The study deals with the role, so-called "white ballots" played in the political development of Czechoslovakia in the years 1945-1948. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The article introduces a contemporary and highly controversial Indian politician, Narendra Modi, who appears to have had a tremendous impact on the political culture of India. It provides a brief account of his life, identifies the greatest achievements of his governance in the Indian state of Gujarat, and thereafter, references the most sensitive issues conncted with his existing political mission, as well as his personality traits. Since the article is written some months ahead of the upcoming elections to the Lok Sabha, the Indian parliament, Modi is presented here as a front runner for the post of prime minister., Zdeněk Štipl., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The following text outlines some aspects of people‘s decision making process during elections in modern mass democracies. Particularly, the aspect of (in)competence of electorate or, as the case may be, the problem of rationality of the political audiance that creates the public opinion. The arguments proving the discrepancy between the normativ and the empiric character of public opinion are purposly disbalanced based on the evaluation of reality. This, however, does not in any way influence the evaluation of adequacy of the democratic normativ., Není sporu o tom, že etablování všeobecného volebního práva v mnoha směrech proměnilo základní politický půdorys veřejného prostoru liberálních (ústavně pluralitních) demokracií. V tomto textu se pokusím načrtnout některé aspekty volebního rozhodování v moderních masových demokraciích, zejména pak téma (ne)kompetence voličů respektive problém racionality politického publika neboli veřejného mínění. Je třeba předeslat, že argumentace je vědomě poněkud jednostranně vystavěna na základě kritické evaluace reálného stavu a fakticky se nijak nedotýká hodnocení adekvátnosti demokratického normativu., Daniel Kunštát., and Seznam literatury
This article seeks to examine changes in Czech party competition between 2006 and 2014. Drawing on Sani and Sartori’s concept of party competition, it incorporates later findings on the nature of party competition to facilitate the concept’s application to fluid party systems. It conceptualises party competition as multi-dimensional and according to the (a) salience the individual dimensions used in this analysis have for political parties and (b) the positions that the parties occupy on these dimensions. It distinguishes three types of relations in party competition – non-competitive, defensive and acquisitive competition – and using data from the Chapel Hill questionnaire survey focuses on three dimensions in Czech party competition: socio-economic, European, and social-liberal/conservative. Special attention is devoted to the competition strategies of individual parties while taking into account the duration of their existence (new vs traditional parties). The findings indicate that the nature of party competition has transformed, as changes have occurred in the intensity of the competition, the salience of the dimensions of the competition, the space of the competition, and how much competition occurs in one dimensions as opposed to another. Consistent with previous studies, the analyses reveal, that most of the competitive relationships (which were primarily defensive in nature) observed in this study occurred in the socioeconomic dimension, but they also show that there is very strong potential for intense party competition to develop in the other two dimensions if they become more salient.
Pirátské strany jsou novým fenoménem v politice. První pirátská strana byla založena v roce 2006 ve Švédsku. Cílem tohoto článku je reflexe problematiky pirátských stran, shrnutí odborné diskuze, představení hlavních požadavků pirátských stran, přiblížení sympatizantů a voličů pirátských stran a také pokus o vysvětlení vzestupu pirátských stran. Pirátské strany lze považovat za druh liberálních stran, které se profilují v otázce svobodného internetu, komunikace a přístupu k veřejným informacím. Jejich vznik souvisí s rozvojem informační společnosti a informačních technologií, které přes nesporná pozitiva s sebou nesou podle pirátských stran riziko zneužití ve vztahu ke svobodě a soukromí jednotlivců., Pirate parties are new phenomena in politics. The first pirate party was established in Sweden in 2006 and inspi - red rise of pirate parties across the world. The aim of this article is to review discussion on pirate parties, describe major pirate issues and pirate parties’ sympathizers as well as to attempt to explain the rise of pirate parties. Pirate parties may be conceived as a sort of liberal parties, which are focused on free internet, communication and unrestrained access to public information. The rise of pirate parties is related to developments of information society and information technologies, which – in spite of clear advantages – pose a risk: they might be abused against individual freedom and privacy., and Miloš Brunclík.
The early months of 2014 have been marked with two important
elections in two of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries. Both have been first order elections with very high stakes. Slovak presidential election was to be a test of Robert Fico’s risky maneuver, his attempt to capture the presidential office from amidst his PM mandate. Hungarian legislative election was to decide whether Viktor Orban’s unprecedented 2010 triumph would be reaffirmed
or not. One of these electioans has been characterized by astonishing result continuity (in comparison to the previous election), while the other one by a fundamental change. Contraintuitively, however, this article aims to show that it is Hungary, the country displaying election outcome stability, which
has actually been undergoing a party system change. And, conversely, in case of Slovakia, the country with a seemingly discontinuous election outcome, it would be at least premature to envisage a fundamental party system change.This article, obviously, goes beyond a narrow 2014 comparison of two single
electoral events where, moreover, two different types of elections took place. It sets the current stories into context, i.e., analyzes both party systems, compares their differing logics and offers some tentative explanations for their divergent dynamics of development. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou