This article is concerned with ethnic homogamy in Slovakia. The authors set out from the assumption that ethnic homogamy is an indicator of the degree of ethnic tolerance and multiculturalism in society. Greater ethnic homogamy indicates larger social distances between ethnic groups, and vice versa. The authors analyse data from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. The data include all marriages between 1992 and 2012 in Slovakia categorised by the ethnicity of the spouses. The authors test hypotheses about the trends in both absolute and relative ethnic homogamy and find that marriages in Slovakia are strongly structured by ethnic homogamy. The probability of ethnically heterogamous marriage varies among ethnic groups; however, it does not increase for any of the ethnic groups over the period of analysis. Members of different ethnic groups have not grown socially closer and interethnic distances have not decreased due to marriage.
Myotis alcathoe has been recorded in the territory of Slovakia for the first time. On 2 August 2001, two individuals of the species were netted at the entrance to the Stĺpová jaskyňa cave in the basaltic plateau of the Cerová vrchovina Mts (48° 12’ 23” N, 19° 54’ 37” E; 525 m a. s. l; ca. 2 km south of the village of Šurice). The species identification was confirmed by sequencing part of the mitochondrial gene ND1 in two specimens. Measurements and description of external and cranial characters, as well as description of the baculum of these two reference specimens are given for further comparisons of this poorly known species.
After Neogobius kessleri, Neogobius gymnotrachelus, and Neogobius fluviatilis, Neogobius melanostomus is the fourth species of Gobiidae to find its way up the River Danube to Slovakia, occurring in our samples near Štúrovo (river km 1720) and in the River Hron (river km 0.82). The fish (male, females, juvenile) were captured along weakly sloped sandy riverbanks with large stones. The mensural and meristic characters of the specimens were similar to those reported elsewhere for the species.
Fotodynamická terapia (PDT, photodynamic therapy) je jednou z najmodernejších a najperspektívějších terapeutických metód pri liečení nádorových ochorení. Princíp PDT je založený na deštrukcii nádoru, ktorá nastane po podaní fotosenzibilizátora (FTS) a následnom ožiarení nádoru, v ktorom sa nachádza FTS [1]-[4]. Selektívna akumulácia a retencia FTS v nádorových tkanivách, v porovnaní s okolitým zdravým tkanivom, vedie k selektívnej deštrukcii nádoru, pričom okolité zdravé tkanivo ostáva nepoškodené. Takáto selektivita je jednou z najväčších výhod tejto metódy, ktorá umožňuje v istých prípadoch nahradiť chemoterapiu, rádioterapiu, či chirurgický zákrok při liečbě nádorových ochorení. PDT má oproti ostatným "klasickým" prístupom k liečbě rakoviny (chirurgia, chemoterapia, rádioterapia) tieto následujúce výhody: I) zanedbateĺné vedĺajšie efekty, II) nízka úroveň komplikácii počas a po terapeutickom zákroku, III) vyššia kvalita života pacienta, IV) možnosť terapie mimo zdravotníckeho zariadenia, V) možnosť opakovanej liečby, VI) možnosť diagnostiky a terapie v jednom kroku, VII) nižšie finančné náklady liečby v porovnaní s chemoterapiou a rádioterapiou., Pavol Miškovský, Daniel Jancura, Jozef Uličný, Gabriela Fabríciová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury