The effects of selenium (Se) on antioxidant defense system in liver and kidneys of rats with cadmium (Cd)-induced toxicity were examined. Cd exposure (15 mg Cd/kg b.m./day as CdCl2 for 4 weeks) resulted in increased lipid peroxidation (LP) in both organs (p<0.005 and p<0.01). Vitamin C (Vit C) was decreased in the liver (p<0.005), whereas vitamin E (Vit E) was increased in the liver and kidneys (p<0.005 and p<0.05) of Cd-exposed animals. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were decreased in both tissues (p<0.05 and p<0.005), whereas catalase (CAT) activity was decreased only in liver (p<0.005). Glutathione S-transferase (GST) increased in both tissues (p<0.005 and p<0.01). Treatment with Se (0.5 mg Se/kg b.m./day as Na2SeO3 for 4 weeks) significantly increased liver and kidneys SOD and GSH-Px activities (p<0.05 to p<0.005), as well as CAT and GST activities only in the liver (p<0.01). In animals exposed to Se, both the concentrations of Vit C (p<0.01) and Vit E (p<0.005) were increased in both tissues. Co-treatment with Se resulted in reversal of oxidative stress with significant decline in analyzed tissues Cd burden. Our results show that Se may ameliorate Cd-induced oxidative stress by decreasing LP and altering antioxidant defense system in rat liver and kidneys and that Se demonstrates the protective effect from cadmium-induced oxidative damage., B. I. Ognjanović, S. D. Marković, S. Z. Pavlović, R. V. Žikić, A. Š. Štajn, Z. S. Saičić., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The effects of single subcutaneous injection of cadmium chloride on haemopoiesis in normal (non- irradiated) or irradiated mice were investigated. Cadmium doses used ranged from 1-8 mg/kg body weight. Twenty-four hours after treatment with cadmium (doses from 3 to 8 mg/kg) there were no significant changes in bone marrow cellularity and the granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cell (GM- CFC) number per femur in non-irradiated female ICR mice. Similarly, during the 30-day postinjection period bone marrow cellularity and marrow GM-CFC number in mice treated with a cadmium dose of 5 mg/kg were not significantly different from the control values. Cadmium significantly reduced the lethal effects of gamma rays. In addition, increasing the doses of cadmium administered 24 h prior to sublethal irradiation increased the number of endogenous haemopoietic stem cells (endoCFU-S) in a concentration-dependent manner. Pretreatment with cadmium also decreased the radiation damage to endoCFU-S and haemopoietic progenitor cells committed to granulocyte/macrophage development (GM-CFC). The survival of stem cells was higher and the regeneration of cellularity and GM-CFC of irradiated bone marrow was accelerated in mice pretreated with 5 mg Cd/kg body weight in comparison with saline-injected mice.
The effect of administration of cadmium alone in non-irradiated mice as well as the effect of preirradiation administration of cadmium on the reparation processes of haemopoiesis were investigated in mice irradiated by a dose of 7.5 Gy. The pre-irradiation administration of cadmium accelerated the reparation processes in the bone marrow and spleen as well as the number of leukocytes and thrombocytes in the peripheral blood. The administration of cadmium alone caused a temporary weight decrease of the thymus and reduced number of erythrocytes, reticulocytes and haemoglobin values in the peripheral blood. The temporary rapid increase in the number of leukocytes on the 21st day after cadmium administration was investigated.
Heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd) may affect different physiological functions in plants. We carried out a hydroponic experiment under greenhouse conditions in order to evaluate the effect of Cd on photosynthetic and physiological parameters of safflower. The responses of six safflower genotypes (Nebraska-10, 2811, Kouseh, S149, C111, and K12) to four concentrations of CdCl2 (0, 1.5, 3, and 4.5 mg L-1) were examined. Mean shoot and root dry masses of safflower plants were reduced by nearly 57% after the treatment by 4.5 mg(CdCl2) L-1. Contrary to the mean proline content, which increased by 121%, the mean total leaf area per plant, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance to the CO2, leaf chlorophyll a, b, and (a+b), carotenoid content, and quantum efficiency of PSII decreased by 84.4, 50.5, 50.0, 31.6, 32.2, 31.8, 32.9, and 11.2%, respectively, at the presence of 4.5 mg(CdCl2) L-1. The mean Cd concentration in shoots and roots of safflower genotypes exhibited 52- and 157-fold increase, respectively, due to the addition of 4.5 mg(CdCl2) L-1 to the growing media. The mean malondialdehyde content was enhanced by 110% with the increasing CdCl2 concentration, indicating the occurrence of a considerable lipid peroxidation in the plant tissues. Even though the membrane stability index was adversely affected by the application of 1.5 mg(CdCl2) L-1, the decrease ranged from 45 to 62% when plants were treated with 4.5 mg(CdCl2) L-1. Genotype Nebraska-10 seemed to be different from the remaining genotypes in response to the 4.5 mg(CdCl2) L-1; its net photosynthetic rate tended to be the greatest and the Cd concentration in shoots and roots was the lowest among genotypes studied. This study proved Cd-induced decline in growth, photosynthesis, and physiological functions of safflower., L. Moradi, P. Ehsanzadeh., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Changes in the number and ex vivo function of peripheral blood neutrophils were investigated following intraperitoneal administration of cadmium-chloride in rats. Besides a dose-dependent increase in the number of peripheral blood neutrophils, changes were found in the functional state of isolated polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). Increased spontaneous adhesion and activation, and TNF activity in a conditioned medium were observed in cultures of granulocytes in comparison to granulocytes from control (saline-treated) animals. Increased levels of plasma activity of inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were noted following cadmium administration. Cytological signs of pulmonary inflammation were revealed histologically and the majority of neutrophils recovered from the lungs by enzyme digestion exhibited a capacity of nitroblue tétrazolium (NBT) reduction. Our data demonstrate that acute cadmium intoxication leads to a systemic inflammatory response characterized by numerical and functional changes in the granulocyte compartment and to increased levels of inflammation-related cytokine activity in the circulation. Correlations between the increased number of peripheral blood neutrophils and IL-6 plasma activity (r = 0.776, p< 0.00001) and the number of neutrophils recovered from the lung tissue (r = 0.893, p< 0.00001) suggested that systemic cadmium-induced inflammation might be involved in the pulmonary toxicity of cadmium.
The effects of cadmium and simultaneous administration of cadmium and vitamin C on hepatic microsomal monooxygenase activities, conjugation enzyme activities and enzyme activities in the serum were investigated in hamsters. Cadmium, as cadmium chloride, was administered to hamsters in a subtoxic dose in drinking water (10 mg Cd per liter) for 10 weeks. The majority of hepatic microsomal monooxygenases and enzyme activities in the serum reflecting liver damage were not significantly affected by subchronic cadmium treatment. On the other hand, cytosolic glutathione S-transferase and serum alanine aminotransferase were significantly changed by cadmium and these changes were effectively eliminated by the simultaneous administration of vitamin C (1 g per liter of drinking water). The results indicate that long-term supplementation with vitamin C may be effective in the protection of hepatic enzymes against cadmium toxicity.
Results of cadmium sorption and desorption, as well as distribution coefficients of cadmium in the soils from the Danubian Lowland and from Veľký Ďur (neighbourhood of the nuclear power plant Jaslovske Bohunice) are presented in this study. It was found that Cd adsorption is high in studied soils already after the one-minute lasting Cd-soil contact. The results obtained show that the highest sorption of cadmium is in the loamy-sand soil from Kalinkovo (99.75 %). Zeolite application was the most effective in the loam soil from Macov. Sorption of cadmium in this soil increased by 1.45%. The presence of zeolite in chosen soil samples influenced Cd desorption, too. In loamy-sand soil from Kalinkovo cadmium desorption decreased by 50 % after zeolite application. Sorption experiments with radionuclides (85Sr and 137Cs) were conducted on brown earth from the site Velľký Ďur. The 137Cs sorption is very high in studied soil. Zeolite is more effective in the case of 85Sr. Desorption of radiostrontium decreased by 50% after zeolite application. and V práci sa prezentujú výsledky sorpcie, desorpcie a hodnoty rozdeľovacieho koeficientu kadmia vo vybraných vzorkách pôd Podunajskej nížiny a hnedozeme z lokality Veľký Ďur. Kadmium je silne sorbované sledovanými pôdami už po 1 minúte trvania kontaktu. Najvyššia sorpcia sa pozorovala u hlinito-piesočnatej pôdy z lokality Kalinkovo, kde pomerné adsorbované množstvo S kadmia bolo 99,75 %. Aplikácia zeolitu sa najviac prejavila u hlinitej pôdy z Macova, kde sa pomerné adsorbované množstvo S kadmia zvýšilo o 1,45 %. Zeolit ovplyvnil aj desorpciu naviazaného kadmia v sledovaných pôdnych vzorkách. Najviac kadmia sa desorbovalo z hlinito-piesočnatej pôdy z Kalinkova a aplikácia zeolitu znížila pomerné desorbované množstvo kadmia na menej ako polovicu. Sorpčné experimenty s rádionuklidmi (85Sr a 137Cs) boli vykonané na hnedozemi z lokality Veľký Ďur. 137Cs je už samotnou pôdou sorbované takmer na 100 % a prítomnosť zeolitu už sorpciu prakticky nezvyšuje. Zeolit zvyšuje sorpciu hlavne u rádiostroncia. Desorpcia stroncia po aplikácii zeolitu sa znížila o 50 %.
Using EPR spectroscopy it was found that CdCl2 and HgCl2 interact (1) with the intermediates Z./D., i.e. with the tyrosine radicals on the donor side of photosystem (PS) 2 situated in the 161st position in D1 and D2 proteins; (2) with the primary donor of PS1 (P700) whereby the oxidation of chlorophyll (Chl) a dimer in the reaction centre of PS1 occurs yet in the dark; (3) with the manganese cluster which is situated in the oxygen evolving complex. Due to these interactions of investigated metal chlorides with the photosynthetic apparatus, the interruption of the photosynthetic electron transport through photosynthetic centres occurs. Monitoring of time dependence of EPR signal I of chloroplasts treated with CdCl2 or HgCl2 after switching off the light suggests that all mechanisms, i.e. direct, cyclic, and non-cyclic reductions of P700+ are damaged. The formation of complexes between mercury or cadmium ions and amino acid residues constituting photosynthetic peptides was suggested as possible mechanism of their inhibitory action. The higher HgCl2 efficiency in comparison with that of CdCl2 was explained by higher ability of mercury ions to form complexes with amino acids, what was demonstrated by their apparent binding constants: K = 10 200 M-1 for Hg2+ ions, and K = 3 700 M-1 for Cd2+ ions. and F. Šršeň, K. Kráľová.
Cadmium inhibits photosynthetic capacity of plants by disturbing protein conformations, whereas phytocystatins prevent degradation of target proteins and are involved in abiotic stress tolerance. Two mustard (Brassica juncea L.) cultivars, Ro Agro 4001 and Amruta, were grown with Cd (50 µM) in order to study physiological and biochemical basis of differences in Cd tolerance. Amruta accumulated higher Cd and H2O2 concentrations in leaves than that of Ro Agro 4001. Cd significantly decreased photosynthesis and growth of plants in both cultivars by reducing a chlorophyll content, gas exchange parameters, and activity of Rubisco; the effects were more prominent in Amruta than those in Ro Agro 4001. The greater photosynthesis and growth of Ro Agro 4001 under Cd stress might be attributed to its higher phytocystatin activity together with greater ascorbate peroxidase activity, photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency, sulphur assimilation (ATP-sulphurylase activity and S content), and contents of cysteine and reduced glutathione compared to Amruta. In contrast, the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was higher in Amruta than that of Ro Agro 4001 under control conditions, whereas the Cd treatment increased significantly the SOD activity in both cultivars with the greater increase in Ro Agro 4001. The fluorescence spectra of phytocystatin showed a lesser change in Ro Agro 4001 under Cd stress than that in Amruta suggesting higher resistance of Ro Agro 4001 to Cd. The higher phytocystatin activity under Cd stress in Ro Agro 4001 compared to Amruta enabled the plants to protect their proteins more efficiently. This resulted in a greater increase of photosynthetic capacity in Ro Agro 4001 than that of Amruta. Thus, the phytocystatin activity may be considered as a physiological parameter for augmenting photosynthesis and growth of mustard under Cd stress., T. S. Per, S. Khan, M. Asgher, B. Bano, N. A. Khan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The effects of acute exposure to cadmium (Cd) on the blood antioxidant defense system, lipid peroxide concentration and hematological parameters, as well as the possible protective role of vitamin E were studied. Male Wistar albino rats (3 months old) were treated with cadmium (0.4 mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24 h before the experiment) or with vitamin E + Cd (20 IU Vit E/kg b.m., i.m., 48 h + 0.4 mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24 h before the experiment). The hematological parameters were assessed: red blood cell counts, hematocrit value and hemoglobin concentration were significantly decreased in the blood of Cd-treated rats. Intoxication with cadmium was also followed by significantly increased lipid peroxide concentrations. We also observed increased activity of antioxidant defense enzymes: copper zinc containing superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glutathione-S-transferase as well as concentrations of non-enzymatic components of antioxidant defense system: reduced glutathione, vitamin C and vitamin E. Pretreatment with vitamin E exhibited a protective role on the toxic effects of cadmium on the hematological values, lipid peroxide concentration as well as on enzymatic and non-enzymatic components of antioxidant defense system., B. I. Ognjanović, S. Z. Pavlović, S. D. Maletić, R. V. Žikić, A. Š. Štajn, R. M. Radojičić, Z. S. Saičić, V. M. Petrović., and Obsahuje bibliografii