The structure of the human microsporidium found by Yachnis and colleagues in two AIDS patients (Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 106: 535-43, 1996) (hereafter referred to as HMY) was investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy and compared with Thelohania apodemi Doby, Jeannes et Raoult, 1963, a microsporidian of small rodents. The fine structure of the HMY was found to be similar to that of Trachipleistophora hominis Hollister, Canning, Weidner, Field, Kench et Marriott, 1996. Characteristic is the presence of a thick layer of electron dense material on the outer lace of the meront plasmalemma, which is maintained during the whole life cycle and which later persists as an electron dense coat on the sporophorous vesicle (SPOV). However, HMY is distinguished from T. hominis during sporogony, as two types of SPOV and spores are formed in HMY. One type of SPOV contains thick-wallcd spores (usually 8 or more in number) with anisofilar polar filaments of 7 + 2 pattem, while the other type contains only two thin-walled spores with a smaller number (3-5) of isofilar polar filament coils. The HMY differs from T. apodemi which also forms SPOV with 8 spores inside, but the spores of which are larger in size and have 9 + 2 polar filament pattern.
This text presents an analysis of the recent emphasis in HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns: the discursive constructions of HIV/AIDS as an issue of risk and its management. Specifically, the text discusses the prevention materials produced by state-funded institutions in the Czech Republic. The aim of the text is twofold: First, it analyses the specific discourse (and rationality) of risk that permeates HIV/AIDS prevention in relation to and as a part of modern biopolitics and (self-)governance. Second, the text examines the discourse of risk for its gendered implications and its re-inscription of gendered power inequalities., Kateřina Kolářová., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
Microsporidia cause opportunistic infections in AIDS patients and commonly infect laboratory animals, as well. Euthymie C57B1/6 mice experimentally infected with intraperitoneal injections of lxlO6 Encephalitozoon cuniculi Levaditi, Nicolau et Schoen, 1923, Encephalitozoon hellem Didier et al., 1991, or Nosema comeum Shadduck et al., 1990 displayed no clinical signs of disease. Athymic mice, however, developed ascites and died 8-16 days after inoculation with N. comeum, 21-25 days after inoculation with E. cuniculi, and 34-37 days after inoculation with E. hellem. All athymic mice displayed hepatomegaly, dilated intestine and accumulation of ascites fluid. Granulomatous lesions were primarily located in the liver, lung, pancreas, spleen, and on serosal surfaces of abdominal organs.
Studie si klade za cíl prozkoumat faktory, které ovlivňují kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob. Na základě výsledků mnoha výzkumů byl zjištěn pozitivní efekt na kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob u těchto faktorů: vysoká hladina CD4+ lymfocytů, nízká virová náloţ, zaměstnanost a sociální opora. Zatímco deprese, nízký počet CD4+ lymfocytů, vysoká virémie a souběţná onemocnění (jako např. pneumocystová pneumonie, hepatitida C a cytomegalovirová infekce) mají negativní efekt na kvalitu ţivota. Úloha genderu v oblasti kvality ţivota HIV infikovaných osob není zatím zřejmá. Některé výzkumy dokládají niţší kvalitu ţivota HIV pozitivních ţen v porovnání s HIV pozitivními muţi, zatímco jiné neprokazují ţádné rozdíly. Antiretrovirová terapie má jak pozitivní, tak negativní efekt na kvalitu ţivota. Objevují se zjištění, ţe souběţná infekce virem HGV můţe mít pozitivní vliv na se zdravím související kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob. V dalším výzkumu budou autoři zkoumat efekt infekce virem HGV na celkovou kvalitu ţivota HIV pozitivních osob. Zatím v této oblasti bylo podniknuto málo výzkumů. Objevení faktorů, které ovlivňují kvalitu ţivota HIV infikovaných osob, můţe zvýšit porozumění jejich potřebám, coţ můţe zvýšit jejich adherenci k antiretrovirové terapii a sníţit tendence k rizikovému chování. and The study aims to investigate factors that infuence the quality of life of HIV infected people. Based on findigns from a number of researches high level of CD4+ lymphocytes count, low viral load, employment and social support have been found to have a positive effect on the quality of life of HIV infected individuals, while depression, low CD4+ lymphocytes count, high level of viraemia, and comorbidities (such as pneumocystis pneumonia, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus infection) have a negative effect on the quality of life. The role of gender in the quality of life of HIV infected people is as yet not clear. Some researches document lower quality of life in HIV positive women compared to HIV positive men, while others don’t show any difference. Antiretroviral therapy has both positive and negative effect on quality of life. There is an indication that co-infection with hepatitis G virus may positively influence health related aspects of the quality of life of HIV infected people. In a further research, the authors will examine the effects of HGV infection on general quality of life in HIV positive individuals. As yet very little research has been done in this area. It is hoped that by discovering the range of factors that may influence the quality of life of HIV infected people, their needs will be better understood, which may in turn increase their adherence to antiretroviral therapy and lower their tendency towards risky behavior.
Microsporidiosis is an increasingly important opportunistic infection in HIV-positive patients. Five species of microsporidia {Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon hellem and E. cunieuli, Seplata intestinalis, and Pleistophora sp.) have been reported to occur in AIDS, with each agent producing a different clinicopathologic spectrum of disease. This communication reviews routine and specialized methods for diagnosis of these important pathogenic protozoa, including biopsy, cytology, ultrastructural and immunologic examination, and tissue culture, and describes the current knowledge of organ distribution for microsporidia in persons with AIDS.
In this paper we examine some features of the global dynamics of the four-dimensional system created by Lou, Ruggeri and Ma in 2007 which describes the behavior of the AIDS-related cancer dynamic model in vivo. We give upper and lower ultimate bounds for concentrations of cell populations and the free HIV-1 involved in this model. We show for this dynamics that there is a positively invariant polytope and we find a few surfaces containing omega-limit sets for positive half trajectories in the positive orthant. Finally, we derive the main result of this work: sufficient conditions of ultimate cancer free behavior.
We report the findings of a longitudinal observational study on HIV-infected patients grouped by presumed transmission group, who had diarrhoea. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of and factors associated with Cryptosporidium infection on these patients. Modified formol-ether concentration followed by modified Ziehl-Neelsen and phenol-auraminc/carbol-fuchsin staining techniques were used to identify Cryptosporidium from 465 patients. Cryptosporidiosis was reported in 36/465 (8% and 95% confidence interval 6, 10) patients. Of the positive patients 30 (83%) were men and 6 (17%) women. Prevalence of infection was higher among HIV-seropositive patients whose exposure category was through sexual contact (69%) than among patients in other HIV exposure categories (9%, Standard Z test, P < 0.001). Median CD4+ cell count/mm3 was 120 (range 3-600). Besides diarrhoea, the main clinical manifestations were fever and weight loss in 14 (39%) and 26 (72%) patients, respectively. Cryptosporidium infection was considered to be the first AIDS defining disease in 31% of the patients followed by tuberculosis in 19%, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in 14%, Salmonella sepsis in 6%, isosporiasis in 3%, toxoplasmic encephalitis in 3%, leishmaniasis in 3% and Kaposi’s sarcoma in 3% of the patients. There was no significant difference (P = 0.82) in survival times for those given folate antagonists to treat other opportunistic infections. The decrease in prevalence of cryptosporidiosis observed from 1994 until May 1997 is not statistically significant (P = 0.11). Most cases of cryptosporidial infection in AIDS patients in Lisbon occurred in those whose HIV infection was assumed to have been acquired by the sexual route (hetero-, homo- and bisexual), with few cases occurring in drug-abusers.