The first chronologically comprehensive and conceptually sound view of conversion to Islam was that offered by R. W. Bulliet. His Conversion to Islam in the Medieval Period, published in 1979, is of great importance to the study of the conversion process and its ethno-religious and social consequences. Qualifying R. W. Bulliet’s method as “an original, bold and provocative work worthy of attention,” it should be mentioned that his study has been criticized on many grounds. Some historians conceive it, above all, as “food for thought,” its conclusions being reliable primarily with respect to medieval Iran only, due to the great limitations of the source base. I would maintain, however, that given the sufficient amounts of available empirical data, R. W. Bulliet’s research technique is reliable and meaningful. In my paper I have attempted to show through the results of my research that his quantitative model and timetable of conversion to Islam are valid in relation to the investigation of the dynamics of ethno-religious processes in the Ottoman Balkans. The similar results revealed in both this researcher’s theoretically drawn model and the curve of conversion that I obtained when using a sufficient quantity of numerical data from the Balkans, prove that Bulliet’s method is applicable in investigating the diffusion of Islam in its broadest chronological and territorial scope.
The paper deals with a difference equation arising from the scalar pantograph equation via the backward Euler discretization. A case when the solution tends to zero but after reaching a certain index it loses this tendency is discussed. We analyse this problem and estimate the value of such an index. Furthermore, we show that the utilized proof technique enables us to investigate some other numerical formulae, too.
Recently, the parameter estimations for normal fuzzy variables in the Nahmias' sense was studied by Cai [4]. These estimates were also studied for general T-related, but not necessarily normal fuzzy variables by Hong [10] In this paper, we report on some properties of estimators that would appear to be desirable, including unbiasedness. We also consider asymptotic or "large-sample" properties of a particular type of estimator.
The Seyfert galaxy NGC I275 circumnuclear region was investigated using spectro- and color photometry which permited us to reveal the region of active starformation near desils, located 3" North-West and 7" North-East from the NGC I275 galaxy nucleus. The mass of these regions HII zones is about 10^6 - 10^7.* and * Abstrakt obsahuje neidentifikovatelný (ručně psaný) symbol.
Th is article proposes some refl ections on the status of the quadrivium in the epistles X–XIV of one of the best known encyclopaedia of the Brethren of Purity Rasā’il, by reconstructing the implied methodology of how the quadrivium is applied within a theoretic philosophy and therefore how all these aspects concur in order to obtain demonstrations that are in complete cohesion with soundness. Following a hermeneutical methodology, this research explores the ways to get to the universal truth and how exactly one arrives to it. Th e fi rst part explains what perceived science is and what its defi ning features are, while the second part illustrates a distribution of the application of the quadrivium in relation with what the Brethren of Purity established as methods of acquiring knowledge. Finally, the last part evaluates some examples that can be traced from a ground of the quadrivial disciplines in order to show how some elements of formal logic are evaluated. and Článek nabízí refl exi statusu kvadrivia v listech X–XIV jedné z nejznámějších encyklopedií Bratrstva čistoty Rasā’il a rekonstruuje v ní zahrnutou metodologii užívání kvadrivia v rámci teoretické fi losofi e, tedy jak v něm jsou získávány naprosto korektní důkazy. Pomocí hermeneutické metodologie jsou zkoumány způsoby, jak se přibližovat k obecné pravdě a jak přesně k ní jednotlivci dospívají. První část vysvětluje, co je to empirická věda a jaké jsou její určující rysy, zatímco druhá část dokládá, jak Bratrstvo čistoty nahlíželo na rozličná užití kvadrivia jako na metody vedoucí k poznání. Závěrečná část hodnotí některé příklady, které lze nalézt v samotných základech kvadriviálních disciplín a demonstruje na nich, jak je v nich využita formální logika.
The Stegana undulata species group is revised and eight new species described: S. (Steganina) flaviclypeata Chen & Chen, sp. n., S. (S.) flavipalpata Chen & Chen, sp. n., S. (S.) leucothorax Chen & Chen, sp. n., S. (S.) melanocheilota Chen & Chen, sp. n. and S. (S.) melanothorax Chen & Chen, sp. n. from southern China, and S. (S.) flaviscutellata Chen & Chen, sp. n., S. (S.) nigriclypeata Chen & Chen, sp. n. and S. (S.) nigripalpata Chen & Chen, sp. n. from eastern Malaysia. A key to all the species examined based on morphological data is provided. Based on DNA sequence data of the mitochondrial ND2 and COI genes, the relationship among six Chinese species of the undulata group and that of the S. coleoptrata and S. nigrolimbata species groups of the same subgenus is investigated, using S. emeiensis of the subgenus Stegana s. str. as an out-group. and Jin-Ming LU, Jian-Jun GAO, Xi-Peng CHEN, Hong-Wei CHEN.
The mood and behavior of individuals result from an orchestra of many factors. Among them steroids play an important role; however, only several common hormones have been investigated in this respect. It has been demonstrated that some steroid metabolites long considered merely the products of steroid hormone metabolism in fact possess considerable activity in the CNS. For this reason we studied the steroid metabolome including 50 analytes in 20 men with depression, 20 men with anxiety and 30 healthy controls. Significant differences were found not only between controls and men with either depression or anxiety, but also between men with depression and anxiety. Particularly striking were those steroids until now not generally associated with depression or anxiety, namely conjugated steroid forms, especially sulfates., M. Dušková, M. hill, M. Bičíková, M. Šrámková, D. Řípová, P. Mohr, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Addiction to tobacco results in an imbalance of endocrine homeostasis in both sexes. This can also have impacts on fertility problems. The male reproductive system is less susceptible than that of females, with a worsening spermiogram in smokers, the most cited effect in the literature. However, the literature is inconsistent as to the effects of smoking on steroid hormone levels in men, and there is very little data on the effects of quitting smoking in men. In this study we followed 76 men before quitting smoking, and then after 6, 12, and 24 weeks and 1 year of abstinence. We measured basic anthropomorphic data and steroid hormone levels along with steroid neuroactive metabolites using GC-MS. We demonstrate lower androgen levels in men who smoke, and these changes worsened after quitting smoking. There was a drop in SHBG already in the first week of non-smoking, and levels continued to remain low. Male smokers have lower androgen levels compared to non-smokers. The lower the initial level of androgen, the lower the likelihood of success in quitting smoking. Changes in steroid hormones proved to be a promising marker for the prediction of success in quitting smoking., H. Jandikova, M. Duskova, K. Simunkova, B. Racz, M. Hill, E. Kralikova, K. Vondra, L. Starka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
he aim of this paper is to show how the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the neuron's membrane potential can be extended to a stochastic one. This extension can be done either by adding fluctuations to the equations of the model or by using Markov kinetic schemes' formalism. We are presenting a new extension of the model. This modification simplifies computational complexity of the neuron model especially when considering a hardware implementation. The hardware implemen- tation of the extended model as a system on a chip using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is demonstrated in this paper. The results confirm the reliability of the extended model presented here.