In the past decade, utilization of nanostructured materials has increased intensively in a wide range of applications. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs), for instance, can be applied for the inactivation of various pathogens through photo-induced generation of reactive oxygen species. Although TiO2 NPs with high antimicrobial activity are of great importance, in practice, their phytotoxic effects have not yet been fully clarified. In this study, we investigated the potential phytotoxicity of TiO2 NPs on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) under field conditions. After foliar exposure, two particularly stress-sensitive parameters, photosynthetic function and the flavonol profile, were examined. Micro- and macroelement composition of the leaves was also studied by ICP-AES measurements. We found that TiO2 NPs significantly decreased the net CO2 assimilation and increased stomatal conductance, indicating metabolic (nonstomatal) inhibition of the photosynthesis. The lower electron transport rate and lower nonphotochemical quenching in treated leaves are indicative of diminished photoprotective processes., P. Teszlák, M. Kocsis, A. Scarpellini, G. Jakab, L. Kőrösi., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Despite the elimination of the original forest and frequent cultivation using slash and burn, a large spread in leaf δ13C was recorded in weeds, crops, and bush fallow species, reflecting a forest environment rather than a broken canopy or open environment., A. De Rouw, J .F. Maxwell, C. Girardin., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Forenzní entomologie představuje oblast aplikované biologie, která propojuje přírodní vědy a právní systém. Tento obor lze rozdělit na tři hlavní oblasti: problematiku škůdců potravin a zemědělských produktů, oblast parazitů lidí a zvířat (zejména otázku myiáz) a patrně nejznámější a nejčastěji využívanou oblast stanovení doby smrti člověka, resp. post mortem intervalu (PMI). Jeho základem je přirozený proces degradace mrtvých obratlovců v přírodě, kdy během sukcese tělo postupně kolonizují mouchy, brouci a další bezobratlí. Znalost těchto procesů nám dává možnost určit dobu kolonizace, a tím i PMI s přesností na den i několik týdnů po smrti člověka. Avšak pole působnosti forenzní entomologie je natolik široké, že článek přináší pouze malé nahlédnutí do základů tohoto multidisciplinárního oboru. Proto není překvapením, že přes všechny naše dosavadní znalosti a poznatky forenzní entomologie, každý den přináší stále nové otázky a odpovědi., Forensic entomology is a field of applied biology in which natural science and the judicial system interact. It can be divided into three main areas: the issue of pests, the field of human and animal parasites, mainly a phenomenon called myiasis, and probably the best known and most frequently used area of estimating the period of time since human death or post mortem interval (PMI). It is based on the natural process of degradation of animal cadavers and human corpses when during the process of succession flies, beetles and other invertebrates subsequently colonize a corpse. Good knowledge of the processes allows us to determine the time of colonization as well as PMI within a day even several weeks after the human death. However, the scope of forensic entomology is so wide that this article provides only a small insight into the foundations of this multidisciplinary field. Therefore it is not surprising that despite all of our current knowledge forensic entomology presents new questions and answers every day., and Hana Šuláková.
The aim of the present study was to find groups of moths suitable for estimating changes in the abundance and richness of local and regional biodiversity in a temperate forest. We captured macro-moths from May to October over a 5-year period (2005–2009) at various sites in Mt. Jirisan National Park (JNP) in southern Korea. Six taxa were selected based on a strong correlation between the number of species in these taxa and total number of species of large moths: Ennominae (Enn), Arctiinae (Arc), Hermininae (Her), Notodontidae (Not), Drepanidae (Dre) and Ophiderinae (Oph). Of these, combinations of four groups were found to have the best predictive capability. We determined whether these indicator groups could be used to reveal mean differences in species abundance according to spatial (forest type, altitude) and temporal variables (monsoon season) since moth composition and abundances were closely related with these variables. The mean differences in the groups of moths in the two types of forest (Arc, Dre, Enn, Not), two altitudes (Dre, Enn, Her, Oph) and two seasons (Dre, Enn, Oph) were significant. Overall, it was revealed that a set of four groups, including two taxa (Dre and Enn), could be used to show differences in local and regional biodiversity of moths in southern Korean temperate forest., Jeong-Seop An, Sei-Woon Choi., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Dnešní terestrické ekosystémy jsou do značné míry produktem koevoluce rostlin a hmyzu, který představuje vůbec nejpočetnější a nejrozmanitější skupinu živočichů. Počátky tohoto vzájemného působení lze vysledovat stovky milionů let do minulosti, přičemž postupně docházelo k nárůstu jeho komplexity. Nejčastějšími doklady těchto složitých vztahů jsou fosilizované listy nebo jejich otisky, vykazující často specifické i nespecifické poškození, jako jsou miny nebo hálky, stopy po ovipozici, popřípadě nejrůznější typy okusů. Kvalitativní a kvantitativní analýza těchto stop má velký význam při studiu evolučních procesů v rámci výše uvedených skupin organismů. Detekované změny v dynamice trofických vztahů mezi hmyzem a jeho rostlinnými hostiteli pomáhají zpřesnit představu o vlivu měnícího se prostředí na okolní biotu, jakož i poskytují vodítko pro stanovování průběhu klimatických změn v čase., Contemporary terrestrial ecosystems are largely a product of the coevolution of plants and insects, which are the most prevalent and diverse group of animals. The origin of these interactions can be traced hundreds of millions of years back followed by a gradual increase in their complexity. The most common evidence of these complex relationships is represented by the fossilized leaves, often having specific and non-specific damage such as the mines, galls, traces of oviposition, or various types of feeding. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of these ichnofossils are of great importance with regard to the study of the evolutionary processes occurring among these groups of organisms. The detected changes in the dynamics of trophic relationships between insects and their host plants help to clarify ideas regarding the impact on the developing environment and organisms, and provide evidence for the recognition of trends in climate changes in the past., and Stanislav Knor, Jakub Prokop.
Four new species of Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1850 are described from guitarfish, Rhynchobatus cf. djiddensis (Forsskål), collected from the Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf. Acanthobothrium janineae sp. n., a category 1 species, differs from all congeners in category 1 by having a long vagina extending into the vas deferens and different, proglottid and testis number except Acanthobothrium hypermekkolpos Fyler et Caira, 2010. Acanthobothrium fylerae sp. n., a category 1 species, can be differentiated by a combination of characters including the total length, proglottid and testis number, cirrus sac shape, and the length of the vagina and ovarian lobes. Both new species are similar to A. hypermekkolpos reported from Rhynchobatus laevis (Bloch et Schneider) from Australia in their scolex proper length, hook size and muscular pad, respectively. Acanthobothrium asrinae sp. n., a category 1 species, differs from other category 1 species by the shape of its hooks and the position of the tubercle at the mid-length of the axial prongs; in this respect it resembles A. bartonae Campbell et Beveridge, 2002 reported from Australia. Acanthobothrium jamesi sp. n. is among six category 1 species with post-ovarian testes. It differs from these species by total length, proglottid and testis number and the extension of the ovarian lobes. Although it is thought that R. djiddensis occurs in the region, the identities of the hosts of the newly described Acanthobothrium species await verification. There are two forms of host in the region and were designated as R. cf. djiddensis 1 and R. cf. djiddensis 2. More taxonomic work and the use of molecular techniques are needed to resolve the true identity of the host species., Loghman Maleki, Masoumeh Malek, Harry W. Palm., and Obsahuje bibliografii