Activity of cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase in rat heart homogenates was determined in 5-, 15-, 28- and 60-day-old rats. The activity of both enzymes increased during postnatal development but their changes followed different kinetics. The membrane-bound cytochrome c oxidase reached its adult values during the early postnatal period, i.e. between days 5 and 15, whereas soluble matrix-localized citrate synthase also continued to increase between days 15 and 60. Our data indicate a relative excess of cytochrome c oxidase in neonatal cardiocytes.
Local application of four concentrations of bicuculline methiodide (a specific antagonist of GABAA receptors) was used to study a sensitivity of somatosensory cortex in four age groups of immature rats with implanted electrodes. Presence and latencies of two epileptic phenomena (focal discharges and seizures) were evaluated. Focal discharges exhibited moderate tendency to a decrease of sensitivity to bicuculline methiodide with maturation. Concentration-effect relation of incidence of focal discharges was observed only in 7- and 12-day-old but not in older animals. Results with incidence and latencies of seizures did not show relations to age or concentration of bicuculline. Neither of the epileptic phenomena can be used as a reliable index of cortical maturation., P. Mareš, K. Bernášková, H. Kubová., and Seznam literatury