The paper describes the general form of an ordinary differential equation of an order $n+1$ $(n\ge 1)$ which allows a nontrivial global transformation consisting of the change of the independent variable and of a nonvanishing factor. A result given by J. Aczél is generalized. A functional equation of the form \[ f\biggl (s, w_{00}v_0, \ldots , \sum _{j=0}^n w_{n j}v_j\biggr )=\sum _{j=0}^n w_{n+1 j}v_j + w_{n+1 n+1}f(x,v, v_1, \ldots , v_n), \] where $w_{n+1 0}=h(s, x, x_1, u, u_1, \ldots , u_n)$, $ w_{n+1 1}=g(s, x, x_1, \ldots , x_n, u, u_1, \ldots , u_n)$ and $w_{i j}=a_{i j}(x_1, \ldots , x_{i-j+1}, u, u_1, \ldots , u_{i-j})$ for the given functions $a_{i j}$ is solved on $\mathbb R$, $ u\ne 0.$.
We suggest a nonparametric version of the probability weighted empirical characteristic function (PWECF) introduced by Meintanis {et al.} \cite{meiswaall2014} and use this PWECF in order to estimate the parameters of arbitrary transformations to symmetry. The almost sure consistency of the resulting estimators is shown. Finite-sample results for i.i.d. data are presented and are subsequently extended to the regression setting. A real data illustration is also included.
To reveal and evaluate the mechanism of transforming rainfall into runoff in the region, where the subsurface flow plays a dominant role in the runoff formation, a continuous hydrological and climatic data monitoring has been set-up in the experimental catchment Uhlířská (the Jizera Mountains, CR). The soil profile (Dystric Cambisol), formed on the weathered granite bedrock, is shallow and highly heterogeneous. Beside a standard catchment data observation a hillslope transect was instrumented to control the flow dynamics in the soil profile. From three soil horizons, the subsurface outflow is recorded in the subsurface trench. Adjacent to the trench the soil water suction is scanned by triplets of automatic tensiometers. Within the soil profile the unsaturated regime prevails, nevertheless the soil keeps almost saturated. Nearly simultaneous reaction of suction on a rainfall in all soil horizons implies a rapid vertical flow. Local preferential flow paths are conducting infiltrating water at significantly variable rates when saturation is reached. Groundwater table, soil moisture and subsurface runoff measured at the hillslope transect and the total outflow from the catchment, are correlated. The outflow from the catchment is dominantly controlled by soil moisture however the mechanism of its generation is not yet fully understood. and V oblasti s dominantním podpovrchovým odtokem bylo započato s kontinuálním hydrologickým a klimatickým monitoringem s cílem popsat a vyhodnotit transformaci srážky na odtok. Experimentální povodí Uhlířská se nachází v severní části České republiky v Jizerských horách. Půdní profil, klasifikovaný jako dystrická kambizem na zvětralém žulovém podloží, je mělký a velmi heterogenní. Svahový transekt byl vystrojen pro sledování dynamiky podpovrchového odtoku. Ve třech půdních horizontech je monitorován odtok a půdní sací tlak. V půdním profilu převládá nenasycený stav, ačkoliv je půdní vlhkost dlouhodobě blízko nasycení. Rychlé vertikální proudění je indikováno téměř současnou odezvou půdního sacího tlaku na srážku ve všech půdních horizontech. Po dosažení nasycení infiltrující voda protéká preferenčními cestami s výrazně odlišnými lokálními rychlostmi. Závislost hladiny podzemní vody, půdní vlhkosti, podpovrchového odtoku ve svahovém transektu na odtoku z povodí je významná. Odtok vody z povodí, které leží na zvětralém žulovém podloží, je dominantně určován půdní vlhkostí. Přes tato zjištění není mechanismus tvorby odtoku zatím jednoznačně popsatelný.
Text rozebírá situaci, kdy pacient odmítající transfuzi krve vyhledá lékaře s žádostí o poskytnutí zdravotní péče, tedy s požadavkem předejít škodám na zdraví, upevnit zdraví nebo navrátit zdraví, a současně ale odmítá výkon, bez kterého nelze jeho požadavek splnit. I když v současné době existuje řada přípravků, které lze v terapii použít, žádný současný přípravek nemůže plně nahradit transfuzi krve. Autoři popisují možnosti řešení situace a jejich rizika. Docházejí k závěru, že různorodost názorů i postupů v praxi, a to v případě laiků, zdravotnické i právnické veřejnosti, vede k pocitu nejistoty jak na straně pacientů, tak na straně lékařů. Závěrem navrhují řešení. and Lubomír Vondráček, Vladimíra Nováková
Rice being the major food crop for more than half of the world population is severely affected by drought stress starting from the establishment of the seedling. We focused on the UV-B priming mediated transgenerational drought tolerance of a drought-tolerant rice variety (Vaisakh) towards polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6,000 (20%)-induced drought. Results showed that priming in F0 generation and re-priming in F1 generation with UV-B enhanced the PEG stress tolerance potential of rice seedlings with increased expression of genes encoding antioxidant enzymes and stress-related proteins offering better protection to primed plants. UV-B priming maintained oxidative homeostasis of the plant cell thus ensuring uninterrupted mitochondrial and photosynthetic activities. Cumulatively, our results suggest that the transgenerational priming memory retained in the seeds is transferred to offspring without any loss. Moreover, re-priming in F1 generation further boosted the innate tolerance potential of a tolerant variety resulting in stable cellular redox homeostasis.
Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR/NIH strain) harbor a deletion variant in the Cd36 fatty acid transporter and display defective fatty acid metabolism, insulin resistance and hypertension. Transgenic rescue of Cd36 in SHR ameliorates insulin resistance and improves dyslipidemia. However, the role of Cd36 in blood pressure regulation remains controversial due to inconsistent blood pressure effects that were observed with transgenic expression of Cd36 on the SHR background. In the current studies, we developed two new SHR transgenic lines, which express wild type Cd36 under the control of the universal Ef-1 promoter, and examined the effects of transgenic expression of wild type Cd36 on selected metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes. Transgenic expression of Cd36 in the new lines was associated with significantly decreased serum fatty acids, amelioration of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance but failed to induce any consistent changes in blood pressure as measured by radiotelemetry. The current findings confirm the genetic association of defective Cd36 with disordered insulin action and fatty acid metabolism in the SHR/NIH strain and suggest that Cd36 is linked to other gene(s) on rat chromosome 4 that regulate blood pressure., M. Pravenec, V. Landa, V. Zídek, A. Musilová, L. Kazdová, N. Qi, J. Wang, E. St.Lezin, T. W. Kurtz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Lecithin:retinol acyltransferase (LRAT) is the major enzyme responsible for retinol esterification in the mammalian body. LRAT exhibits specific activity in the cells with active retinol metabolism where it converts retinols into retinyl esters, which represents the major storage form of retinol. Besides hepatic stellate cells in the liver, LRAT appears to have a key physiologic role in several other tissues. In this study, we generated a transgenic reporter mouse expressing green fluorescence protein (EGFP) under the control of region containing -1166 bps from promoter upstream from the putative transcriptional start site and 262 bps downstream of this start. Transgenic reporter mice exhibited specific expression in eyes and testes. In eyes, expression of EGFP-reporter is found in lens and lens epithelium and fibers from embryo to adulthood. In testes, LRAT-EGFP reporter is expressed both in Sertoli and in spermatocytes marking initiation of spermatogenesis in prepubertal mice. Our data show that the examined LRAT regulatory region is sufficient to achieve strong and selective expression in the eye and testes but not in liver and other organs., D. Prukova, Z. Ileninova, B. Antosova, P. Kasparek, M. Gregor, R. Sedlacek., and Obsahuje bibliografii