Dňa 2. júla 2017 nás vo veku 80 rokov navždy opustil prof. RNDr. Ivan Baník, PhD., slovenský fyzik, vysokoškolský učiteľ, ale aj človek s dobrým srdcom a všestranným talentom. Po niekoľko desaťročí bol významným členom slovenskej fyzikálnej komunity a jeho nečakaný a rýchly odchod vyvolal smútok nielen v jeho rodine, ale aj medzi kolegami, študentmi a slovenskými fyzikmi. Preto sme sa rozhodli, pripomenúť si v tejto stručnej spomienke jeho výnimočnú osobnosť ako aj niektoré zaujímavosti z jeho života. and Marcela Chovancová, Jozef Leja.
This article looks at the marginalization of the Roma from the perspective of socio-psychological dynamics of society. The author takes the specific case of Roma settlements in Slovakia, where he has conducted anthropological research, to illustrate how the mechanism of marginalisation functions. Drawing on the work of Tzvetan Todorov and Peter L. Berger, he argues that at the heart of human sociability - the ability and necessity to live among others - is the constant human need for attention and recognition from others. This basic human need affects the socio-psychological dynamics of society, including the marginalisation as well as integration of some of its groups. This need for attention and recognition leads to the emergence of complex 'counterworlds' or 'counter-societies', with their alternative value systems. The Roma settlements and urban ghettoes represent such counter-worlds that provide their inhabitants with attention, recognition, positive self-interpretation, and confirmation of their values. If the inhabitants of these counter-worlds are unable to fulfil this need anywhere else, then their integration into wider society cannot be achieved.
A long-standing problem with the taxonomic status and synonymy of the names Taraxacum nigricans (Kit.) Reichenb. and T. alpestre (Tausch) DC. is resolved. These two names, the oldest ones referable to high mountain dandelions in Central Europe, are typified, and a detailed comparison of these species’ morphology, genotype make-up, karyotypes and distribution is provided, together with a discussion of other cases of similar and probably closely related agamospermous taxa of Taraxacum and Hieracium. Taraxacum nigricans (2n = 32) and T. alpestre (2n = 32) are endemic to the Nízke Tatry Mts, Slovakia, and the Krkonoše/Karkonosze Mts, Czech Republic/ Poland, respectively. These are shown to differ in a series of minor but constant morphological, allozyme and karyotype features, and their treatment as separate agamospermous species is supported. A detailed analysis of cultivated and wild material from the Carpathians revealed the existence of a sexual taxon very close to the above two species and endemic to the region of the Bucegi Mts, Romania. It is described as a new species, T. carpaticum Štěpánek et Kirschner. Two new agamospermous species, apparently allied to T. nigricans, are described: T. rupicaprae Štěpánek et Kirschner, a species characterized by orange-ochraceous achenes and confined to the High Tatra Mts, and T. elegantissimum Štěpánek et Kirschner (2n = 24), which has substantially broader outer bracts and is known from the Rodna, Retezat and Fagaras Mts, Romania. Another three species are described that are morphological similar to T. carpaticum: T. pastorum (the Fagaras Mts, Romania), T. iucundum (the Retezat Mts, Romania) and T. pseudoalpestre (the Fagaras Mts, Romania).
A taxonomic concept for the Hieracium nigrescens agg. (H. alpinum ≥ H. murorum) in the Western Carpathians is proposed. Three taxa at the species level are recognized, i.e. Hieracium jarzabczynum, H. mlinicae and H. vapenicanum. One new combination, Hieracium mlinicae (Hruby et Zahn) Chrtek f. et Mráz (H. nigrescens subsp. mlinicae Hruby et Zahn) is published. All taxa should be considered as endemic to the Western Carpathians (both the Polish and Slovakian parts). Detailed descriptions, drawings, lists of localities, distribution maps and determination key are provided along with a comparison with the last comprehensive account of the group (by Zahn 1936). Several lectotypes were chosen for the taxa recognized by Zahn within H. nigrescens s.l.
A taxonomic study of the Pilosella alpicola group growing in the Carpathians revealed the presence of two morphologically distinguishable taxa: P. ullepitschii (Błocki) Szeląg and P. rhodopea (Griseb.) Szeląg. While P. ullepitschii is endemic to the Carpathians, P. rhodopea is a Balkan subendemic with two isolated localities in the Southern Carpathians (Mt Cozia and Mt Zmeuretu). The core area of distribution of P. ullepitchii is the natural subalpine and alpine meadows of the Western Carpathians (the Vysoké and Západné Tatry Mts in Slovakia and Poland). In addition, only three isolated localities are known from the Nemira Mts (Romanian Eastern Carpathians) and one from the Bucegi Mts (Romanian Southern Carpathians). Interestingly, the Romanian populations occur in man-made habitats (secondary pastures). Karyological and flow cytometric analyses of 305 plants from 13 populations of P. ullepitschii revealed only diploid plants (2n = 2x = 18). One Carpathian population of P. rhodopea from Mt Cozia is also diploid. This is the first report of diploidy in this species. However, the populations from the main part of the distribution of this taxon in the Balkan mountains include other cytotypes. Detailed morphological descriptions and distributions for both taxa are given.