Cíl studie: Analýza erytrocytárních nukleotidů je využívána k diagnostice defektů záchranných cest purinového metabolismu. Cílem této práce je objasnit, zda je toto vyšetření použitelné také v diagnostice defektů druhé poloviny purinové de novo syntézy (PDNS). Ke studiu membránového transportu a následné biotransformace byly použity defosforylované meziprodukty druhé poloviny PDNS. Materiál a metody: Patofyziologická situace u pacientů trpících deficity PDNS byla simulována inkubací nativních erytrocytů, erytrocytárních membrán a lyzovaných erytrocytů s defosforylovanými meziprodukty druhé poloviny PDNS: 5-aminoimidazolribosid (AIr), 5-amino-4-imidazolkarboxribosid (CAIr), 5-amino-4-imidazolsukcinokarboxamidribosid (SAICAr), 5-formamido-4-karboxamidribosid (FAICAr) a 5-amino-4-imidazolkarboxamidribosid (AICAr). Tyto sloučeniny byly chemicky syntetizovány a použity jako standardní látky. Inkubační směsi byly analyzovány pomocí kapilární elektroforézy s UV detekcí pomocí tří separačních systémů, které dovolují analyzovat ribosidy i ribotidy. Výsledky: Jen dva ze studovaných ribosidů (AICAr, FAICAr) prostoupily membránou erytrocytu v detekovatelném množství. Pouze AICAr je vhodným substrátem erytrocytárních kináz a je konvertován na odpovídající mono-, di- a trifosfáty. Závěr: Výsledky ukazují, že analýza erytrocytů je použitelná pouze pro diagnostiku defektu bifunkčního enzymu AICAR- -transformylázy/IMP-cyklohydrolázy., Objective: Analysis of erythrocyte nucleotides is useful for diagnosing defects in purine salvage pathways. The aim of this work was to elucidate whether the investigation could be used in diagnosing defects of a second part purine de novo synthesis (PDNS). Dephosphorylated intermediates of the second part of PDNS (aminoimidazoleribosides) were used for membrane transport and biotransformation study. Material and Methods: Pathophysiological situation in patients suffering from defects of PDNS was simulated by incubation of native erythrocytes, erythrocyte membranes and erythrocyte lysates with dephosphorylated intermediates of second part of PDNS: 5-amino-4-imidazoleriboside (AIr), 5-amino-4-imidazolecarboxyriboside (CAIr), 5-amino-4- -imidazolesuccinocarboxamideriboside (SAICAr), 5-formylamino-4-imidazolecarboxamideriboside (FAICAr) a 5-amino- -4-imidazolecarboxamideriboside (AICAr). The compounds were synthesized and taken as standard compounds. Incubation mixtures were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis using three separation systems allowing analysis of both ribosides and ribotides. Results: Two of all studied ribosides (AICAr a FAICAr) were able to permeate through the erythrocyte membrane in detectable amounts. AICAr is an acceptable substrate for erythrocyte kinases and is converted to mono-, di- and triphosphates. Conclusions: The results suggest that erythrocytes are only useful for diagnosing AICAR-transformylase/IMPcyclohydrolase deficiency., Petra Vyskočilová, Hana Kuchyňová, Lenka Opluštilová, David Friedecký, Petr Horník, Kateřina Adamová, Tomáš Adam, and Lit.: 7
During vertebrate evolution, structural changes in red blood cells (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb), have probably resulted in the importance of blood carbon dioxide transport. The chloride/bicarbonate exchange across the RBC membrane, which is an integral part of the blood CO2 transport process in vertebrates, has been examined on two different species of teleost fish, Euthynnus alletteratus and Thunnus thynnus, at several oxygenation states of erythrocyte HOS (high-oxygenation state, about 90 % of saturation) and LOS (low-oxygenation state, about 15 % of saturation). The results were compared with those observed in human RBC under the same experimental conditions and with the chicken (Gallus gallus) erythrocytes, which have particular modifications at the N-terminus of the band 3 protein (B3). In fish the kinetic measurements have shown a different anion transport in several oxygenation states of erythrocytes, indicating that also at lower levels of vertebrate evolution there exists a modulation of the anionic flow affected by oxygen. The functional correlation of anion transport to changes of parts of the hemoglobin sequence responsible for alterations in the interactions with the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 protein (cdb3) allowed us to suggest a hypothesis about fish physiology. The highest values of kinetic measurements observed in fish have been attributed to the metabolic need of the RBC in response to the removal of CO2 that in teleosts is also of endogenous origin., A. Russo, E. Tellone, S. Ficarra, B. Giardina, E. Bellocco, G. Lagana, U. Leuzzi, A. Kotyk, A. Galtieri., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The effects of gemfibrozil (GFZ), an antihyperlipidemic agent, on the anionic transport of the human red blood cells (RBC) during the oxygenation-deoxygenation cycle were examined. Gemfibrozil clearly plays a role in the modulation of the anionic flux in erythrocytes; in fact it causes a strong increment of anions transport when the RBCs are in the high-oxygenation state (HOS). Such an effect is remarkably reduced in the low-oxygenation state (LOS). With the aim of identifying the dynamics of fibrate action, this effect has been investigated also in human ghost and chicken erythrocytes. These latter, in fact, are known to possess a B3 (anion transporter or Band 3) modified at the cytoplasmic domain (cdb3) which plays a significant role in the metabolic modulation of red blood cells. The results were analyzed taking into account the well-known interactions between fibrates and both conformational states of hemoglobin i.e. the T state (deoxy-conformation) and the R state (oxy-conformation). The effect of gemfibrozil on anionic influx appears to be due to a wide interaction involving a “multimeric” Hb-GFZ-cdb3 macromolecular complex. and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Deformability of red blood cells (RBC) is the ability of RBC to change their shape in order to pass through narrow capillaries in circulation. Deterioration in deformability of RBC contributes to alterations in microcirculatory blood flow and delivery of oxygen to tissues. Several factors are responsible for maintenance of RBC deformability. One of them is the Na,K-ATPase known as crucial enzyme in maintenance of intracellular ionic homeostasis affecting thus regulation of cellular volume and consequently RBC deformability. Decreased deformability of RBC has been found to be the marker of adverse outcomes in cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and the presence of cardiovascular risk factors influences rheological properties of the blood. This review summarizes knowledge concerning the RBC deformability in connection with selected risk factors of CVD, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus, based exclusively on papers from human studies. We attempted to provide an update on important issues regarding the role of Na,K-ATPase in RBC deformability. In patients suffering from hypertension as well as diabetes mellitus the Na,K-ATPase appears to be responsible for the changes leading to alterations in RBC deformability. The triggering factor for changes of RBC deformability during hypercholesterolemia seems to be the increased content of cholesterol in erythrocyte membranes., J. Radosinska, N. Vrbjar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Alzheimerova choroba (ACH) je charakterizována ukládáním amyloidu β (Aβ) v senilních placích a tvorbou neurofibrilárních tanglů v mozkové tkáni, což je následováno zánikem neuronů. Příčina vzniku a rozvoje ACH je stále nejasná, nicméně existují faktory, které k patogenezi této choroby přispívají. Bylo zjištěno, že lipidové složení mozkové tkáně, především zastoupení polynenasycených mastných kyselin (PUFA), významně ovlivňuje patologický proces. Například přítomnost kyseliny dokosahexaenové (DHA) působí ochranně proti rozvoji ACH. U pacientů s ACH je v mozku snížené množství DHA v důsledku oxidačního stresu. Vzhledem k oboustranné výměně mastných kyselin mezi mozkovou tkání a krví, ovlivňuje složení PUFA v mozkové tkáni a oxidační stres i zastoupení jednotlivých mastných kyselin v erytrocytech, což se dá potenciálně využít k diagnostickým účelům., Alzheimer‘s disease (AD) is characterized by accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) in senile plaques and formation of neurofibrillary tangles followed by neuronal damage. The primary cause of AD is still unclear. However, there are factors that contribute to its pathogenesis. It has been found that the brain lipid composition, mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), affects the pathological process in the brain. For example, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has protective effect against AD. Reduced amount of DHA as a result of oxidative stress has been documented in AD patients. The changes in the composition of brain PUFA are reflected in erythrocytes due to the exchange of fatty acids between brain and blood, which can be used for diagnostic purposes., Klusáčková Z., Skoumalová A., and Literatura 30
Úvod: Cieľom retrospektívnej observačnej prierezovej štúdie bolo zhodnotiť prínos testovania alanínaminotransferázy (ALT) u darcov krvi a jej komponentov v prevencii prenosu hepatitíd B a C hemoterapiou v kontexte súčasných skríningových metód. Metódy: Vyhodnotené boli odbery s eleváciou ALT nad stanovený limit (muži 80 IU/l, ženy 64 IU/l, spektrofotometrický UV test, KUADROTM, BPC BioSed Srt, Castelnuovo di Porto Roma, Italia) alebo reaktivitou niektorého z virologických parametrov hepatitíd HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HCV (chemiluminiscenčná metóda, ARCHITECT i2000TM, Illinois, USA). Darcovia boli konfirmačne pretestovaní. Na základe definitívneho virologického statusu boli odbery rozdelené na skupiny so spoločnými biologickými vlastnosťami a štatisticky vyhodnotené v programoch Graph Pad Prism 6.05 a Microsoft Excel 2003. Výsledky: Zo 61 214 odberov sa elevácia ALT vyskytla u 420 odberov (0,69 %), aktívna HBV infekcia u 25 (0,04 %), aktívna HCV infekcia u 5 darcov krvi (0,01 %). Súčasná elevácia ALT a potvrdená HBV infekcia sa vyskytla u jedného darcu (0,002 %), rovnako ako HCV (0,002 %). Hodnoty ALT v skupine s jej eleváciou bez prítomnosti HBV alebo HCV infekcie boli vyššie ako v skupinách s aktívnymi hepatitídami B a C (p < 0,05). Nezachytili sme darcu krvi v sérologickom okne anti-HCV s eleváciou ALT. Elevácia ALT vykazovala nízku špecificitu (69,14 %) aj senzitivitu (6,45 %) pre aktívne hepatitídy. Nedokázali sme kladnú koreláciu medzi ALT a S/CO (signal-to-cut-off) anti-HBc (Spearman r = -0,565, p < 0,0001), ALT a S/CO anti-HCV (Spearman r = -0,1046, p = 0,0022), výsledok pri ALT a S/CO HBsAg nedosiahol štatistickú významnosť (Spearman r = -0,00968, p = 0,77). Kladná ale štatisticky nevýznamná korelácia ALT a anti-HCV bola zaznamenaná v skupine 5 darcov s aktívnou HCV infekciou (Spearman r = 0,4, p = 0,51). Skríningová schéma pre záchyt HCV infekcie anti-HCV + ALT bola na 1 odber o 0,18 € drahšia ako schéma anti-HCV + HCV RNA pre veľký počet znehodnotených odberov s izolovanou eleváciou ALT (825 TU v hodnote 41 388,89 €). Záver: Elevácia ALT u darcov nebola patognomická pre hepatitídy B a C. Skríningová schéma HCV v zložení anti-HCV + HCV RNA (metóda testovania nukleových kyselín, COBAS AmpliScreen HCV 2.0TM, ROCHE Diagnostics, Hague Road, Indianapolis, USA) je viac cost-efektívna ako anti-HCV + ALT. Kľúčové slová: alanínaminotransferáza – hemovigilancia – hepatitída B – hepatitída C – skríning, Background: The goal of the retrospective observatory cross-sectional study was to evaluate the benefit of alanine aminotransferase screening of blood donors in prevention of hepatitis B and C transmission by haemotherapy in context of actual screening methods. Methods: Donations with elevated ALT more than the defined limit (ALT men 80 IU/l, women 64 IU/l, spectrophotometric UV test, KUADROTM, BPC BioSed Srt, Castelnuovo di Porto Roma, Italy) and/or reactivity any of the hepatitis screening parameters HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HCV (chemiluminescence method, ARCHITECT i2000TM, Illinois, USA) were evaluated. Donors were confirmatory retested. They were classified into groups with common biological properties according to their final virological status and statistically evaluated in programs Graph Pad Prism 6.05 and Microsoft Excel 2003. Results: From a total of 61 214 donations elevated ALT was found in 420 (0.69 %), active HBV in 25 (0.04 %), active HCV infection in 5 (0.01 %) blood donors. Coincidental elevation of ALT and active HBV infection occured in 1 donor (0.002 %), as well as HCV (0.002 %). Levels of ALT were higher in the group with elevated ALT without active HBV or HCV infection than in groups with active HCV and HCV infection (p < 0.05). Occurence of blood donor in seronegative anti-HCV window was not observed. Elevated ALT was low specific (69.14 %) and senzitive (6.45 %) for active hepatitis. We did not prove positive correlation of ALT and S/CO (signal-to-cut-off) anti-HBc (Spearman r = -0,565, p < 0.0001), ALT and S/CO anti-HCV (Spearman r = -0.1046, p = 0.0022), in ALT and S/CO HBsAg the result was not statistically significant (Spearman r = -0.00968, p = 0.77). Positive but statistically insignificant correlation ALT and S/CO anti-HCV occured in the group of 5 blood donors with active HCV infection (Spearman r = 0.4, p = 0.51). Screening scheme for HCV infection testing anti-HCV + ALT was per one donation by € 0.18 more expensive than the scheme anti-HCV + HCV RNA due to amount of waisted donations with ALT elevation (825 TU, € 41 388.89). Conclusion: Elevation of ALT in blood donors was not pathognomonic for hepatitis B and C infection. Screening of HCV consisting of anti-HCV + HCV RNA (nucleic acid testing method, COBAS AmpliScreen HCV 2.0TM, ROCHE Diagnostics, Hague Road, Indianapolis, USA) is more cost-effective than the scheme anti-HCV + ALT. Keywords: alanine aminotransferase – haemovigilance – hepatitis B – hepatitis C – screening, and Katarína Kusendová, Peter Gavorník, Peter Sabaka, Klára Sviteková