In the current philosophical literature, determinism is rarely defined explicitly. This paper attempts to show that there are in fact many forms of determinism, most of which are familiar, and that these can be differentiated according to their particular components. Recognizing the composite character of determinism is thus central to demarcating its various forms. and V současné filozofické literatuře je determinismus zřídka výslovně definován. Tento dokument se snaží ukázat, že ve skutečnosti existuje mnoho forem determinismu, z nichž většina je známá, a že tyto mohou být diferencovány podle jejich jednotlivých složek. Rozpoznání kompozitního charakteru determinismu je tak zásadní pro vymezení jeho různých forem.
In this article, we propose an automated construction of knowledge based artificial neural networks (KBANN) for the recognition of restricted sets of handwritten words or characters. The features that better describe the chosen vocabulary are first selected, according to the characteristics of the used script, language and lexicon. Then, ideal samples of lexicon elements (words or characters) are submitted to a feature extraction module to derive their description using the chosen primitives. The analysis of these descriptions generates a symbolic knowledge base reflecting a hierarchical classification of the words (or characters). The rules are then translated into a multilayer neural network by determining precisely its architecture and initializing its connections with specific values. This construction approach reduces the training stage, which enables the network to reach its final topology and to generalize. The proposed method has been tested on the automated construction of neuro-symbolic classifiers for two Arabic word lexicons.
In quiescent prominences of a different brightness the full intensity ratios of He to H are varied in the different parts of the features. In the outside, more thin, parts of bright prominences or in the faint prominences a helium emission is stronger than hydrogen one. With a brightness increase the full intensity ratio of He to H is decreased. A modern interpretation of this ratio behaviour is connected with a fine filamentary structure of quiescent prominences. In this paper we consider a model filamentary feaaure, with different values fo structure coefficients, which consists of He and H atoms in excited and ionized states. We solve the non-LTE problem for the main transitions, coupled with the statistical equilibrium equations for a set of physical parameters typical for a quiescent prominence. As the result we compute He(3888) to Hα ratios and compare them with observations. We find this ratio to be sensitive to structural parameters, as some other ones.
A study of displacements relating to geodynamical processes involves a use of accurate measurement equipment. Better and better accuracy of field surveys neglecting a survey environment can be insufficient in a reliable study. One of the environmental aspects is discussed in the paper. That is a geotechnical condition of a ground - an environment of benchmarks, which changes of position are observed in geodetic surveys. The conditions determine a ground stability affected by weather or geological processes. The main idea of the paper is to consider geotechnical and geological aspects in geodetic reasoning carried on the base of displacement analysis within a study of geodynamics. There are presented examples illustrating the problem. The first relates to former levelling observations carried in an area of Wieliczka, well geologically surveyed due to mining activity in a salt deposit. There are presented results obtained on the base of a numerical analysis. The seasonal variations of benchmarks’ heights are explained in a background of geology. The changes of ground properties induced by atmospheric conditions are suggested as the main cause of the displacements. The survey data processing provided values of displacements caused by seasonally expanding grounds. The second examples concerns ongoing observations in the area of Inowroclaw (located above the salt dome) bring similar variations of heights that can not be related to that cause. The estimated linear trend of height changes proves an uplift process of the salt dome. Derived conclusions suggest a certain methodology helpful in reliable analysis of geodetic surveys. The conclusions prove that geodetic surveys carried out for investigations of displacements in geodynamics require quite extensive geological data., Zbigniew Szczerbowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
E-government becomes an important element of the emerging e-societies. There is a great diversity of strategies, policies and results related to its introduction. Educational and cultural conditions and possibilities are vital because they generate - or not - interests in ICTs and their various applications. So capacity building for e-government is a coplex porcess, not limited to introduciton of technological and organizational actions. Moreover e-government is costly and will require soon not only social but also econimic evaluation. These issues are explored in an illustrative case study of e-services in Poland. and Lech W. Zacher, Tomasz Białobłocki