COMPOSITES EUROPE is the most significant European event focused on composite materials. The fair-trade was hold this year between 19th and 21st August in Stuttgart Exhibition Centre with 400 exhibitors from 30 countries and 10 thousands visitors. and COMPOSITES EUROPE je nejvýznamnější evropskou akcí zaměřenou na kompozity. Letos se tento veletrh konal 19. - 21. 9. 2017 na stuttgartském výstavišti za účasti cca 400 vystavovatelů z 30 zemí a 10 000 návštěvníků.
Frequency response analysis of hybrid aluminium beam with piezoelectric actuators was performed using finite element method The finite element model was implemented in Matlab software. The one-dimensional beam element is based on Euler-Bernoulli theory and it assumes bilinear distribution of electric field potential. The piezoelectric actuators were driven by harnonic signal around the first eigenfrequency and the beam oscillations were investigated. Results were compared to experiment. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Accurate prediction of the Baltic index makes great difference to the strategic decision and risk avoidance of the enterprise. For the multi-step Baltic Supermax Index prediction, direct prediction and iterative prediction has its own advantages. Therefore, in this paper, in combination with direct and iterative prediction, based on Support Vector Machine (SVM), a hybrid multistep prediction model is put forward. In hybrid model, the output from the iterative model is a rough prediction and it need also be adjusted based on the output from the direct model. And weekly BSI data from January 2011 to November 2014 are used to test the model. The results show that the hybrid multistep prediction model based on SVM has high accuracy, and is feasible in the BSI prediction.
We established a multifactoral long-term field experiment at the Látókép experimental site of the University of Debrecen (Debrecen, Hungary), on mid-heavy calcareous chernozem soil in 1984, using experimental data from 17 years (1990-2008). We examined the extent to which soil fertility affects maize yield under natural conditions (without fertilisation). We analysed the effect of precipitation in the winter period (from the harvest of the previous crop (maize) until sowing (i.e. October-March)) and the growing season (i.e. April-September) on yield and we evaluated yield per FAO group. We examined the joint effect of crop year and hybrid maturity groups on maize yield; then we evaluated how hybrid maturity groups per crop year and wet and dry years per ripening group affected maize yield. It was shown that the pH value of soil significantly affected yield and also that there was a strong positive correlation between pH value and yield (r = 0.81) at a 1% significance level. The correlation between the two variables is described by a linear regression line. The slope shows that a 0.1 soil pH increase results in a 510 kg ha-1 maize yield increase on average. The correlation between the amount of precipitation during the growing season and maize yield is average, positive (r = 0.718) and linear. Based on the parameters of the estimated regression line - within non-fertilised conditions - 1 mm increase of precipitation resulted in a 9 kg ha-1 increase in yield. The analysis of the joint effect of hybrid maturity groups and crop year on yield showed that crop year determines standard deviation six times more than hybrid maturity groups, whereas the effect their interaction was not significant. and Práca bsahuje výsledky multifaktorového, dlhodobého pokusu na experimentálnej ploche Látókép, Univerzity v Debrecíne (Debrecen, Maďarsko). Experiment prebiehal od roku 1984, v tejto práci boli použité údaje z experimentu získané počas 17tich rokov (1990-2008). Pôda je stredne ťažká černozem. Bol skúmaný vplyv pôdnej úrodnosti na úrodu kukurice v prirodzených podmienkach, bez hnojenia. Študoval sa predovšetkým vplyv zrážok počas zimného obdobia (od zberu úrody kukurice až po nasledujúcu sejbu, t.j. od októbra do marca) a vplyv zrážok počas vegetačného obdobia (apríl -september) na úrodu kukurice. Okrem toho sa študoval vplyv ''sezóny'' a skupín skorosti hybridov na úrodu kukurice. Bolo vyhodnotený tiež vplyv skupiny skorosti hybridov počas suchých a mokrých rokov na úrodu kukurice. Bolo preukázané, že hodnota pH pôdy významne ovplyvňuje úrodu; súčiniteľ lineárnej korelácie medzi pH a úrodou na úrovni významnosti 1% bol r = 0,81. Z tejto korelácie vyplýva, že zvýšenie pH o 0,1 spôsobuje zvýšenie úrody kukurice priemerne o 510 kg ha-1. Korelácia medzi úrnom zrážok počas vegetačného obdobia kukurice a úrodou je pozitívna a lineárna (r = 0,718), z analýzy vyplýva, že zvýšenie úhrnu zrážok o 1 mm spôsobí priemerné zvýšenie úrody kukurice o 9 kg ha-1. Z výsledkov analýzy spoločného vplyvu skupín skorosti hybridov a sezóny vyplýva, že konkrétna sezóna ovplyvňuje tvorbu úrod 6-krát významnejšie, ako skupina skorosti hybridov; interakcia medzi skupinami skorosti hybridov a vlastnosťami sezóny nie je významná.