As a result of inconsistencies in morphological characters, Cerastium pumilum and C. glutinosum have been misunderstood or confused in many European floras since the 1960s. In the second volume of the Flora Nordica, a revised treatment of C. pumilum s.l. is provided and this concept is tested here for eastern Central European populations. The cytometric and morphological part of the study is based on living plants from 85 populations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Austria and Hungary. Flow cytometric analyses of the samples revealed two groups differing in ploidy level and corresponding to two cytotypes (a known octoploid, 2n ≈ 72, for C. glutinosum and yet unknown dodecaploid, 2n ≈ 108, for C. pumilum). Eleven morphological characters were scored or measured in plants of known ploidy level and the data set analysed using multivariate statistics (principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis); the two morphologically well-separated groups were identical with the two cytotype groups detected by flow cytometry. Based on these results, we suggest treating the detected cyto-morphotypes as the species C. pumilum and C. glutinosum. Our analysis further revealed that the traditionally used characters (glabrous vs. hairy adaxial surface and presence vs. absence of a scarious margin to the tip of the lowermost bracts) are not taxonomically informative. The characters best differentiating the species include indument on the lowermost vernal internodium, length of mature stylodia, length of glandular hairs on sepals and maximum diameter of mature seed. A key for identification of both species is also provided. A revision of almost 1600 specimens deposited in 16 Central European herbaria revealed that the species show different distribution patterns in Central Europe and partial habitat segregation. Specimens from the Czech Republic previously assigned to C. litigiosum were identified as C. pumilum; consequently, C. litigiosum must be removed from the Czech flora.
Protižidovské násilí na poválečném Slovensku, především pogrom v Topolčanech v září 1945, představuje dnes relativně probádané téma. Vícero autorů a autorek detailně popsalo průběh a spektrum násilí vůči Židům na osvobozeném Slovensku. Některé novější práce pak protižidovské demonstrace, výtržnosti a pogromy proti Židům na Slovensku, kteří přežili holokaust, zkoumaly v širším kontextu přetrvávajícího antisemitismu v poválečné Evropě. A přestože nejednou přitom poukazují na spojitost části slovenské společnosti s tamním válečným režimem a její častou neochotu vrátit přivlastněný židovský majetek jako na dva důležité tehdejší faktory, nálady a postoje obyvatel vůči Židům v poválečném období zůstávají většinou stranou pozornosti historiků. Protižidovské násilí proto autorce v této studii slouží zejména jako východisko k analýze smýšlení a postojů slovenské společnosti ke zbytku židovské menšiny. Ukazuje v ní, že Židé byli ve slovenském veřejném mínění té doby stále vnímáni jako ''cizí'' element, jako Maďaři a maďarizátoři, jejichž zájmy se rozcházejí se ''slovenskou věcí''. K zažitým stereotypům patřilo přesvědčení, že profitují z ''černého obchodu'' a žijí si nad poměry, když využívají úředně jim poskytované výhody. Zároveň se údajně vyhýbají práci na obnově Slovenska, stejně jako se za války prý vyhýbali účasti na povstání. Naopak v tehdejších úředních zprávách i tisku na Slovensku, pokud se týkaly Židů, se téměř nevyskytují zmínky o holokaustu a kolaboraci většinového obyvatelstva s Tisovým režimem, který na něm participoval., Anti-Jewish violence in post-war Slovakia, in particular the pogrom in Topoĺčany in September 1945. has by now been quite will researched by scholars. Several have considered the course and the scope of the violence against Jews in liberated Slovakia. More recent works consider the anti-Jewish demonstrations, provocations, and pogroms in Slovakia against Jewish Shoah survivors in Slovakia in the wider context of persistent antisemitism in post-war Europe. Though several scholars have pointed out the link between part of Slovak society and the local wartime regime and its frequent post-war reluctance to return confiscated Jewish property as two important factors, public moods and attitudes toward the Jews in the post-war period have mostly been ignored by historians. Anti-Jewish violence is therefore the author´s starting point for her her analysis of Slovak society´s thinking and attitudes towards the remainder of the Jewish minority. She demonstrates that the perception of the Jews in Slovak public opinion at the time was still that of a ''foreign'' element (as it was regarding the Magyars and Magyarizers) whose interests differed from those of the ''Slovak cause''. Among the well-established stereotypes was the belief that the Jews profited from black marketeering and lived beyond their means, taking advantage of the officially provided benefits. They also allegedly shunned work on the reconstruction of Slovakia, as they had also allegedly avoided taking part in the Uprising during the war. By contrast, Slovak official reports and the Slovak press from this period, when they mention the Jews at all, almost never address the Shoah, local antisemitism, or majority-society collaboration with the Tiso regime (1938-45)., Hana Kubátová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is most frequently caused by LDLR or APOB mutations. Therefore, the aim of our study was to examine the genetic background of Slovak patients suspected of FH. Patients with clinical suspicion of FH (235 unrelated probands and 124 family relatives) were recruited throughout Slovakia during the years 2011-2015. The order of DNA analyses in probands was as follows: 1. APOB mutation p.Arg3527Gln by real-time PCR method, 2. direct sequencing of the LDLR gene 3. MLPA analysis of the LDLR gene. We have identified 14 probands and 2 relatives with an APOB mutation p.Arg3527Gln, and 89 probands and 75 relatives with 54 different LDLR mutations. Nine of LDLR mutations were novel (i.e. p .Asp90Glu, c.314-2A>G, p.Asp136Tyr, p.Ser177Pro, p.Lys225_Glu228delinsCysLys, p.Gly478Glu, p.Gly675Trpfs*42, p.Leu680Pro, p.Thr832Argfs*3). This is the first study on molecular genetics of FH in Slovakia encompassing the analysis of whole LDLR gene. Geneti c etiology of FH was confirmed in 103 probands (43.8 %). Out of them, 86.4 % of probands carried the LDLR gene mutation and remaining 13.6 % probands carried the p.Arg3527Gln APOB mutation., D. Gabčová, B. Vohnout, D. Staníková, M. Hučkova, M. Kadurová, M. Debreová, M. Kozárová, Ľ. Fábryová, Slovak FH Study Group, J. Staník, I. Klimeš, K. Rašlová, D. Gašperiková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Studie Marty Hulkové se zabývá rozšířením repertoáru hudební skladatelů na pražském dvoře císaře Rudolfa II. v historickém prostoru Horních Uher v době jeho vlády., Marta Hulková., Rubrika: Studie, and Slovenské resumé na s. 157, anglický abstrakt na s. 133.
Objectives. Research on populism has pro-gressed over the last decade and several scales have been proposed to measure populist at-titudes. None of these has been validated in the context of Slovakia, where populists are a long-term part of both coalition and opposition. This study aimed to verify the psychometric properties of four populist attitudes scales that are frequently used and verified in international research, on a Slovak sample. Participants and setting. Data of 832 respond-ents collected using an online panel in Novem-ber 2021 were analyzed using the R software. The research sample was representative accord-ing to the distribution of gender, age, education, and regions in Slovakia. Statistical analysis. The original scales were tested using an exploratory dataset (N = 416). The modified scales were verified using a con-firmatory dataset (N = 416). Results.The results showed that the original scales did not fit the data. However, after several modifications, the two scales were validated on the Slovak sample. The scales were invariant across the gender, age, and educational groups. Limits. A possible shortcoming of the validated populist attitudes scales is the instability in pre-dicting electoral behavior, which is discussed in connection with the results of other studies, and the Slovak political and cultural context. and Ciele. Výskum populizmu posledné desaťročie napreduje, čoho znakom je navrhnutie niekoľ-kých škál na meranie populistických postojov. Žiadna z nich nebola overená v podmienkach Slovenska, kde sú populisti dlhodobo súčasťou koalície aj opozície. Cieľom tejto štúdie bolo overiť psychometrické vlastnosti štyroch škál populistických postojov, ktoré sa často používa-jú a overujú v medzinárodných výskumoch, na slovenskej vzorke. Participanti a postup výskumu. Dáta 832 res-pondentov, získané pomocou online panelu v novembri 2021, boli analyzované pomocou softvéru R. Výskumná vzorka bola reprezen-tatívna z hľadiska distribúcie pohlavia, veku, úrovne vzdelania a príslušnosti k regiónom Slo-venska. Štatistická analýza. Pôvodné škály boli testova-né pomocou exploračného súboru dát (N = 416). Modifikované škály boli overené pomocou kon-firmačného súboru dát (N = 416). Výsledky. Výsledky ukázali, že pôvodné škály nezodpovedajú dátam. Po niekoľkých úpravách však boli dve škály validované na slovenskej vzorke. Škály boli invariantné pre pohlavie, vek a dosiahnuté vzdelanie. Limity. Možným nedostatkom validovaných škál populistických postojov je nestabilita pri predikcii volebného správania, ktorá je disku-tovaná v kontexte výsledkov iných štúdií a tiež v politickom a kultúrnom kontexte Slovenska.
Spatial and temporal variability of snow line (SL) elevation, snow cover area (SCA) and depletion (SCD) in winters 2001-2014 is investigated in ten main Slovak river basins (the Western Carpathians). Daily satellite snow cover maps from MODIS Terra (MOD10A1, V005) and Aqua (MYD10A1, V005) with resolution 500 m are used. The results indicate three groups of basins with similar variability in the SL elevation. The first includes basins with maximum elevations above 1500 m a.s.l. (Poprad, Upper Váh, Hron, Hornád). Winter median SL is equal or close to minimum basin elevation in snow rich winters in these basins. Even in snow poor winters is SL close to the basin mean. Second group consists of mid-altitude basins with maximum elevation around 1000 m a.s.l. (Slaná, Ipeľ, Nitra, Bodrog). Median SL varies between 150 and 550 m a.s.l. in January and February, which represents approximately 40–80% snow coverage. Median SL is near the maximum basin elevation during the snow poor winters. This means that basins are in such winters snow free approximately 50% of days in January and February. The third group includes the Rudava/Myjava and Lower Váh/Danube. These basins have their maximum altitude less than 700 m a.s.l. and only a small part of these basins is covered with snow even during the snow rich winters. The evaluation of SCA shows that snow cover typically starts in December and last to February. In the highest basins (Poprad, Upper Váh), the snow season sometimes tends to start earlier (November) and lasts to March/April. The median of SCA is, however, less than 10% in these months. The median SCA of entire winter season is above 70% in the highest basins (Poprad, Upper Váh, Hron), ranges between 30-60% in the mid-altitude basins (Hornád, Slaná, Ipeľ, Nitra, Bodrog) and is less than 1% in the Myjava/Rudava and Lower Váh/Danube basins. However, there is a considerable variability in seasonal coverage between the years. Our results indicate that there is no significant trend in mean SCA in the period 2001-2014, but periods with larger and smaller SCA exist. Winters in the period 2002-2006 have noticeably larger mean SCA than those in the period 2007-2012. Snow depletion curves (SDC) do not have a simple evolution in most winters. The snowmelt tends to start between early February and the end of March. The snowmelt lasts between 8 and 15 days on average in lowland and high mountain basins, respectively. Interestingly, the variability in SDC between the winters is much larger than between the basins.
Central European lowland wet meadows are habitats of great conservation interest, however, their phytosociological status has been to a large extent dependent on specific phytosociological traditions in different countries. In order to bridge the gaps between different national schemes of vegetation classification, a statistical analysis of variation in species composition of these meadows in the Czech Republic, E Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and NE Croatia was performed, using a data set of 387 geographically stratified vegetation relevés sampled at altitudes < 350 m. Principal coordinates analysiswas used to identify and partial out the noise component in the variation in this data set. The relevés were classified by cluster analysis. A new method for identifying the optimal number of clusters was developed, based on species fidelity to particular clusters. This method suggested the optimum level of classification with three clusters and secondary optimum levels with five and nine clusters. Classification based on three clusters separated the traditional phytosociological alliances of Calthion palustris and Molinion caeruleae, both with a suboceanic phytogeographical affinity, and a group of flooded meadows of large river alluvia, with a continental affinity. The latter group included the traditional alliances of Agrostion albae, Alopecurion pratensis, Cnidion venosi, Deschampsion cespitosae and Veronico longifoliae-Lysimachion vulgaris; however, the internal heterogeneity of this group did not reflect putative boundaries between these alliances as proposed in the phytosociological literature. Therefore we suggest to unite these alliances in a single alliance Deschampsion cespitosae Horvatić 1930 (the oldest valid name). Classification with nine clusters was interpreted at the level of broad phytosociological associations. Particular clusters were characterized by statistically defined groups of diagnostic species and related to macroclimatic variables.