In this study the hydraulic and solute transport properties of an unsaturated soil were estimated simultaneously from a relatively simple small-scale laboratory column infiltration/outflow experiment. As governing equations we used the Richards equation for variably saturated flow and a physical non-equilibrium dual-porosity type formulation for solute transport. A Bayesian parameter estimation approach was used in which the unknown parameters were estimated with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method through implementation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Sensitivity coefficients were examined in order to determine the most meaningful measurements for identifying the unknown hydraulic and transport parameters. Results obtained using the measured pressure head and solute concentration data collected during the unsaturated soil column experiment revealed the robustness of the proposed approach.
The water structures Hričov - Mikšová - Považská Bystrica are a group of channel hydro power plants (HPP) on the Váh Cascade. Modelling methods verified on other channel hydro power plants are easily applicable in their case. In 2006 were by our department provided terrain measurements and hydraulic research on these water structure systems. The results of measurements were used for the better calibration of hydro dynamical model of these power plants. The presented paper describes this process. This work was supported by Science and Technology Assistance Agency under the contract No. APVT-20-046302.
This paper deals with assessment of groundwater inflow from a military area (''transboundary inflow'') to the Hron River in March-April 2003. Transboundary groundwater inflow is defined as groundwater amount, which in existing piezometric conditions flows through specific intersection of aquifer, in this case it means delimitation of the model area. The area of interest - Sliač-airport - is situated in the Zvolenská kotlina basin about 5 kilometers north from Zvolen, near the right bank of the Hron River (Hron alluvium). and Príspevok sa zaoberá podielom prítoku podzemných vôd z vojenských objektov do rieky Hron v období marec-apríl 2003. Prítok podzemnej vody cez hranicu vojenského objektu (''cezhraničný'') je definovaný ako množstvo podzemnej vody, ktoré v daných piezometrických podmienkach preteká určitým prierezom zvodnenca, v tomto prípade ide o vymedzenie modelovaného územia. Záujmové územie Sliač-letisko sa nachádza v oblasti Zvolenskej kotliny približne 5 km severne od Zvolena, v blízkosti pravého brehu rieky Hron, v jej aluviálnych náplavoch.