Metastatický karcinom prsu je inkurabilní onemocnění. Jedná se o chemosenzitivní onemocnění, u kterého chemoterapie výrazně prodlužuje přežívání pacientek. Antracykliny patří k nejúčinnějším cytostatikům v léčbě karcinomu prsu. Hlavní limitací léčby je kardiotoxicita antracyklinů, která stoupá po dosažení kumulativní dávky. Léčba pacientek, které jsou předléčené antracykliny v adjuvanci, je proto problematická. Jako dobrá alternativa se jeví lipozomální doxorubicin (Myocet), který prokázal v klinických studiích v první linii metastatického onemocnění stejnou účinnost jako konvenční antracykliny, ale nižší kardiotoxicitu., Metastatic breast cancer is an incurable disease. It is a chemosensitive disease in which chemotherapy significantly prolongs the survival of patients. Anthracyclines are among the most effective cytostatic drugs in the treatment for breast cancer. The major limitation of treatment is the cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines which increases after the cumulative dose is reached. The treatment of patients pretreated with adjuvant anthracyclines is thus problematic. Liposomal doxorubicin (Myocet) which has been shown to have equal efficacy to conventional anthracyclines, but lower cardiotoxicity in first-line treatment for metastatic disease in clinical trials seems to be a good alternative., Katarína Petráková, and Lit.: 22
Anthracycline cardiotoxicity represents a serious risk of anticancer chemotherapy. The aim of the present pilot study was to compare the potential of both the left ventricular (LV) filling pattern evaluation and cardiac troponin T (cTnT) plasma levels determination for the early detection of daunorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in rabbits. The echocardiographic measurements of transmitral LV inflow as well as cTnT determinations were performed weekly for 10 weeks in daunorubicin (3 mg/kg weekly) and control groups (n=5, each). Surprisingly, no significant changes in LV-filling pattern were observed through the study, most likely due to the xylazine-containing anesthesia, necessary for appropriate resolving of the E and A waves. In contrast to the echographic measurement, the dP/dt min index obtained invasively at the end of the study revealed a significant im pairment in LV relaxation, which was further supported by observed disturbances in myocardial collagen content and calcium homeostasis. However, at the same time cTnT plasma levels were progressively rising in the daunorubicin-treated animals from the 5th week (0.024±0.008 μg/l) until the end of the experiment (0.186±0.055 μg/l). Therefore, in contrast to complicated non-invasive evaluation of diastolic function, cTnT is shown to be an early and sensitive marker of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in the rabbit model., M. Štěrba, T. Šimůnek, O. Popelová, A. Potáčová, M. Adamcová, Y. Mazurová, M. Holečková, V. Geršl., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy