Surface measurement of large optical elements is complicated due several causes. Some of these difficulties can be solved by using the sub-aperture stitching interferometry. This method carries out measurement from several different angles and positions to acquire particular sub-apertures. These sub-apertures are joined together in process called the stitching. However this process is computation time demanding so some algorithm optimizations are mandatory in order to get result in a reasonable time. Main principle of sub-aperture stitching is an aberration cancellation in measured data. Descriptions and mathematical expressions of these aberrations are included in this paper. Next part describes data pre-process which takes place before stitching process. A substantial part of the paper is dedicated to stitching process which using sub-apertures overlaps for remaining aberrations elimination. In this part a mathematical principle for conversion of the task to linear equations set is described. In the end is the developed algorithm tested on real data. and Interferometrické měření optických elementů s velkým průměrem je z několika důvodů problematické. Některé problémy je možné odstranit za pomoci měření ve více různých polohách. Takto získané sub-apertury je nutné na základě znalosti jejich polohy složit dohromady a provést takzvané sešívání. Proces sešívání je však výpočetně náročná operace a je potřeba používat optimalizované algoritmy pro získání výsledku v rozumném čase. Hlavní podstatou sešívání je odstraňování aberací, které se v naměřených datech vyskytují. Článek tedy pojednává o jednotlivých typech aberací a zabývá se jejich matematickým popisem. Dále se věnuje předzpracování jednotlivých sub-apertur před samotným procesem sešívání. Podstatná část se potom zabývá samotným procesem sešívání, který využívá překryvů sub-apertur pro eliminaci zbývajících aberací. Zde je popsána matematická podstata převodu problému na soustavu lineárních rovnic. V závěru jsou prezentovány dosažené výsledky na reálných datech.
Interferometric measurement of large optical elements is difficult. Some problems can be fixed by measurement from multiple different positions. The sub-apertures acquired this way have to be stitched together based on known positions. However stitching process is very computation time demanding and significant optimization have to be introduced in order to obtain result in reasonable time. In the first part this paper address problem of task conversion to system of linear equations. In the next part there is partial derivatives optimization described. And at the end the results of experimental comparison are presented. and Interferometrické měření optických elementů s velkým průměrem nebo velkou numerickou aperturou je problematické. Některé problémy je možné odstranit za pomoci měření povrchu elementu ve více různých polohách. Takto získané sub-apertury je nutné na základě znalosti jejich polohy složit dohromady a provést takzvané sešití. Proces sešívání je však výpočetně náročná operace a je potřeba používat optimalizované algoritmy pro získání výsledku v rozumném čase. V první části se článek zabývá převodem problému sešívání na soustavu lineárních rovnic. V další části je pak popsána optimalizace algoritmu použitím parciálních derivací. V závěru se článek zabývá testováním a porovnáním navržených metod sešívání na generovaných a naměřených datech.
The rook (Corvus frugilegus) is widely distributed in the Western Palaearctic and is generally regarded as a pest species of agriculture and at airfields. In this study we describe a schematic eye model for the rook. Digital photographs of the intact enucleated eye gave the gross dimensions. The lens and the cornea of the rook’s schematic eye were found to have an almost equal refractive power of Fl 59.53 D and Fc 62.63 D. The rook’s schematic eye has an axial length of 14.50mm and a total power of F 108.86 D. The eye shape is similar to the ‘flat’ eye type. The calculated f-number² value of 3.63 indicates that the rook’s eye is well adapted to high light levels and is not suitable for night vision.
Fat-enriched diet is strongly associated with cataract development. Laurus nobilis shows antioxidant activity. Herein we evaluated the effect of Laurus nobilis oral administration on the blood and lenses antioxidant activity in rabbits under fat-enriched diet. Sixty rabbits divided into 4 groups were used. One group represented the control (N-CTR). The second group (P-CTR) fed a diet supplemented with 2.5 % of pig fat; the third group (EXP1) received a diet supplemented with 2.5 % of pig fat and 1 g/kg of dried-bay leaves; the fourth group (EXP2) was treated with dried-bay leaves at the rate of 1 g/kg of feed. At baseline and at the end of the study (56 days) the following blood parameters were determined: thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), total phenols, superoxide dismutase (SOD), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORACpca), ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), retinol and alfa-tocopherol. At the end of the follow-up, the eyes were enucleated and the antioxidant profile, such as total antioxidant activity (TAC), TBARS, retinol and alfa-tocopherol of lenses was evaluated. Plasma ROMs and TBARS levels were statistically lower in the groups receiving bay leaves integration. A significant increase of plasma retinol, FRAP and ORACpca levels was found in EXP1 and EXP2 groups, whereas plasma alfa-tocopherol resulted statistically higher only in EXP2 group. Bay leaves supplementation enhanced TAC, retinol and alfa-tocopherol in rabbit lens, particularly in EXP2 group; whereas lenses TBARS levels significantly decreased in both treated groups. These findings demonstrate that Laurus nobilis oral administration exerts a protective effect on the risk of cataract development in rabbits under fat-enriched diet., D. Casamassima, F. Chiosi, F. Vizzarri, M. Palazzo, C. Costagliola., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Lecithin:retinol acyltransferase (LRAT) is the major enzyme responsible for retinol esterification in the mammalian body. LRAT exhibits specific activity in the cells with active retinol metabolism where it converts retinols into retinyl esters, which represents the major storage form of retinol. Besides hepatic stellate cells in the liver, LRAT appears to have a key physiologic role in several other tissues. In this study, we generated a transgenic reporter mouse expressing green fluorescence protein (EGFP) under the control of region containing -1166 bps from promoter upstream from the putative transcriptional start site and 262 bps downstream of this start. Transgenic reporter mice exhibited specific expression in eyes and testes. In eyes, expression of EGFP-reporter is found in lens and lens epithelium and fibers from embryo to adulthood. In testes, LRAT-EGFP reporter is expressed both in Sertoli and in spermatocytes marking initiation of spermatogenesis in prepubertal mice. Our data show that the examined LRAT regulatory region is sufficient to achieve strong and selective expression in the eye and testes but not in liver and other organs., D. Prukova, Z. Ileninova, B. Antosova, P. Kasparek, M. Gregor, R. Sedlacek., and Obsahuje bibliografii