V príspevku sa autor zameriava na vzťahy sociálnej inteligencie a interpersonálnych čŕt.Prístup k sociálnej inteligencii osciluje medzi jej ponímaním ako kognitívnej schopnosti a osobnostným koncipovaním. Predpokladá sa jej uplatnenie v interpersonálnom správaní. Sú charakterizované výsledky výskumu uskutočneného v súbore žiakov ZŠ (n = 220, priemerný vek 14,5 rokov). Sociálna inteligencia bola zisťovaná pomocou dotazníka TSIS, interpersonálne črty dotazníkom IAS-R. TSIS stanovuje tri komponenty sociálnej inteligencie – spracovanie sociálnych informácií, sociálne spôsobilosti a sociálnu vnímavosť. Podľa výsledkov faktorovej analýzy boli určené štyri charakteristiky medziosobného správania, a to uzavretosť, tvrdosť, láskavosť a dominancia. Pri sledovaní vzťahu sociálnej inteligencie a interpersonálnych čŕt boli zaznamenané viaceré signifikantné výsledky. Uzavretosť negatívne koreluje s komponentami sociálnej inteligencie. Tvrdost so sociálnou vnímavosťou. Na druhej strane pozitívne koreluje dominancia a láskavosť so spracovaním informácií a so sociálnymi spôsobilosťami. Výsledky potvrdzujú blízkosť sociálnej inteligencie k osobnosti. Bolo zistené, že chlapci sú uzavretejší, tvrdší a menej láskaví v porovnaní s dievčatami. V komponentoch sociálnej inteligencie dosahujú vyššie skóre dievčatá. Tieto diferencie vyplývajú zo špecifík vývinového obdobia rannej adolescencie.
Clinical and experimental studies have repeatedly indicated that overloaded hearts have a higher vulnerability to ischemia/reperfusion injury. The aim of the present study was to answer the question whether the degree of tolerance to oxygen deprivation in hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) may be sex-dependent. For this purpose, adult SHR and their normotensive control Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were used. The isolated hearts were perfused according to Langendorff at constant pressure (proportionally adjusted to the blood pressure in vivo). Recovery of contractile parameters (left ventricular systolic, diastolic and developed pressure as well as the peak rate of developed pressure) was measured during reperfusion after 20 min of global no-flow ischemia in 5 min intervals. Mean arterial blood pressure was measured by direct puncture of carotid artery under light ether anesthesia in a separate group of animals. The degree of hypertension was comparable in both sexes of SHR. The recovery of contractile functions in SHR males and females was significantly lower than in WKY rats during the whole investigated period. There was no sex difference in the recovery of WKY animals; on the other hand, the recovery was significantly better in SHR females than in SHR males. It may be concluded that the hearts of female SHR are more resistant to ischemia/reperfusion injury as compared with male SHR. This fact could have important clinical implications for the treatment of cardiovascular disease in women., J. Bešík, O. Szárszoi, J. Kuneš, I. Netuka, J. Malý, F. Kolář, J. Pirk, B. Ošťádal., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Reproductive medicine is one of the most progressive and most popular medicine branches. Its success and rapid development, together with the primacy of biological or genetic ties in the western construction of family is considered the main reason for decreasing popularity of adoption as the way of resolving involuntary childlessness. These assumptions are confronted with empirical findings about Czech population. The respondents of the survey conducted in the Czech households were asked about their preferences in the hypothetical situation of being confronted with physical infertility and about their attitudes towards various ways of solving it. The data showed that while infertility is actually constructed as a medical problem requiring high technology medical treatments, the adoption would not be considered a choice of last resort, after the failure of all procedures of artificial reproduction, including using donor gametes or embryo. Further, the data does not support the hypothesis of significant gender differences in these attitudes.
Focusing on a subject largely neglected in mainstream Czech social stratification research so far, this study seeks to examine to what extent tertiary educational attainment and educational mobility are affected by personal factors, such as personality traits, physical attractiveness, and self-esteem. It is based on data drawn from a large-scale representative survey carried out in the Czech Republic (Neglected Human Capital Dimensions 2015) as the second follow-up to the OECD PIAAC project. The results show that physical attractiveness plays a significant role in tertiary educational attainment, especially in the humanities and social-science disciplines. As for personality traits, Openness to Experience and Extraversion are more beneficial for humanities degrees, whereas Neuroticism significantly decreases a person’s chances of obtaining a degree in science. Conscientiousness and Self-esteem have a positive impact on upward educational mobility. The study also finds that there are some gender differences in the strength of the effect of personality factors, and that this is especially true for the trait of Agreeableness., Petra Anýžová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy