A. Salli, T. Gungor, M. Sahin
BACKGROUND: A few reports demonstrate the occurrence of egg allergy in adolescent and adult patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and the association of this allergy to other food and aeroallergens. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to evaluate the occurrence of egg allergy in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis at the age 14 years and older and to evaluate the relationship between egg allergy or egg sensitisation and the sensitisation to dust, mites, feather, and animal dander. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Complete dermatological and allergological examination was performed. These parameters were examined: food allergy and food sensitisation to egg white and yolk, to mites, animal dander (mixture), feather and dust. The statistical evaluation of the relations among egg allergy, egg sensitisation and sensitisation to mites, animal dander (mixture), feather and dust was performed. Two hundred and eighty eight patients were included in the study (90 men, 198 women, with the average age 25.2). RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Egg allergy was recorded in 5% and egg sensitisation in 20% of patients; sensitisation to dust is recorded more often in patients with positive results in sIgE for egg white and/or yolk. and J. Čelakovská, K. Ettlerová, K. Ettler, J. Bukač
Autor v článku popisuje šest případů emfyzematózní pyelonefritidy. Průměrný věk nemocných byl 63,5 roku, onemocnění se vyskytovalo častěji u mužů a ani v jednom případě nebyl příčinou konkrement. Dvě třetiny nemocných byli diabetici a nejčastěji byla prokázána jako etiologické agens Escherichia coli a v jednom případě Klebsiella pneumonie. Autor uvádí způsoby léčby jednotlivých případů onemocnění. Pouze v jednom případě vedla emfyzematózní pyelonefritida ke smrti pacienta., The author of this communication describes six cases of emphysematous pyelonephritis. The mean age of patients was 63.5, with the disease seen most frequently in men. None of the cases were associated with stone disease. Two thirds of patients had diabetes mellitus. Escherichia coli was confi rmed in the urine most frequently, and in one case, Klebsiella pneumoniae was identifi ed. The author presents the methods of treatment used in each case. Emphysematous pyelonephritis resulted in death of a patient in one case only., Petr Prošvic, and Literatura
ABSTRAKT Cieľ: Zámerom štúdie bolo identifikovať štatisticky významné rozdiely v úrovni emočnej inteligencii (EI) u študentov ošetrovateľstva vzhľadom k demografi ckým údajom (vek, dĺžka štúdia) a zároveň zistiť či úroveň EI študentov ošetrovateľstva ovplyvňuje ich záujem o problematiku geriatrického ošetrovateľstva. Metódy: Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 86 univerzitných študentov denného bakalárskeho štúdia odboru ošetrovateľstvo. Na meranie úrovne EI boli využité dotazníky reprezentujúce rôzne chápania EI. Prostredníctvom SIT-EMO (Situational Test of Emotional Understanding) bola zisťovaná EI ako schopnosť. EI ako črta bola zisťovaná dotazníkom SEIS(Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale). Dotazníkom vlastnej konštrukcie ESE-GP (Emotional self-effi cacygeriatric patient) bola zisťovaná úroveň EI študentov v procese starostlivosti o geriatrických pacientov. Výsledky: Nezistili sme štatisticky významné rozdiely v úrovni EI študentov z hľadiska demografi ckých údajov (vek a ročník štúdia). Medzi úrovňou EI (SEIS)a perspektívnym záujmom študentov venovať sa geriatrickému ošetrovateľstvu bola zistená štatisticky významná súvislosť (p < 0,05). Závery: Zistené výsledky môžu uplatniť najmä inštitúcie poskytujúce ošetrovateľské vzdelávanie, ktorým odporúčame zamerať pozornosť na rozvoj EI v procese vzdelávania študentov ošetrovateľstva., Aim: The aim of the study was to identify statistically significant differences in levels of emotional intelligence (EI) of nursing students in relation with demographic data (age and year of study) and also determine whether the EI level of nursing students affects their interest in the issue of geriatric nursing. Methods: The sample consisted of 86 full-time undergraduate university students of nursing. To measure the level of EI, questionnaires representing diff erent understanding of EI were used. EI as an ability was determined by the SIT-EMO (Situational Test of Emotional Understanding). EI as a trait was evaluated by the questionnaire SEIS (Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale). The questionnaire of own construction ESE-GP (Emotional self-effi cacygeriatric patient) assessed the level of EI of students in the process of caring for geriatric patients. Results: There were no statistically signifi cant diff erences in the students’ level of EI in terms of demographic data (age and year of study). A statistically signifi cant association (p < 0.05) was found between the students’ level of EI (SEIS) and their promising interest to pursue geriatric nursing. Conclusion: The results can be applied in particular institutions providing nursing education, which can focus attention on the development of EI in the process of education of nursing students., Ingrid Juhásová, Ľubica Ilievová, František Baumgartner, Zuzana Rojková, and Literatura
INTRODUCTION: The splenium of the corpus callosum has a specific structure of blood supply with a tendency towards blood-brain barrier breakdown, intramyelinic edema, and damage due to hypoxia or toxins. Signs and symptoms of reversible syndrome of the splenium of the corpus callosum typically include disorientation, confusion, impaired consciousness, and epileptic seizures. CASE REPORT: A previously healthy 32-year-old man suffered from weakness, headache, and fever. Subsequently, he developed apathy, ataxia, and inability to walk, and therefore was admitted to the hospital. Cerebrospinal fluid showed protein elevation (0.9 g/l) and pleocytosis (232/1 ul). A brain MRI showed hyperintense lesions in the middle of the corpus callosum. The patient was treated with antibiotics, and subsequently, in combination with steroids. Two months later, the hyperintense lesions in the splenium and the basal ganglia had disappeared. Almost seven months since his hospitalization in the Department of Neurology, the patient has returned to his previous employment. He now does not exhibit any mental changes, an optic edema and urological problems have improved. In addition, he is now actively engaged in sports. CONCLUSION: We have described a case of a 32-year-old man with confusion, ataxia, and inability to stand and walk. The man developed a febrile meningeal syndrome and a hyperintense lesion of the splenium, which lasted for two months. Neurological changes, optic nerve edema, and urinary retention have resolved over the course of seven months. We think that the prolonged but transient lesion of the splenium may have been caused by encephalitis of viral origin. and A. Meleková, L. Andrlová, P. Král, L. Ungermann, E. Ehler
Typickým patologicko-anatomickým rysem emfyzému je permanentní rozšíření dýchacích cest distálně od terminálních bronchiolů spolu s destrukcí plicního parenchymu, bez výraznější fibrózy. Chirurgická léčba nabízí tři typy intervencí: bulektomii (resekci velkých bul utlačujících zdravější část plíce), volumredukční operaci plic (LVRS) a plicní transplantaci (jedno či lépe oboustrannou). Alternativou LVRS u inoperabilních nemocných mohou být některé bronchoskopické techniky - metody bronchoskopické volumredukce (BVR). Cílem našeho sdělení je ukázat roli radiologa při indikaci bronchoskopické volumredukce., Lung emphysema is characterized as permanently enlarged air space distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of lung parenchyma without fibrosis. There are three types of surgical treatment: bullectomy (resection of large emphysematic bulls which oppreses healthy lung parenchyma), volumreduction and lung transplantation (once or double - faced). When surgery is not possible there are some bronchoscopic techniques - bronchoscopic volumereduction. The aim of our list is to show the role of radiologist for the right indication to bronchoscopic volumereduction., Kočová E, Koblížek V, Rúta J, Bartoš V., and Literatura