Olej na plátně (164,5 x 126 cm): nalevo stojí Bakchus (věnec z vinné révy, kožešina, boty) v pozdvižené levici číši, v pravé ruce konvici, jednu nohu na sudu. Napravo sedí Zima, vousatý stařec v kožichu a kožešinové čepici), za ním na lavici nádoba a hůl, v pozadí žena zahalená do pláště. V předním plánu obrazu sedí putto pojídající hroznové víno a chlapec ležící na zemi u položeného žebříku (z něhož spadl?). Za Bakcehm sud s hrozny vína a košík s ovocem. Výjev je situován u dřevěného stavení s plotem, za Zimou suchý strom., Zlatohlávek 2009#, s. 172, O 36., and Obraz je protějškem k obrazu spojujícímu dvě zbývající roční období (Sankt-Peterburg, Flora a Ceres).
Příspěvek shrnuje výsledky analýz environmentálních dat z lokality Ledčice a hodnotí jejich přínos k poznání této památky v souvislosti s výsledky terénního výzkumu. Z hlediska archeobotaniky lze za nejvýznamnější označit nález révy vinné, známé zatím jen z malého počtu raně středověkých nalezišť spjatých se sídly společenské elity. Osteologický materiál je zastoupen pouze nálezy domácích kopytníků (tur, prase, ovce/koza, kůň). Kromě druhového složení byly hodnoceny i tafonomické charakteristiky souboru. and The work summarizes the results of analyses of environmental data from the Ledčice site and evaluates their contribution to our understanding of this monument in connection with the results of terrain excavations. Most significant from an archaeobotanical perspective is the find of grapevine, of which only a small number have heretofore been found at early medieval sites associated with the social elite. Osteological material is represented only by finds of domesticated ungulates (cattle, pig, sheep/goat, horse). Analyzed in addition to the species composition were the taphonomic characteristics of the assemblage.
1_The ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas 1773) has been used for biological control in several countries. However, it became invasive in some of those countries. Coccinella septempunctata (Linné 1758) is a native species in Europe. It feeds mainly on aphids and can be very abundant. As far as is known there are no effective natural enemies of the grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch 1855) in Europe. The potential of the above two ladybird species for reducing the abundance of the grapevine pest D. vitifoliae has not been previously investigated. In this study, the consumption and developmental parameters of H. axyridis and C. septempunctata fed on D. vitifoliae were determined in the laboratory. In a field trial, the occurrence of H. axyridis on grapevines with or without leaf galls of D. vitifoliae was compared. In contrast to C. septempunctata, H. axyridis was able to complete its development using D. vitifoliae as a source of food. In addition, adult H. axyridis consumed significantly more D. vitifoliae eggs than C. septempunctata. Within 24 h H. axyridis consumed up to 1400 eggs of D. vitifoliae. However, based on the fitness parameters "developmental time", percentage "survival" and "adult weight", this diet was less suitable for H. axyridis than the eggs of Ephestia kuehniella., 2_During field observations over a period of two years H. axyridis was repeatedly observed feeding on grape phylloxera leaf galls, which indicates that H. axyridis uses grape phylloxera as prey. H. axyridis was significantly more abundant on leaves with leaf galls of D. vitifoliae than on leaves without galls. C. septempunctata was rarely found on grape leaves with or without leaf galls. These results indicate that overall H. axyridis, unlike C. septempunctata, is a predator of D. vitifoliae and could potentially reduce grape phylloxera numbers in vineyards., Susanne Kögel, Manuela Schieler, Christoph Hoffmann., and Obsahuje seznam literatury