Poranění míchy není v současném stavu poznání v klinické praxi stále léčitelné. Standardní péče se tak soustředí na včasnou dekompresi míchy, stabilizaci poraněné páteře a prevenci sekundárního míšního poranění. Na druhou stranu se v experimentální oblasti rozvíjí velké množství nových terapeutických postupů. Některé z nich prokázaly částečný funkční a morfologický efekt u laboratorních zvířat. V posledních 20 letech pak byly tyto experimentální postupy aplikovány i v klinických studiích, zatím však bez jednoznačných výsledků. V této práci poskytujeme souhrn současného stavu klinické a především experimentální terapie míšního poranění., Spinal cord injuries still remain incurable in current clinical practice. Standard therapy focuses on early decompression and stabilization of the injured spine together with prevention of a secondary injury. On the other hand, several experimental therapies are being developed in laboratories. Some of these showed partial functional and morphological effect in laboratory animals. Over the last 20 years, some of the experimental therapies have been applied in clinical studies but did not provide unambiguous results. In the present paper, we provide an overview of current clinical and experimental therapies of spinal cord injuries. Key words: spinal cord injury – stem cells – biomaterials – regeneration – experimental treatment The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and A. Hejčl, P. Jendelová, M. Sameš, E. Syková
The pilot study deals with the clinical results of the regenerative therapeutical method in intraosseous periodontal defects done by surgical augmentation procedure using a material of a new generation prepared on the basis of a bioactive glass. A group of 10 individuals were treated properly for chronic periodontitis. Some of treated infraalveolar periodontal lesions, both periodontal pockets and interradicular defects, persisted or recurred in posterior teeth. In order to eliminate them they were indicated for advanced periodontal surgery or regenerative surgical therapy stimulating healing processes of supportive tissues, mostly alveolar bone around treated teeth. Relevant clinical parameters, i. e. values of the pocket depth, gingival recession, and loss of attachment were evaluated before and after the periodontal surgery and compared with each other. The therapy led to significant improvement of clinical parameters in terms of the reduction of pocket depth and loss of attachment values. and R. Slezák, V. Paulusová