This study is dedicated to the role of Czech musicians in the shaping of the modern musical culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The discontinuity of development there is a consequence of the countrys complicated political history after centuries under Ottoman rule, its annexation by Austria-Hungary (1878) was a major turning point for all spheres of society. Bosnian-Herzegovinian musical culture was also shaped by the influence of West-European music and of musicians from Europe, among whom the Czechs were the most numerous. On the basis of extensive archival research and work with literature, the author provides a comprehensive overview of their amateur and professional activities, paying attention in particular to musicians in military orchestras, and she also investigates their work in the areas of pedagogy, composition, and folkloristics., Fatima Hadžić., Obsahuje seznam literatury, and Anglické resumé na s. 143.
Bosnia’s seismotectonics seems to follow the Mediterranean marine regime. Earthquakes occur mostly in the outer Dinaric Alps (southern Bosnia), while the strongest earthquakes occur within the Sarajevo Fault system in southern and northwestern Bosnia. In addition to active tectonics being strong, crustal earthquakes occur often as well. Due to Bosnia’s rich hydrogeology, crustal loading such as by snow and rain, or reservoir inundation, represents the most important secondary seismogenic source in the region. Despite its exquisite and active geomorphology no comprehensive and reliable geodynamical studies exist on the region. Seismic sensors coverage is extremely poor also. One centenary analogue, and a few recently installed digital seismometers are insufficient for a region that exhibits mild-to-high seismic activity. Significant investments are needed in order for GPS, seismic and other sensor-instrumented networks to be put in place or enhanced. Technical personnel needs to be educated to enable support provide for studies that are done within broader scientific activities. Such efforts that presently seek to include Bosnia under their scope are ESF-COST Action 625, NATO Stability Pact DPPI program, and EUREF/CERGOP geophysics projects., Mensur Omerbashich and Galiba Sijarić., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Stať se věnuje násilným praktikám, které představovaly ústřední prvek občanské války v Bosně a Hercegovině v devadesátých letech minulého století: etnickým čistkám. Jejím cílem je poukázat na fatální důsledky vojenských akcí, které byly vedeny za účelem etnické homogenizace jednotlivých území a které vyplývaly ze souvztažnosti mezi rozdílným demografickým vývojem konstitutivních národů Bosny a Hercegoviny (Srbů, Chorvatů a Muslimů - Bosňáků) před vypuknutím konfliktu a jeho dopadem na proměny národnostního složení jednotlivých regionů. Po teoretickém vymezení termínů „etnická čistka“ a „genocida“ autor analyzuje charakter a rozsah násilné homogenizace na lokální úrovni, jež vyvolala největší uprchlickou vlnu v Evropě od skončení druhé světové války. Příspěvek na základě souhrnného výčtu jednotlivých etap etnických čistek během válečných let 1992 až 1995 ukazuje, že občanská válka v Bosně a Hercegovině se na počátku rozhořela převážně v místech, která v posledních dvou dekádách před rozpadem Jugoslávie vykazovala nejvýraznější proměny etnického zastoupení konstitutivních národů (především Srbů a Muslimů). V druhé části autor soustředí pozornost na rozbor strategických zájmů národnostních elit Srbů, Chorvatů i Bosňáků a forem, jichž nabyly během násilné realizace etnické homogenizace území pod jejich vojenskou kontrolou., The article is concerned with ethnic cleansing, that is, the violent methods that constituted the central element of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s. The article aims to show the fatal consequences of the military operations that were conducted with the aim of the ethnic homogenization of the individual territories, and were rooted in the differences in the demographic development of the constituent peoples (the Serbs, Croatians, and Muslim Bosniaks) of Bosnia and Herzegovina before the outbreak of the conflict and the impact of this development on the transformation of the ethnic composition of the individual regions. After defining the terms ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘genocide’, the author analyses the character and extent of the violent local homogenization that led to the greatest refugee crisis in Europe since the end of the Second World War. On the basis of a summary of the individual stages of the ethnic cleansing during the war from 1992 to 1995, the author seeks to demonstrate that the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina at first erupted mainly in places that had, during the last two decades before the breakup of Yugoslavia, manifested the most striking changes in the ethnic representation of the constituent nations (chiefly the Eastern Orthodox Serbs and the Muslims). In the second part, the author focuses on analysing the strategic interests of the elites of the Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks and the forms these interests took during the violent ethnic homogenization of the territory under their military control., Ondřej Žíla., and Obsahuje bibliografii