Chráněná krajinná oblast Beskydy je charakteristická zachovalými pralesovitými porosty i pastvinami, jež po staletí obhospodařovali místní lidé. Množství dnes už vzácných a z krajiny mizejících biotopů představuje útočiště řady ohrožených organismů včetně mnoha druhů brouků. Významnou skupinou jsou především druhy žijící v tlejícím dřevě a pod kůrou mrtvých stromů. Díky nezanedbatelnému zastoupení jedle bělokoré (Abies alba) i množství dostupné odumřelé dřevní hmoty můžeme dodnes v beskydských rezervacích nalézt brouky, kteří již na téměř celém území České republiky vyhynuli., Well-preserved remnants of old-growth forests and pastures managed for hundreds of years are typical for this area. A substantial representation of fir trees and large volumes of decaying wood support populations of several beetle species considered extremely rare/extinct in other parts of the Czech Republic. A few species have gone extinct in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids, mainly because of the abandonment of traditional management. Other species have recently been recorded in this area for the first time., and Jiří Procházka, Jiří Schlaghamerský.
Parazitické hlístice, které využívají měkkýše jako mezihostitele, paratenické nebo definitivní hostitele, tvoří skupinu více než stovky druhů. Další nové druhy jsou neustále popisovány, avšak jejich ekologie zůstává povětšinou zcela neznámá a nepovšimnutá. Pouze několik málo druhů bylo prozkoumáno blíže. Právě o nich a o tom kdy a jak vznikl jejich vztah k měkkýšům, pojednává tento článek., The group of parasitic nematodes that use molluscs as intermediate, paratenic or definitive hosts consists of more than 100 species. Several new species are described every year but their ecology still remains almost uknown. Only a few of these nematodes are well studied. This paper discusses these well-known mollusc-parasitic nematodes and the origin of their relationship with molluscs., and Jiří Nermuť, Vladimír Půža.
a1_Leaf traits and physiology are species-specific and various with canopy position and leaf age. Leaf photosynthesis, morphology and chemistry in the upper and lower canopy positions of Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc and Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Turoz in broadleaved Korean pine forest were determined in September 2009. Canopy position did not significantly affect light-saturated photosynthetic rate based on unit area (P area) and unit dry mass (P mass), apparent quantum yield (α), light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP); total nitrogen (Nm), phosphorus (Pm), carbon (Cm), and chlorophyll content (Chlm) per unit dry mass; leaf dry mass per unit area (LMA) and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) for P. koraiensis current-year needles and Q. mongolica leaves. While in P. koraiensis one-year-old needles, P area, P mass, α and LCP in the upper canopy were lower than those in the lower canopy. The needles of P. koraiensis had higher Cm and LMA than leaves of Q. mongolica, but P mass, Chlm and PNUE showed opposite trend. There were no differences in P area, LSP, Nm, and Pm between the two species. Needle age significantly influenced photosynthetic parameters, chemistry and LMA of P. koraiensis needles except LCP, LSP and Cm. In contrast to LMA, P area, P mass, Nm, Pm, Chlm, and PNUE of one-year-old needles were significantly lower than those of current-year needles for P. koraiensis. The negative correlations between LMA and
P mass, Nm, Pm, Chlm, and positive correlations between P mass and Nm, Pm, Chlm were found for P. koraiensis current-year needles and Q. mongolica leaves., a2_ Our results indicate that leaf nitrogen and phosphorus contents and nutrient absorption from soil are similar for mature P. koraiensis and Q. mongolica growing in the same environment, while difference in carbon content between P. koraiensis and Q. mongolica may be attributed to inherent growth characteristics., X. B. Cheng ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii