This is a Czech Named Entity Corpus 1.0 transformed into the CoNLL format. The original corpus can be downloaded from: The CoNLL transformation is described in this publication:
Software for corpus linguists and text/data mining enthusiasts. The CorpusExplorer combines over 45 interactive visualizations under a user-friendly interface. Routine tasks such as text acquisition, cleaning or tagging are completely automated. The simple interface supports the use in university teaching and leads users/students to fast and substantial results. The CorpusExplorer is open for many standards (XML, CSV, JSON, R, etc.) and also offers its own software development kit (SDK).
Source code available at
A simple way of browsing CoNLL format files in your terminal. Fast and text-based.
To open a CoNLL file, simply run: ./view_conll sample.conll
The output is piped through less, so you can use less commands to navigate the
file; by default the less searches for sentence beginnings, so you can use "n"
to go to next sentence and "N" to go to previous sentence. Close by "q". Trees
with a high number of non-projective edges may be difficult to read, as I have
not found a good way of displaying them intelligibly.
If you are on Windows and don't have less (but have Python), run like this: python sample.conll
For complete instructions, see the README file.
You need Python 2 to run the viewer.